Losing interest in hl2 from delays?

Are you losing your interest in hl2?

  • Yes

    Votes: 70 36.5%
  • No not yet.

    Votes: 122 63.5%

  • Total voters
I'm positive we'll all be very happy once it comes out - AND, it'll be much better when it does come out than if they released it a month ago, a la bugs.
Oh boo hoo my top of the line computer last year is not top of the line any more and its all Valve's fault.

boo hoo they said it would be released sept 30th last year and its been delayed a year just like HL1.

boo hoo valve is secretive.

Life is unfair, accept it and stop whining, its as simple as that.

Oh and as for the original part of this thread, I have a degree of controll overy my excitement. I have been keeping it in reserve since June 2003 and it really hasn't bothered me much.
if it comes out in september or later i will be seriously pissed off.

here i am, with a 6 week summer holiday before the school year in which i will have the most work ever in a year group...

and HL2 comes right slap bang when i should be concentrating on school the most.

thats just so crap, the game is playable now theyre just "tweaking it". theyver been "tweaking" for 4 months now. HOW MUCH TWEAKING DOES A GAME NEED?? i appreciate that they want it to be good and all, but seeing as they have delayed this game by a year allready i think they should just sell it.

i doubt one more person will buy it in september just because it has been "tweaked".

"naa, i cba to get HL2, its crap. oh wait... theyve been "TWEAKING" it for months now! its so delayed it MUST be good!"

arrggghhh, i just want to play it. i dont give a shit if there are gameplay errors.

mind you, i wont be complaining the first time i play it. WHEN i actually get to play it, ill probally be glad that they tweaked like they did... but im just wondering if i will ever get to play it at all...

kina seems like a dream that i will EVER actually get to play it. I just take it for granted that HL2 will allways be one step away. When i actually buy the game, i will have to pinch myself to make sure its real...
lol summer my ass. hl2 and cs:source are shipping together from what weve been led to belive. and dod source and hl1 source and etc:source. you have to enter beta before you ship and unless theyre the best coders in the world over at valve working 24/7 with a large team of testers theres no way in hell they can beta test all those games and then still ship by "summer" expect a late fall release.

me im losing interest really fast with all the new better looking more interesting games coming on the horizon.
acme420 said:
me im losing interest really fast with all the new better looking more interesting games coming on the horizon.

Then by all means go away.

Christ its like turning up at church and shouting

"I dont belive in god anymore... the second coming hasent happened yet... loosing interest, ill try out Buddism thats a bit more exciting looking, K thnx"
I think the whole point of this thread is just to say that HL2 is less interesting than other games and that acme420 doesn't really like it that much (of course he'll say that he thinks it will be a good game just not the best). The delay thing is just to hide the real point which could potentially turn a lot of people against him (I mean, we haven't had a real delay for a while so why bring it up all of a sudden?).
I would have voted if there were a "a little bit, but it isn't permanent" option.
its called a typo my stupid keyboard is old and dirty and sometimes the every "l e t t r" i type doesnt come out.
Suicide42 said:
if it comes out in september or later i will be seriously pissed off.

here i am, with a 6 week summer holiday before the school year in which i will have the most work ever in a year group...

and HL2 comes right slap bang when i should be concentrating on school the most.

thats just so crap, the game is playable now theyre just "tweaking it". theyver been "tweaking" for 4 months now. HOW MUCH TWEAKING DOES A GAME NEED?? i appreciate that they want it to be good and all, but seeing as they have delayed this game by a year allready i think they should just sell it.

i doubt one more person will buy it in september just because it has been "tweaked".

"naa, i cba to get HL2, its crap. oh wait... theyve been "TWEAKING" it for months now! its so delayed it MUST be good!"

arrggghhh, i just want to play it. i dont give a shit if there are gameplay errors.

mind you, i wont be complaining the first time i play it. WHEN i actually get to play it, ill probally be glad that they tweaked like they did... but im just wondering if i will ever get to play it at all...

kina seems like a dream that i will EVER actually get to play it. I just take it for granted that HL2 will allways be one step away. When i actually buy the game, i will have to pinch myself to make sure its real...

OMG! :eek: how the hell do you manage to wine like that?! :eek:

"kina seems like a dream that i will EVER actually get to play it"
lol....you realy that (mean word) that you think valve will cansel HL2?!

To all people like that: STOPP WINING LIKE THAT! Just do something else in the mean while.
JESUS CHRIST! YOU ALL ARE A BUNCH OF KIDS THAT LOST THEIR MILK BOTTLES! Geez... VALVe is going to give us something that will blow our minds away and all you do is sit here and whine about the delay... its not VALVe's fault... its the people who bought HL1 that are to blame... ( Im one of them )... VALVe has to make a game that is better than HL1... so its going to take a while mmmmm kay?
sroom2 said:
its the people who bought HL1 that are to blame... ( Im one of them )... VALVe has to make a game that is better than HL1... so its going to take a while mmmmm kay?

haha :p

It's not the hackers fault! It's our fault!!
yeah... im a little tired of waiting... all of this mysterious shit... after seeing the new d3 video i can see that doom 3 is a veru good game... ill still buy hl2 but not when it's out because im goona pay for d3... i don't have the time for Valve behivor...
tkato said:
yeah... im a little tired of waiting... all of this mysterious shit... after seeing the new d3 video i can see that doom 3 is a veru good game... ill still buy hl2 but not when it's out because im goona pay for d3... i don't have the time for Valve behivor...

Doom 3 does look impressive, but Valve will do the better job :p
I'm not going to deny that I'm going to buy Doom 3 shortly after release (great time for a camping trip, eh), but I still have full confidence that HL2 will be the better game of the two. Even if it isn't, I'll probably be stuck on the multiplayer for a long, long time.
When you can't afford top end games or video cards but decide to splurge because it looks good and you've saved enough, then you can't even play it because it's with held... that gets a tad bit annoying. So to all those who say quite being pissy at valve, how about you guys buy me a really cool game I can play until this ones out... and I will have no more negativity. Ne?
Six Three said:
Doom 3 does look impressive, but Valve will do the better job :p

If the games aren't even out you can't really say...
I certaintly lost interest, but now as the end draws near I've regained enough to amass this obscene number of posts. :p
It's not that I'm losing interest it's more like I'm getting anxious. I guess I will be buying Doom 3 after all, although I did originally plan on getting it because I think it will literally scare the s*** out of me :D
I agree with ritual. Not losing interest...but i am becoming more aggravated, frustrated, anxious, excited, hyped, scared, aroused....with each passing day.
tkato said:
If the games aren't even out you can't really say...

Six Three said:
Doom 3 does look impressive, but Valve will do the better job :p

I can say anything I want. Well...not anything :p
Six Three said:
Doom 3 does look impressive, but Valve will do the better job :p

My fanboy alert has gone of it's rocker! :p
I honestly don't care about the delays, if it helps them make a great game. What annoyed me was that they said everything was on for Sept. 30th right up until a few days before.

And pardon me, put I think if you still have a years work to do on a game, you kind of know you're not going to be releasing it in the next few days.

And the fact they were saying things like, yep, we're just "playtesting, playtesting, playtesting now!" when the events of the last year have clearly shown us that could not have been the case.

The actual delay itself doesn't bother me, as I said, in fact I think HL2 will be a better game for it, one simply has to wonder what was going on in their collective valve laden heads when they were saying all that.

Hopefully we will hear the true story some day after the game is finished. Hopefully.
Doom 3 does look impressive, but Valve will do the better job

Just one thing, I will make a pseudo prediction.

If HL2 was not even being made, and everything else was the same, in a years time HL1 and it's mods would still be more popular than Doom 3.