Losing the Hype momentum



As time marches on and more and more groundbreaking games get released (and still only a stolen Hl2beta on my comp), I wonder if HL2's sales will be hurt by the constant delays. Everyone was exstatic about the game last fall. We were coping with the delays last christmas, and now, none of my friends are talking about it except me. It seems to me that its just not talked about anymore (except on Mbs dedicated to it ofcourse). I want Hl2, im waiting as best I can, but its hard to still care about the game. Im so used to it being delayed, that if it did come out, i might not run right to the store to get it, because its always been a blip on the horizon. I know most of you wont feel this way and thing Im a total tard (and Im sure IF there is a response, it will be an unimaginative quip or OH NOT THIS AGAIN remark). My question is this, has the videogaming community as a whole, which was whipped into such a fever over this game, moved on to greener pastures? The higher the hype, the less patients people have I think. I seriously hope not, and I can understand that there isnt much to talk about now, but it seems like HL2 is becoming yesterdays subject, and Doom 3 and stalker and far cry and other upcomng Fps, which are very impressive, seem to be taking the spotlight.

...........Flame ME
This might answer your question.....at least how things are for me.......

I'm not buying any other game untill I get HL2.

Simple as that.

I think the excitement is still kind of there.....its just dormant. When E3 comes around again, and we get a new look at the game, I'm sure thats going to spark the intrest of some of the people that gave up on it.

[edit] I was going to say "God damnit another crappy post from someone with just 1 post"..........but you didn't say what you wanted to say in any crappy way at all. So, I cant really say anything about it.[/edit]
actually that's a good first post, welcome to the forums.

i agree that the hype is more dormant than dead. i think it's there, but we're all just kind of waiting around for it [halflife2] and any news associated, and the hype will be back as fervent as ever. in the mean time i'm enjoying farcry very much :D
I can't think of any ground breaking games that have been released, Far Cry isn't, it's just the first game of this generation of graphics cards, if you get what I mean.

I don't think there's any hype atall now, not unless you count hardcore community members getting exited over magazine scans as hype.
i can tell that theres still dormant hype. all we need is a little new media. e3 will shock everyone right back to the same point as last years, if not more. i can almost gurantee that. oh yeah, welcome to the forums.
I don't really mind waiting, there are other games in the mean time. Once I've finished at Uni I mean to get around to buying Vice City and Far Cry. Stalker: Oblivion Lost looks pretty cool too.
Like lots of serious PC gamers, I am holding out on any relevant system upgrades until HL2 comes out (graphics card obviously, but my CPU and motherboard are also pretty slow now). The problem is, the longer HL2 takes to come out, the more my current system becomes obsolete. As I said, there are other games, but my system is starting to struggle with the newer ones while I wait for HL2. E.g. I loved Deus Ex I really want to buy its sequel but it is unplayable on my current PC.
Yeah, Im also worried that it might come out and cause another premature upgrade cycle. My roomates went and bought 9800 pros getting ready for HL2 and doom 3 (back last year when they were $300+) . I just got a 9500 pro, but still, I upgraded for a game that now I might have ot upgrade again for. On another note, Invisile war is horrile. You dont wanna play it, and cant play it decently no matter what system you have. My roomat had a OCed 2500xp, 1gig ddr 400, and the 9800 pro, and he couldnt get a decent frame rate on res above 1024. I couldnt get decent above 800x600. Theres no excuse for a company to release such a shoddy game. Two weeks after the release, I was on their forums getting modded ini files from other users just to get it to run half way (and I do mean half way) smoothly, only to find that they took everything that was good about Deus ex and got rid of it. The game is invisible war, its not desu ex 2, it doesnt deserve that title.
Klisejo said:
Invisile war is horrile.

THANK GOD! I can't believe all the people saying it was good! My god it was terrible! I as well could barely run it above 1024, and it was just downright choppy!

Back on topic, I dont really think Hl2 sales will be hurt, everyone says "valve sucks" and "im not buying hl2, they let me down". Guess who will be the first back on the bandwagon?
People are just bored, there isnt much to do when games are being put off, so everyones lashing out, alot of people with short attention spans.

Anyway the half-life 1 communtiy is still much, Much larger than any other game, even if they do lose a few people, the sales will most likely out do most other games by default, regardless of the games groundbreaking-ness, although my personal opinion is its gonna make the best use of its engine compared to other games, Having the engine is one thing, Using it to do good things is quite another.

And since when did the ammount of sales effect the enjoyability of somthing.
Klisejo said:
they took everything that was good about Deus ex and got rid of it. The game is invisible war, its not desu ex 2, it doesnt deserve that title.

Oh man, you're killing me! I'd seen the reviews saying it wasn't brilliant, but this sucks... I loved Deus Ex, it really was an amazing piece of work. If I had a longer attention span and better tolerance for the RPG elements, it'd easily beat HL as my favourite game.
Yeah, IW was a shame.

And to Lobster "And since when did the ammount of sales effect the enjoyability of somthing." I understand your point, and its a good one. But we must consider that one of the main reasons WHY were even talking about HL2 is because HL1 was such a cash cow. True the HL1 community will shell out the cash, but we also might want to consider HOW MUCH money Valve has spent on HL2 development. The longer they take and the more they spend, the more units they NEED to sell to turn a profit. I dont doubt that they WILL turn a profit, but Im simply stating my line of reasoning in being concerned over sales. Cuz, ya know, Id like a HL3 someday.
I think that yes, a lot of the hype has died down with HL2. However, I see that it is starting to surge back again. E3 is coming up in what is it, 3 weeks or so. We have been told that there will be new information around that time (and at the show as well), so I think that I've seen an increase in interest, and people are starting to get more and more excited. Look at how much excitement people are showing when eagerly waiting for magazines (well, the scans for many, but those aren't supported here lol). I think intensity is building. If Valve can manage to control or guide it, it'll be a helluva good time :D lol
yes, E3 will be very important for everyone. I hope and pray that Valve will make a good show of it, and will truly knock our socks off. I have a feeling in the bottom of my gut though, that it might not be as impressive as last year (i hope that it will be as or better than last). But ive also seen the new unreal demo movie (which does farcrys pixel compression technique). My mentioning of that is, there might be some truly impressive games that will be making a show as well at E3, so some of HL2's star power might be stolen. It might not, whos to say. I think the recent raise in chatter 'bout HL2 we've witnessed might simply be a reaction to the media blackout that valve has run these past few months. There was nothing to talk about, then all the sudden there is a ton to talk about, so it might look like more excitment than it actually is. But I do agree that E3 i svery important for the hype momentum, and well have to wait and see.
Klisejo said:
Yeah, Im also worried that it might come out and cause another premature upgrade cycle. My roomates went and bought 9800 pros getting ready for HL2 and doom 3 (back last year when they were $300+) . I just got a 9500 pro, but still, I upgraded for a game that now I might have ot upgrade again for. On another note, Invisile war is horrile. You dont wanna play it, and cant play it decently no matter what system you have. My roomat had a OCed 2500xp, 1gig ddr 400, and the 9800 pro, and he couldnt get a decent frame rate on res above 1024. I couldnt get decent above 800x600. Theres no excuse for a company to release such a shoddy game. Two weeks after the release, I was on their forums getting modded ini files from other users just to get it to run half way (and I do mean half way) smoothly, only to find that they took everything that was good about Deus ex and got rid of it. The game is invisible war, its not desu ex 2, it doesnt deserve that title.
DX:IW blows some maja balls man.. i duno why i havent even uninstalled it... i mean its just a waste of space... i cant even run it at decent frame rates in 800X600 then again i use out of date card (FX 5200 128)
what baffles me is that a lot of the major game review venues gave it good reviews. Xplay on tech tv proceeded to make fun of us because we were bitching how the game sucked (i hate xplay now, it used to be cool when they would just review the damn game, but now they say a bunch of stupid shit and try n be funny). I used ot have my doubts that game companies buy good reviews, but after IGN gave it a 9 (and their reader reviews were plit 50/50 (i suspect those good "reader" reviews were to cover for their format, because what if ign give it a 9, but right next to that score, all the readers gave it a 3) im convinced they were bought. so so sad
It was alot easier last fall to reply to posts. But know there are only a handful of threads still active at all times, and half of them are not even interesting. Roll on E3