Looking To Hoat A 6 To 8 Man Server

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i am looking to host a small half life 2 team deathmatch from 6 to 8 man with two bots so how do i do this??:sniper:

server info
Intel 1.69 768 ram 40 gb hard driver plus linksys 4 port router

net speed
Download Speed: 4853 kbps (606.6 KB/sec transfer rate)
Upload Speed: 487 kbps (60.9 KB/sec transfer rate)

and on that i am also on this network for my pc plus very small website" just a few pic of my little girl" and my email 933mhz

1. do i have the pc power and bandwidth for this
2. need two bots how do i get them or make them for dm_runoff
3. do bots need bandwidth or they hosted on the server???
4. cause i hosting 6 with out the bots so i wanted to know and to bot need steam accounts???
The ram is not nearly enough.
Processor isn't nearly enough.
Bad upload speed.

That computer mustn't run HL2 that well, amirite?
yes i am:sniper:
thanks for the vote lol

i was my main pc tell i updated rigs it runs half life 2 no trouble i just was playing half life 2 deathmatch and ep-1 on it.. it all plays fine i even hosted 8 man lan on it that is fine as for speed my load looks fine for 6 man server with 2 server side bots??? it is a p4 it is fast for it age

i say 6 man max or you well lag bad i have the same setup it sounds like i also own p4 1.7 512 is runs just my lockdown map with 6 man just fine i have about your upload speed just remember you can not be on the pc you are using as a server you well kill it.. as for bot i do not not know about them but i would like try one or two so i hope someone on here can give you a shot out on that good luck dude
The ram is not nearly enough.
Processor isn't nearly enough.
Bad upload speed.

That computer mustn't run HL2 that well, amirite?

how much pc do you think i need to run a 6 man 2-4 bots server-side in team deathmatch???
I've been wanting to hoat a server like that as well.