Losing feelings or just sad/sleep-deprived?


Still believes in Santa
Jan 7, 2008
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Hey Helplife2.net. I've always been a sensitive guy who has romantic feelings for some girl at any point, and I've been staying with a girl who's been great to me (even though we aren't dating I really enjoy our time together and it's a really good confidence/happiness booster, as she's also my best friend.

However, we're in junior year and my feelings seemed to just go away one day. I liked/loved her for the beginning of the year and up to 2 weeks ago, when I started noticing a lack of feeling. I've been heavily sleep-deprived because the homework this year is keeping me up 12-3 AM daily (I also apparently have OCD, which doesn't help) and I've noticed an overall lack of feeling. I'm generally sensitive but I haven't felt sensitive at all lately, just tired. My feelings about other things have changed too and I'm not really sure if I've lost feelings for her (because nothing bad has happened to us and it was so sudden) or if I'm literally so exhausted that my feelings for many things have disappeared and I have to get more sleep. This is really bothering me and I'm not exactly sure what to do.

All put it in her but comments aside, (you probably should though) if you're not dating I don't see what the problem is. Surely there is nothing that says you can't be friends becouse you're not in love with her. Also get some sleep and stop being OCD.
I think it's mostly due to sleep deprivation.
maybe the fact you arent ****ing her makes your brain go "why I have this feelings of this woman?" and trow them away

or you became gay
Well, atleast you are staying up late on homework, unlike what i did during highschool which was to stay up late and masturbate, browse 4chan, and watch youtube videos, then go to school half dead.
I've been finding that too. My studies have kept me up until 1-3am pretty much every night, and as a result I'm starting to become a little bit apathetic and depressed.
We all go through that man. I'm going through that now. Not only do I have flat and blah all the time, I'm having a hard time enjoying the things I used to love doing.

I think the stress of school is the key component here. The fact that you're a sensitive person just sort of makes things out to be worse than they actually are. You'll find that if you get better sleep then you'll feel a lot better.

How's your diet like? Eat lots of fruits and vegetables (I know it's such an old saying and probably won't seem helpful but trust me). Your body doesn't naturally develop certain amino acids and can only aquire them through foods(fruits and veggies). Try taking multivitamins and vitamin-B complex and within a week or 2 you should notice a spike in energy levels and over all sense of happiness.

My job is absolute crap now. Like I have no interest in it whatsoever but I'm stuck here until dec 17th (I'm on a 4 month co-op contract through my school). I took this position blindly because it was getting near the date to when my co-op was supposed to start and I still haven't found a job so I sort of panicked a bit and took this boring position.

It takes your toll on you. All I do is sit on the computer ALL DAY and I don't even do any work. I ask my managers for work but there's literally nothing that I can do. My position is data related, in a high level strategic sense. We're revamping the way our business works and basically it's my team who does all the "work". There's a lot of boring meetings and just planning and getting in contact with hundreds of other teams in the company to get on board with our plan so I don't even know why they needed a co-op in the first place.

Either way you just have to hang in there because better days will come.
We all go through that man. I'm going through that now. Not only do I have flat and blah all the time, I'm having a hard time enjoying the things I used to love doing.

I think the stress of school is the key component here. The fact that you're a sensitive person just sort of makes things out to be worse than they actually are. You'll find that if you get better sleep then you'll feel a lot better.

Yeah, I've been trying to get that. I keep obsessing about irrational solutions and I know that if I become more rational I can see things through. Yet, resuming a normal sleep schedule seems extremely tough for me due to the high amount of work and time it takes to get it done, but I'm trying to work with my teachers for a solution to that.

How's your diet like? Eat lots of fruits and vegetables (I know it's such an old saying and probably won't seem helpful but trust me). Your body doesn't naturally develop certain amino acids and can only aquire them through foods(fruits and veggies). Try taking multivitamins and vitamin-B complex and within a week or 2 you should notice a spike in energy levels and over all sense of happiness.

My diet is very horrible. I can only stand to eat french fries because that is the only food I can stomach. I have Sensory Processing Disorder (neurological condition that under- and over-sensitises your... senses) and for me it's taste that's the problem. I do take a multivitamin, however, and I've been neglecting that lately.

My job is absolute crap now. Like I have no interest in it whatsoever but I'm stuck here until dec 17th (I'm on a 4 month co-op contract through my school). I took this position blindly because it was getting near the date to when my co-op was supposed to start and I still haven't found a job so I sort of panicked a bit and took this boring position.

The problem with my "job" is that it doesn't end until June. It's not that it's extremely boring, it's just that a lot of the work keeps me overwhelmed and I'm constantly ****ing up because I lose things/can't think clearly/don't have enough time/energy to do it.

Either way you just have to hang in there because better days will come.

Thanks bro, means a lot.

STEALTH EDIT: A lot of my symptoms seem close to mental exhaustion.
We all go through that man. I'm going through that now. Not only do I have flat and blah all the time, I'm having a hard time enjoying the things I used to love doing.

I think the stress of school is the key component here. The fact that you're a sensitive person just sort of makes things out to be worse than they actually are. You'll find that if you get better sleep then you'll feel a lot better.

How's your diet like? Eat lots of fruits and vegetables (I know it's such an old saying and probably won't seem helpful but trust me). Your body doesn't naturally develop certain amino acids and can only aquire them through foods(fruits and veggies). Try taking multivitamins and vitamin-B complex and within a week or 2 you should notice a spike in energy levels and over all sense of happiness.

My job is absolute crap now. Like I have no interest in it whatsoever but I'm stuck here until dec 17th (I'm on a 4 month co-op contract through my school). I took this position blindly because it was getting near the date to when my co-op was supposed to start and I still haven't found a job so I sort of panicked a bit and took this boring position.

It takes your toll on you. All I do is sit on the computer ALL DAY and I don't even do any work. I ask my managers for work but there's literally nothing that I can do. My position is data related, in a high level strategic sense. We're revamping the way our business works and basically it's my team who does all the "work". There's a lot of boring meetings and just planning and getting in contact with hundreds of other teams in the company to get on board with our plan so I don't even know why they needed a co-op in the first place.

Either way you just have to hang in there because better days will come.

This is depression. If you focus on the fact that you can't have fun with those things it'll feel worse. If you focus on the fact that your life is changing, it'll just get worse. The days where you can pine for the simplicity of childhood are coming, but they're not here yet. You have to work hard and get your shit together first.

OP, Junior year in high-school is not likely to get you with someone who you really care about. Rather, someone you have a chemical/hormonal attraction to. It masks itself as love because you haven't really experienced romantic love yet. Very few, if any kids your age, and younger, some older, have ever known what it's like to deeply care about someone with all of your heart. We all yearn for it, so you will convince yourself at any cost that you need the bond between you, but you're going to meet a lot more people when you get of high-school. Hang out with your friends, do your work, sleep in on the weekend to make up for your lost sleep, and then eventually you will get out of it. Don't catch yourself up in the now, and what's wrong with it. Look to the future, and see how you can fix it.
It happens. I'm the kind of person who will like someone for years and then realize one day, that I don't really care anymore. Everything else in life gets in the way. I also used to have a lot of late-night homework sessions, so maybe that's it. I don't think it's a bad thing. Just shifting priorities. Sounds pretty normal.
you need to cut something out of your schedule plain and simple. even if its surfing the web or only checking emails once a week. i've had to do that and now i'm really happy and not so stressed. also cut back on fapping, your body will do that for you when you sleep and it feels the exact same tbh

-For your Health
Sorry... cut back on fapping and just jizz in your sleep?

You eat only french fries?

EDIT: Also, what Bad^Hat said. Wtf.
Cut back on sleep and jizz in your fettuccine. Get some sleep, Xevredog.
How about stop over analysing every little thing? That's typical of most Americans.

I have Sensory Processing Disorder (neurological condition that under- and over-sensitises your... senses) and for me it's taste that's the problem.
I knew you'd have some crap like this when I finished reading the OP.
How about stop over analysing every little thing? That's typical of most Americans.

I knew you'd have some crap like this when I finished reading the OP.

What, do you have a problem with my condition? Shit, I don't see why someone would get fussy over an "eating" disorder.

And yeah, I do overanalyse everything. It's my nature. It can usually lead to some shitty mental situations.

And yeah I haven't really felt like fapping, too busy doing work and/or stressing.
Yup I'm over analysing everything currently and it's driving me nuts. I need to learn CBT or something because lately my anxiety has been going all over the place.
What, do you have a problem with my condition? Shit, I don't see why someone would get fussy over an "eating" disorder.

And yeah, I do overanalyse everything. It's my nature. It can usually lead to some shitty mental situations.

And yeah I haven't really felt like fapping, too busy doing work and/or stressing.

well overanalize your problem and find yourself a cure
What, do you have a problem with my condition? Shit, I don't see why someone would get fussy over an "eating" disorder.
I have no problem with it. I'm just saying Americans need some medical name for every little issue they have.

From reading the original post, you want us to say "You have XYZ-itis. Go get some pills."
I have no problem with it. I'm just saying Americans need some medical name for every little issue they have.

From reading the original post, you want us to say "You have XYZ-itis. Go get some pills."

it's common for people in Edinburgh to die from What'shisface disease and Idontknowitis
I have no problem with it. I'm just saying Americans need some medical name for every little issue they have.

From reading the original post, you want us to say "You have XYZ-itis. Go get some pills."

Oh, no. I don't. If that's what you thought, I'm sorry it seemed that way. I was just answering something specific about the diet question. :p
Xev, quit being a pussy. Screw your woman, sleep more and stop taking so many tough courses in school.

There, I just saved you thousands of dollars on doctor visits and pills.
I have no problem with it. I'm just saying Americans need some medical name for every little issue they have.

From reading the original post, you want us to say "You have XYZ-itis. Go get some pills."

I think this is a gross overstatement. Americans don't need diseases for everything that is wrong, shitty parents do. My kid can't focus in class. It could just be that he's a kid, but I think he has ADD. Or wait, sometimes when he's happy he gets really hyper, like most kids. He has ADHD! RITALIN FOR ALL! It's just sickening how the lazy/stupid people in our country give us such a bad rep. And we get them from everywhere. It's really irritating.

I take one pill, for clinical depression that runs in my family. My mother, grandmother, brother, father, and so on all have to, otherwise we find it hard to function. There are just some things you can't train yourself to get over. Especially when it really is a chemical imbalance, and it irritates the shit out of me when someone gets my condition confused with some hypochondriac stupidity that people all around the world have.

To OP, if you really are depressed from your work load, just drop some classes, and take some easier courses. Do like Pitzy said.
Cut back on fettucine and sleep in your jizz.
Well after givng it a few days of thought it seems to be really that I'm just exhausted. I'm gonna give my mind some days/weeks to rest before making any brash assumptions. And thanks for the advice, because after jizzing in my fettucine and then sleeping in the jizzy cheese I felt a lot more reassured