LOTR Online


Oct 28, 2007
Reaction score
I've just started playing the 7-day trial and it's a pretty neat game. Does anyone else here play it?
I was in the general beta, and I recently downloaded the trial to see how the game progressed. It's a regular MMO. It doesn't so anything new which is the bulk of the complaints about the game. It's okay. The graphics are nice, especially the environment, and it runs really, really smooth. There's just nothing different about it, nothing that separates it from other MMO aside from the licensing.
Played it for abit, got to level 27 something I believe. Then just kind of lost interest and canceled my account. I went back to playing WoW on private servers with some friends.
I'm going to start playing next month, when I finished my exams. I played the beta, and did quite enjoy it.

I especially like the fact that you're not beging pushed to rush to max level. It's a more relaxing MMO and often more mature than WoW.
I was in the general beta, and I recently downloaded the trial to see how the game progressed. It's a regular MMO. It doesn't so anything new which is the bulk of the complaints about the game. It's okay. The graphics are nice, especially the environment, and it runs really, really smooth. There's just nothing different about it, nothing that separates it from other MMO aside from the licensing.

Agreed. I played the beta and the trial and nothing in the game pulled me in. It is too generic and doesn't seem to do any aspect very well.
What isn't?

All MMOs are the same, essentially, just like all genres... there's mainly only subtle differences between them. So saying everything is a ripoff of WoW is like saying everything is a ripoff of Ultma Online. And all shooters are a ripoff of Wolfenstein. All adventure games are a ripoff of Monkey Island.
I wouldn't consider it until they expanded into Rohan and Gondor.
I was in the general beta, and I recently downloaded the trial to see how the game progressed. It's a regular MMO. It doesn't so anything new which is the bulk of the complaints about the game. It's okay. The graphics are nice, especially the environment, and it runs really, really smooth. There's just nothing different about it, nothing that separates it from other MMO aside from the licensing.

Very well said, it's an extremely well polished, beautiful and momentarily compelling turd. It's the opposite of being strangely attracted to something, rather it's being somewhat impressed with a lot of little things which eventually translates to boredom. All that can be said for it is it's a 'good example of an mmorpg' - and considering the MMO market is one of the most overcrowded, over-saturated and least innovative genres at this point that's not going to do a lot for it.

All MMOs are the same, essentially, just like all genres... there's mainly only subtle differences between them. So saying everything is a ripoff of WoW is like saying everything is a ripoff of Ultma Online. And all shooters are a ripoff of Wolfenstein. All adventure games are a ripoff of Monkey Island.

Though it can be argued that the mmo business is particularly bland, with titles whose gameplay match the first few almost identically. If this were true of the FPS genre Doom 3 would have received marks as high as games like Half-Life 2 or Bioshock. It's important to keep in mind the mmo is far younger than most of the other popular PC genres, but it's also notably the most popular.
All MMOs are the same, essentially, just like all genres... there's mainly only subtle differences between them. So saying everything is a ripoff of WoW is like saying everything is a ripoff of Ultma Online. And all shooters are a ripoff of Wolfenstein. All adventure games are a ripoff of Monkey Island.
There's sticking to the hallmarks of a genre, and then there's taking the formula of a succesful game, copying it, and slapping on a new franchise. That seems to be where 90% of MMOs are going now, after WoW. Not to imply that WoW was all that original in the first place.
Well the only reason I played LOTR Online was because all the other games had 3gb downloads off the internet and this one was from a Pczone disc.

I like it, but then I haven't tried anything else (apart from EVE, which is completely different).