Looking to join a mod!

Originally posted by IchI
I would much rather join a more futureistic mod

Check out the link in my sig and go to the forums, theres concept art there but most of the ideas we have are being kept under wraps (for good reason)
I've told you about my offer, it still stands if you want it :cheers:
Originally posted by IchI
Looking for:

I am looking for a mod thats not exactly the best mod in the world but a good group of people who can have a laugh and are sort of anime based. I am really very much into anime and anything very original.

Well here's my pitch:


This is a mod about three bounty hunters, Jack Max and Isabella in 1973. (Not about Vietnam ;) ) They are hired by a guy named "Stegman" to kill a notorious mob boss, Vincent Porter and his flunkies. Of course, everything goes wrong.

I think the mod satisfies your list of things you're looking for. As far as a good group of people goes, we have the best. Most of our entire team knew each other beforehand, so they work well together. Here's some previous work (pardon, I couldn't find any completed images.)


We're all very enthusiastic about the project. We're allways fun to be around, etc etc. While the mod isn't anime-based, it's hard to find a dev member who won't share that interest. And in our opinion, with competition like futuristic cyber-punk counter-whatever guns and lasers psychic forces and the moon wherever you look, our down-to-earth, modest mod is a refreshing breath of air. :D

The only thing I think you might not like is the fact that it's not scary or futuristic or anything. That skull thing, woo! But we're definitely gunna need a couple models of some classic 1973-model cars.

not quite sure if ichi was going to come out and say it. One of our modellers had to leave, and I've been very pleased with the quality of ichis work. I just hope our concept artists will be able to properly challenge his modeling skills, that fuchikoma is a perfect match to the real deal. Anyhow I offered him the deal and sent him the design document, so hes on the CA team now. Not trying to rub it in, just didn't want people to continue posting under the belief that hes still looking for a mod.
Heh, thanks for the info. Well the offer is still open to him, as he said before, nothing wrong with being on two teams.
Originally posted by Vino
Heh, thanks for the info. Well the offer is still open to him, as he said before, nothing wrong with being on two teams.

hmm i dunno, problem with that, if its not actually the individuals job and their already spending most of their time in an unrelated day job or school. Would be the amount of time they could devote to each mod, to get the work done in time they might be forced to rush, which would mean lesser quality work for either or both, and if the two mods are similar style. and they suddenly both have the same sorts of things in them, who'd get blamed the first, they could be innocent but things like that have broken up mod teams before.

Edit: And unless a team is willing and able to follow through, an NDA would be useless for protecting their plans and idea's from being accidently mentioned in passing to a rival team, they only work if the one issuing them can actually do anything about it.

Edit2: I'm not saying IchI will give away any secrets, I haven't a clue if he would or not,but thats not the point - I'm just mentioning the possible dangers of having someone working on two similar mods at the same time. Lots of other reasons too.
I'm not worried. I think you're looking at it all wrong. Mod-making is not, as it's known in game theory, a zero-sum game. It's not like mods are incompetition with each other (something most mods don't realize.) In reality, the more mod teams help each other, the better the resulting mod will be.

As for secrets, my mod has none. What's the point of keeping secrets? Seems silly to me. And if other mods have secrets, they're safe with me.

As for the first paragraph, it's up to an individual how much time he puts into each mod. I'm not worried about shared content either, because really, how much content would be portable anyways? Not much. Nothing the end user would recognize. My mod is original enough that I probably don't have to worry with a shark with a fricken laser on its head being in it because of a shared modeller.

Sorry to respond in reverse order :P
Originally posted by Vino
I'm not worried. I think you're looking at it all wrong. Mod-making is not, as it's known in game theory, a zero-sum game. It's not like mods are incompetition with each other (something most mods don't realize.) In reality, the more mod teams help each other, the better the resulting mod will be.

As for secrets, my mod has none. What's the point of keeping secrets? Seems silly to me. And if other mods have secrets, they're safe with me.

As for the first paragraph, it's up to an individual how much time he puts into each mod. I'm not worried about shared content either, because really, how much content would be portable anyways? Not much. Nothing the end user would recognize. My mod is original enough that I probably don't have to worry with a shark with a fricken laser on its head being in it because of a shared modeller.

Sorry to respond in reverse order :P

so it wouldn't annoy you if you had this really cool idea, lets say i dunno, you'd come up with a great way of doing some lighting effect in your mod. Someone else finds out how you do it, they don't have to go through the testing and development stages like you had to, so they invest time in improving on it, and since they didn't have the hard work to do they get theirs seen first, and take all credit for it, from then on your idea is considered theirs, as it looks better now people believe them over you and your version and gamers start saying "oh yeah, I've played that Vino's mod, yeah he copied that really neat lighting trick from John Smith's mod but its not half as good, its pretty basic, you'd think he'd have put some thought into it" and if you try at that point to prove you thought of it first and get the credit you deserve, the reponses would be like "oh be quiet, your just jealous cause theirs was better"

I guess im alone in the forum thinking that would really suck :)

Also if you don't have secrets, then what makes your mod better than the others.. ok that sounds rude, sorry, ok what I mean is, gamers are wanting to know why should they play your mod, what does it have that makes it stand out from the rest, why should they download your mod and not John Smiths, in the case of clone mods where gameplay and storyline end up being the same and difficult to separate the two, then its gonna come down to the above things like better lighting tricks or better looking models as to which they choose. So yeah, secrets are actually very important, in almost any industry. Without them your just one of the crowd. I know it seems very like school yard tactics, but thats the way things are.

Course if your just doing the mod for yourself and don't care if anyone else plays it then I suppose it doesn't matter so much. But I just think it would be awful if you went to loads of trouble for a great idea only to have it taken from under your nose and claimed by others as their work when you were the one who spent your time and effort coming up with it in the first place. It just seems wrong to me :(
Originally posted by IchI
I am still having doughts about your idea. I think its a good idea having a super realistic game, but to keep the flow of this game well and fun to play with be very hard. I would much rather join a more futureistic mod like corporate anarchy. Its hard to choose a mod to join because u truely don't know whats going to happen. I am not bothered about the skill of the team I just want to make a game that I want to actually play and super realistic games are not my thing.

Understood :)