Love problem


Companion Cube
Aug 7, 2003
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Well guys, posted alot of shit before but this really means somthing to me. Ok im 18 years old, im shy and a totly pussy with girls, never had a gf never even kissed a girl. Well i have met this girl, just started university, and god all i can think about is her, spent like 8 hours a day with her for the last week, last night we sat up till 6 am talking and drinking, waked her home twice at 2 am, im totaly ****ing obsesed, cant sleep becase im thing about her. she is on the same course as me, we chat for hours about games and just totaly bs. Well i find out she has a bf, she is a hard core gamer she like online gaming in 18 nearly 19 ****ing years i have never felt like this for any one, im quite drunk now but i know what im saying. at the end of the day i know nothing of "Signs" or any thing she has know her bf for a year and has met him several times but they live so far apart.

I dont want to get in the way of her life if she has really decided that this guy on the net is really the one for her.

Well we go to this club, we have abit to drink, we dance, but she keeps letting me put my arms around her then she will push me awayaway. For a week i have been so ****ing confused, i finaly got the balls to ask her wtf is going on wile we are dancing and she takes me by the hand takes me out side and tells me its confusting. She tells me, she is attracted to me but she is in love with her bf. I mean wtf, i know nothign of girls im so confused, more so then i have ever been in my life. We sat for an hour telling each other how we felt, she said she is relaly attracted to me, and i told her i have never, in 18 years felt like this for anybody. We where taken home by some of her room mates and we where sperated.

We have just had a chat on msn about everything, i met her bf at the weekend, he just didnt see imtrested, he was so weird, i i stood staring wishing i was in his shoes, i have gone through 5 ****ing tissues in the last 30 mins or so, i cant belive im crying over this but i just cant stop it. i just dont know what to do with my self.

im such a g33k that im going to try and solve my problems on a fourm but there are so many nice guys arond on these fourms i really hope some one can give me some really good suport and advice.

Im going to call her 2morrow and she promised me she is goign to give me a big hug. I just dont know whats ****ing going on :(

Really apreacate any decent replys, thanx alot for any help, im off to bed to try and think it all through.
Seen this before man. What you need is some coffee, some porn, and the rest of those tissues. All will be well tomorrow.

Nah, but really. Don't worry about it, things have a funny way of working themselves out. If its meant to be, then it will be. You've already told her how you feel. Nothing else you can do really.
Our final words together tonight

Stormy says:
hehe i have gone through 4 big tissues
Siphious - CANT GAME!!! says:
i have barely begun
Stormy said:
Our final words together tonight

Stormy says:
hehe i have gone through 4 big tissues
Siphious - CANT GAME!!! says:
i have barely begun
I love stormy off of sea lab!Anyways like Inner said...just let it work itself out and play your cards right.
The thing is the only way i could get this off my chest to her was i was drink, im going to feel so scaired and embareced 2morrow, i said this to her. And i asked her for a hug 2morrow morning, i asked her to really help me out and she said she understod.
You really need to take a vacation and come down to Florida for some Florida night life. I guarantee you will at least get a couple of women that will make you forget about her.
It might work its way out. It might not. Who knows. But you gotta ride it, man.

And is her boyfriend big and scary? :P

How long has she been going out with that guy?
Hang in there, just don't play fool. Take it easy, don't prsure thinks up.
Wellcome to the real world.
Atleast you got the courage to talk to her, further than I have ever gotten.
Well, you've told her how you feel so the ball is really in her court. Either she dumps her chump-boyfriend or she doesn't. As far as I see it you've done just about all you can do, short of killing the guy. Which of course.....might be an option.....

j/k. Good luck.
Hope everything works out for you man! Hope you dont wake up with anxiety about what you have said when you were drunk...
:thumbs: Atleast you know she digs you though. Just keep it cool, go with the flow... don't try to convert her feelings, but express yours. I dunno, but girls (from my accounts) like to be on a more intimate and personal level before a serious relationship. But another thing, like when yer dancing... the same ****ing girl(s) are willin' to do some freaky ass shit. Just spend time with the girl, don't get all too obsessed with her either, DON'T CRY... it'll be all good, be happy you're able to dance with her and just chill with her!

Maybe if you're able to own her in CS, she'll be very impressed.
SIGbastard said:
Stuff it in her pooper and post the pics :thumbs: .

Shut up, you moron.


ahhg morning after, thankfuly no regrets atm. Will meet up with her soon. It seemed really deep atm, dunno if i was crying coz i was sad or happy or just because she was crying :S i just wanted to fit it ! hehe
Stormy said:
Shut up, you moron.


ahhg morning after, thankfuly no regrets atm. Will meet up with her soon. It seemed really deep atm, dunno if i was crying coz i was sad or happy or just because she was crying :S i just wanted to fit it ! hehe
Probally cause you was drunk??? :P
Lighten up. I'm sorry but I have a problem taking your puppy love that seriously. I was just joking with you in the first place. I figured it might make you laugh.
If you have a problem dont speek, nuff said. But i dont want to turn this into a flame war so im just going to ignore you now. Good bye.
My advice would be: be a bit more macho about it. Girls generally look for a father figure. So while you have to be sensitive and attentive, you also have to be firm and stedfast. If she starts to whine about her boyfriend again, say something like "Well, I'm here now, not your bf." or something along the lines. If you wait until she tries to snog you, you will wait until hell freezes over. Take control (but don't do anything she doesn't want to do).
Shakermaker said:
My advice would be: be a bit more macho about it. Girls generally look for a father figure. So while you have to be sensitive and attentive, you also have to be firm and stedfast. If she starts to whine about her boyfriend again, say something like "Well, I'm here now, not your bf." or something along the lines. If you wait until she tries to snog you, you will wait until hell freezes over. Take control (but don't do anything she doesn't want to do).

careful with that freudian stuff lol, i think it would be better to find out more info on her 'boyfriend' because, from what you've said, you seem to be more of one than he is..
Intentfully trying to take somebodies gf is kinda dick if you ask me, but hey to each their own. I'd just stick to being friends until she takes the initiative to do something about the situation. If she is as good as a person as what you say she needs to give one of you guys her whole heart and stop playing games. I know she may not be doing it purposefully, but in the end she will only hurt somebody more than she would have. I'm sorry I offended you with the pooper comment, but I honestly didn't intend for you to take it seriously.
SIGbastard said:
I'd just stick to being friends until she takes the initiative to do something about the situation. If she is as good as a person as what you say she needs to give one of you guys her whole heart and stop playing games. I know she may not be doing it purposefully, but in the end she will only hurt somebody more than she would have.

I agree to the above - have been in the same situation not too long ago ...

There's nothing you can really do about it now; you have to be patient and please do not try to enforce anything, this will only make things worse. I believe it is the best to keep things as they are - tell her you like her and tell her you will be there for her no matter what - and not matter if she will be with you or not.

I know that it would hurt being turned down but thats just something you have to think about and you have to possibly deal with. So just don't be afraid of what's going to happen one way or another it will work out.

wish you more luck than i had ...
Girls are stupid :p, but very emotional you cant break up their relationship so dont go there and find someone else or whatever. Your at university, there are many many people going there, there must be someone else there that you like.
Quit being a jerk off and leave her alone. You don't want to start some really bad shit with her and her boyfriend.

If she didn't like him, I'd say.. go for the whole getting her to like you more thing.
But dude...don't be one of those "nice" horrny a-holes most guys have to worry about because they latch on to any girl that will give them any attention and **** up some ones relationship.

Just leave it be.
psh, it obviously isn't just him.

girls are cowards.
Im abit picky :S very picky, tooo picky :(

well been chatting to her today, we didnt say much. I told her i ment what i said even though i was drunk. I dunno will soon see what happens
don't do most of your communicating over the phone, msn, or emails.

to often today people opt out of having personal contact for more of the technological contact.
I done it in person :S, i found it really hard but i think i got over what i was trying to say. She was ment to meet some mates but they kinda stood her up, she gave me a call and she came round and we just had another chat and it was like it was before last nigth, was really nice.
yeah, talk to her in person. Don't talk on the internet just because your afraid to face her.

Seriously, what your feeling happens to nearly every guy who gets a girl. After you have a few gf's you aren't as devastated when you lose one.
FoB_Ed said:
yeah, talk to her in person. Don't talk on the internet just because your afraid to face her.

Seriously, what your feeling happens to nearly every guy who gets a girl. After you have a few gf's you aren't as devastated when you lose one.

Yea that really makes sence and its how i thought it would have been, but this is my semi first and well its abit cock up really, thats why i was asking for any kinda advice.
:cheers: Friends with benefits is the #1 answer, that's it, stop typing.