-=[ DC ]=-
Hi Everyone,
We’ll, as the title suggests, I’m looking to assemble a team of talented individuals to work on a muliplayer FPS hl2 mod concept I’ve been thinking about for some time now, but before I go into the details, I guess I should give you a little info about myself.
My names Lee Church, age 22 from the UK. I’m currently 3 quarters of the way through a 4 year degree in Computer games art, design and animation, but at this exact moment in time i'm on a gap year working for PSL (http://www.pitbull.co.uk) who are mainly responsible for the Test Drive games among others. My 2 main weapons of choice are max and photoshop and I also know my way around the hammer hl editor.
The Mod
I’m not going to go into to much detail here, as I want to keep this post as short as possible, but the idea itself is no secret, and if anyone’s interested in joining but would like to see the design doc before committing then that’s perfectly understandable.
The game itself is a very violent, fast paced no-nonsense multiplayer FPS, (there is no back story, the emphasis is solely on game play) with big guns, big creatures, tank police style marines and is generally OTT in every sense of the word. Just for the record though, the concept doesn’t involve terrorists, CT’s, osama bin laden, sergeant bilko, tactical warfare or any other war theme for that matter…not that I have anything against these concepts of course, im actually a big fan of games like CS and BF.
So far I have version 1.0 of the design document ready and complete, and this includes basically everything a 1.0 design doc with no immediate team should include, everything’s there on paper, from the initial concept, to detailed character notes, to targets that we need to hit for the first release of the mod.
I also have a speedy server with about 1gig of space left………here’s the website –
and a currently un-used VB3 forum licence that will act as a private, team members only dev area until we get enough material together to go public, here’s a picture of that to if you want to see it - http://www.dc256.co.uk/mod/vb3_screen.jpg
None of the forum categories are set-up properly yet as I haven’t had time, but at least its there and active
Oh, also here’s a little gun model I’d like to show you that I knocked up on breaks from writing the design doc. It may help give you an idea of the mods visual style –
The Team
Ok, so what am I looking for? In terms of art and design I know my stuff. My main concern at the moment is programming, as my knowledge of C++ is barely existent, and as far as my knowledge goes on what it takes to build a mod ‘code’ wise is also pretty limited. I know a little, but im by no means an expert.
So what im looking for code wise is a lead programmer who knows his (or even her) stuff and could also work alongside myself as co-project lead. If your interested and would like to see a copy of the design doc, or if you have any questions at all really, don’t hesitate to ask. You can catch me either by email – [email protected] or msn – [email protected]
Art wise –
- Character designers
- Character modellers
- Skinners
- Animators
The design of the characters is really important and will play a big role in this mod, so if you feel like helping out in one or more of those fields, drop me an email or msn me and I’ll further explain the plan and what exactly is needed.
Finally, weapons guys and vehicle guys. Most if not all games have them, and this one is no exception. Here’s that pic of an example weapon I made a few days ago - http://www.dc256.co.uk/seburo.jpg
If you feel like this is your style, then watya waiting for, get in touch.
Designers –
True, version 1.0 of the doc is already complete, but im always happy to hear what others have to say, so again, feel free to contact me if your interested in a design position.
Phew, well, I think that’s about everything. I know I didn’t mention sound, web designers, animators and a few other positions, but this is all that’s required for the time being, just to get us off the ground. I’d rather keep things small and efficient to start with.
Oh, and I guess I should put this in too just for the record – this is a non-paying amateur project im afraid, for people wanting to make a mod for love rather than money. Having said that, if the ‘team’ needs anything in the way of web licences, domains, servers etc, I have no problem with footing the bill for these things, although the project already has a server and domain and even a vb3 licence, but if anything similar comes up, then sure, that’s no problem.
So if anyone’s interested, or would like to know more, or just generally have any questions………I’ll be happy to answer anything. You can catch me at either [email protected] or msn: [email protected]
Please provide any examples of past work if possible. This doesnt have to be just mod work either, anything that can showcase your talents are welcome.
Thank you
-=[ DC ]=-
Hi Everyone,
We’ll, as the title suggests, I’m looking to assemble a team of talented individuals to work on a muliplayer FPS hl2 mod concept I’ve been thinking about for some time now, but before I go into the details, I guess I should give you a little info about myself.
My names Lee Church, age 22 from the UK. I’m currently 3 quarters of the way through a 4 year degree in Computer games art, design and animation, but at this exact moment in time i'm on a gap year working for PSL (http://www.pitbull.co.uk) who are mainly responsible for the Test Drive games among others. My 2 main weapons of choice are max and photoshop and I also know my way around the hammer hl editor.
The Mod
I’m not going to go into to much detail here, as I want to keep this post as short as possible, but the idea itself is no secret, and if anyone’s interested in joining but would like to see the design doc before committing then that’s perfectly understandable.
The game itself is a very violent, fast paced no-nonsense multiplayer FPS, (there is no back story, the emphasis is solely on game play) with big guns, big creatures, tank police style marines and is generally OTT in every sense of the word. Just for the record though, the concept doesn’t involve terrorists, CT’s, osama bin laden, sergeant bilko, tactical warfare or any other war theme for that matter…not that I have anything against these concepts of course, im actually a big fan of games like CS and BF.
So far I have version 1.0 of the design document ready and complete, and this includes basically everything a 1.0 design doc with no immediate team should include, everything’s there on paper, from the initial concept, to detailed character notes, to targets that we need to hit for the first release of the mod.
I also have a speedy server with about 1gig of space left………here’s the website –
and a currently un-used VB3 forum licence that will act as a private, team members only dev area until we get enough material together to go public, here’s a picture of that to if you want to see it - http://www.dc256.co.uk/mod/vb3_screen.jpg
None of the forum categories are set-up properly yet as I haven’t had time, but at least its there and active
Oh, also here’s a little gun model I’d like to show you that I knocked up on breaks from writing the design doc. It may help give you an idea of the mods visual style –
The Team
Ok, so what am I looking for? In terms of art and design I know my stuff. My main concern at the moment is programming, as my knowledge of C++ is barely existent, and as far as my knowledge goes on what it takes to build a mod ‘code’ wise is also pretty limited. I know a little, but im by no means an expert.
So what im looking for code wise is a lead programmer who knows his (or even her) stuff and could also work alongside myself as co-project lead. If your interested and would like to see a copy of the design doc, or if you have any questions at all really, don’t hesitate to ask. You can catch me either by email – [email protected] or msn – [email protected]
Art wise –
- Character designers
- Character modellers
- Skinners
- Animators
The design of the characters is really important and will play a big role in this mod, so if you feel like helping out in one or more of those fields, drop me an email or msn me and I’ll further explain the plan and what exactly is needed.
Finally, weapons guys and vehicle guys. Most if not all games have them, and this one is no exception. Here’s that pic of an example weapon I made a few days ago - http://www.dc256.co.uk/seburo.jpg
If you feel like this is your style, then watya waiting for, get in touch.
Designers –
True, version 1.0 of the doc is already complete, but im always happy to hear what others have to say, so again, feel free to contact me if your interested in a design position.
Phew, well, I think that’s about everything. I know I didn’t mention sound, web designers, animators and a few other positions, but this is all that’s required for the time being, just to get us off the ground. I’d rather keep things small and efficient to start with.
Oh, and I guess I should put this in too just for the record – this is a non-paying amateur project im afraid, for people wanting to make a mod for love rather than money. Having said that, if the ‘team’ needs anything in the way of web licences, domains, servers etc, I have no problem with footing the bill for these things, although the project already has a server and domain and even a vb3 licence, but if anything similar comes up, then sure, that’s no problem.
So if anyone’s interested, or would like to know more, or just generally have any questions………I’ll be happy to answer anything. You can catch me at either [email protected] or msn: [email protected]
Please provide any examples of past work if possible. This doesnt have to be just mod work either, anything that can showcase your talents are welcome.
Thank you
-=[ DC ]=-