
Just out of curiousity, how well do you know this person and for how long?
ComradeBadger said:
Um. :p

And Syber ;( I'm not sure.. I'll never be unless I ask.. becuase when I said 'I love you, you know'

She said

'I love you too'

honestly, badgeh, you're looking for a flogging here.

if you still haven't talked to her in a month, I'm gonna find out her email and talk to her for you >:]
Neutrino said:
Just out of curiousity, how well do you know this person and for how long?

I was waiting for that...I know it sounds silly...But its only been about a week. However, we have talked a lot and I feel like I know her quite well. If you read what was in our emails, and messages then you might feel the same :)

Anyway, like I said...Or tried to say, I feel this is more a critical point where I willl found out if I am feeling this way or not. There is so much going on, that I simply can't or won't explain here which points to this being right though. However, I just need one email in reply to tell whether this is it...

CrazyHarij said:
Go get 'em while they last, tiger.

Seriously, you should go to 'er and tell her how you feel. Then you'll either be happier than ever before or have a few coming months/years of pain and regret.

The latter happened to me. ;(

Yeah, I think something like that happened to me...But I beleive it was more of a lust that was built up by distance and time. When I did finally say something about how I felt however, it suddenly went. Well, I felt empty for a while, but I got over it completely. Also, it was interesting how at the time I couldn't say "Love". I just said, like...

Anyway, time for bed :)
Farrowlesparrow said:
I was waiting for that...I know it sounds silly...But its only been about a week. However, we have talked a lot and I feel like I know her quite well. If you read what was in our emails, and messages then you might feel the same :)

Feel free to ignore me, but I think love is something that takes a long time build. I don't think a week is near enough time to get to know someone. Call me cynical, but it sounds a lot more like a case of very strong infatuation to me, not that that is necessarily a bad thing though.

Personally, I think continuing the relationship and getting to know one another would be a good idea before jumping in any deeper. After all, your both still young. I don't see any reason to try to hurry things. And like you said, if she is "the one" and you both like eachother than you will have lots of time together to build your relationship. Don't feel pressure to move too fast, there's no stop watch counting down to anything. And in fact if you do feel somewhat pressured in some way to tell her "I love you" then I would definitely not say it. It's not something one should feel pressured (whether from another person or yourself) into saying.

But what do I know. I'm old (;)) and cynical.
Yeah....I would say though, that everyone has a different experience really.

I know what you are saying, and I understand perfectly which is why I don't want to outright say what I feel. However, its all so perfect, and yeah I mean that. I've just been reading through the emails she sent and the MSN message history, and it actually made me feel really good and gave mea lot of assurance. I know they you can't hear mention in peoples voices over text, but you can't still see when they are exhibiting certain signs. Also, she has been on the webcam ;)

I don't feel preasued as such to say anything to her. However, I have learnt from past expriences, and remember the saying "sieze the day". Well, this time I'm going to. The last time it was alright, there were discrepancies which I ignored because I wanted to believe so much it was real. This time, there is so much to back it up....Like the man said before, really I don't need to explain.

Anyway, I pray to God she never comes here :) Or at least, not until things are set in stone so to speak. I'm not going to say anything about her, other than what I feel as well. Because it wouldn't be right of me, and knowing what geeks are like, it would send the site in a veritable cyber fest. So yeah...

I'm supposed to be sleeping, so last post of tonight. Good night...Thanks one and all...and cybersh33p especially :)

Edit:Woah, since when did you come back? I kind of answered what you just said there...We have talked over instant messanger and webcams :) Oh and I might even be gettinh er phone number...Not so sure about that yet. (No I didnt exactly ask for it...its complicated :O)

Good to see you around :)
Farrowlesparrow said:
Yeah....I would say though, that everyone has a different experience really.

I know what you are saying, and I understand perfectly which is why I don't want to outright say what I feel. However, its all so perfect, and yeah I mean that. I've just been reading through the emails she sent and the MSN message history, and it actually made me feel really good and gave mea lot of assurance. I know they you can't hear mention in peoples voices over text, but you can't still see when they are exhibiting certain signs. Also, she has been on the webcam ;)

I don't feel preasued as such to say anything to her. However, I have learnt from past expriences, and remember the saying "sieze the day". Well, this time I'm going to. The last time it was alright, there were discrepancies which I ignored because I wanted to believe so much it was real. This time, there is so much to back it up....Like the man said before, really I don't need to explain.

Anyway, I pray to God she never comes here :) Or at least, not until things are set in stone so to speak. I'm not going to say anything about her, other than what I feel as well. Because it wouldn't be right of me, and knowing what geeks are like, it would send the site in a veritable cyber fest. So yeah...

I'm supposed to be sleeping, so last post of tonight. Good night...Thanks one and all...and cybersh33p especially :)

Edit:Woah, since when did you come back? I kind of answered what you just said there...We have talked over instant messanger and webcams :) Oh and I might even be gettinh er phone number...Not so sure about that yet. (No I didnt exactly ask for it...its complicated :O)

Good to see you around :)
I'm happy to talk about anything, I only wish you the best of luck :) hopefully once you wake up there'll be a reply in your inbox :)

and remember... best way to get a girl to really like you is go up to the mountain every day, get wild grapes, and give them to her.

I mean cook her dinner :)
Neutrino said:
I think love is something that takes a long time build.

Love can be instantanious. A little over ten years ago I fell in love with a beautiful and lovely girl on the night I got to know her. 4 weeks ago I married her. The love has grown a lot since 1994, but it was there from the moment we met.

So go for it, Farrow. Destiny, fate or whatever you want to call it is something you have to pursue, and love is the most intrigueing of life's quests. It won't be easy, it might even hurt a bit, but it's worth it.
Stop saying love can't be put into words then trying to define it :P
Bad^Hat said:
Stop saying love can't be put into words then trying to define it :P
hahaha nice one.

and in reply to the original question, yeah i've felt love a lot before. very deep love. but i've been f*cked over one too many times now i think, and i just can't feel any strong emotions about anything ... which is odd, i've never really been this apothetic in the past. can anyone relate?
Jackal hit said:
hahaha nice one.

and in reply to the original question, yeah i've felt love a lot before. very deep love. but i've been f*cked over one too many times now i think, and i just can't feel any strong emotions about anything ... which is odd, i've never really been this apothetic in the past. can anyone relate?

Sort of can relate. Though for different reasons.
A large part of rejection of a relationship or 'Cold feet' as they call it is adaptation to change. If you've been single for however long and you want to enter a relationship, that really changes priorities and perspectives on life.

As people in general oppose change it is indeed natural to have feelings of doubt and worry unless you:

A: don’t really care about this person.
B: have spent a large part of your current life in a relationship, which point you have to watch out for the magic rebound.

So don’t let cold feet ruin your life. My housemate rejected everyone who made an advance at her because she was worried about commitment, and always looked for reasons to justify not going out for a date. Still hopes she finds what she’s looking for.
Well...Thats it, I've stayed away from relationships for a long time. Because I just feel that it doesn't do you any good and every person you "go out with" takes something of you when the relationship breaks apart....
So yeah, I was thinking about the change that this would make to my life, and I know its a big one, even now my priorities are changing, I've been coming here out of habit lately, more than anything else. I've stopped thinking about a lot of things that used to absorb me, and there is now only my art which I can focus on...Perhaps because she takes an interest in that to. Its just sad that I wouldn't be able to visit her much at all, until I suppose I took..That big step :)
Farrowlesparrow said:
Would you say any of you feel like you are in love with someone, or have ever been?

Possibly. It's very depressing, in any case.
Farrow take it slowly, drop a compliment in now and then ease your way to the point where its easy to say, basically get into a position when you and her have exchanged some indirect emotions of love such as compliments and well you should know when it occurs anyway. Then move in for the kill :p.

Badger tbh I think she has mucked you around and you should forget it, im not saying you havent got a chance but I really would give it up, honestly its a bad idea. Are we talking about the L person or the R person.

edit- Oh and yes I have been in love there is someone ive met the same way as farrow tbh and she might be coming to england next summer but well ive never met her so well I dont feel theres any point going any further she says or rather gives very strong hints that she likes me more then just a friend and we connect but well she lives in finland :p, no point so not bothered.
There is also someone in my school but well like I said in the life is great thread I dont even talk to her much its more of a body language thing with the looks and moving close to each other in queues and stuff well you know the stuff Id like to take it further but I just cant and its been almost 3 years so well Im not going to go overboard in attempting to ask her out but rather if I have the chance, attempt it and keep a look out for other people which i find quite hard I havent found someone I like apart from her for 3 years and the clubbing scene is too nerve racking for me so meh
I love my wife least that's what she tells me :)

I've never felt such an intense love as the love I have for my son ..I'd kill or be killed for him without a seconds hesitation

I love my dog too, I'd kill for him too ;)
Neutrino said:
Just out of curiousity, how well do you know this person and for how long?
If that was at me, 6 years, and stupidly well :)

Oh, and Fat Tony, mate, you don't know the half of it. Seriously. Every time, it's been me rejecting her ;(

So, I don't know really.

Oh, and FT.. mate, give it up with the girl at school :/ she has a 19 year old boyfriend who's done jail time.
Well, right now I'm in the middle of something.
I look like shit, and I couldn't imagine a girl going out with me for my looks but well, my friends think I'm funny and I've a easy time getting new friends.

Now I like a girl, and I'm sure that she likes me to. At first, I never thought of her like a girlfriend or anything, but she's an amazing person and now we're great friends.
But it's the standard teenager-drama when both of us are afraid of starting anything. School just started, and I've spoken to her during the summer and well, things looked good.
But I'll see how things works out, Shes still a great friend. :)
When I say I've been the one rejecting it's things like:

"I love you" "I know" (wtf was I thinking, was new years eve)

Anyway, still could be kidding myself :D
Wonders when it was that badger hijacked this thread about his own love life :p
you'll never know if you love(d) someone (romantic love) until you love someone else :)

personally I think you guys should forget about love right now cuz you're so young have your whole life ahead of you to be bogged down in a relationship ...besides it's much more healthy to have multiple partners at a young age (not sexually, just dating) than trying to have a long term relationship, wait till you're in your mid twenties
I think I've cooled off a bit now...I know what you are saying stern, although I don't think having lots of relationships is all that healthy, but meh thats another story.
I dunno, I was tired last night and I started getting ahead of myself. Still, I think there is something there....It just needs time, which is what I'm giving it until I can figure certain things out.
ya sorry I meant just casual dating, not relationships

I say go for it , I'd rather a little egg on my face than a lifetime of regret

when I was about 19 there was this friend of mine who had a model type neighbour about the same age ...he told me She liked me but I did nothing about it ..she ended up dating a guy before I had the courage to ask her out (she really was absolutely stunning ...the kind of woman that makes you stutter) and the last I heard of her she was married with 2 kids with that same guy ...doh! ...lifetime regret
To CptStern

Yeah...Is that to say though, that you are now not happy with your wife? I am not insinuating anything, just that can you imagine your life without the child you now have the woman you are married to? Oh...and of course your dog?:P

Anyway, I think I might still slow down...Men and women work different ways, and even if she does like me, I think I could still move too fast....It has only been a week :O My mum reckons it would be good to get to know her and become her friend. I'm not going to ignore what my mother says, because she is funnily enough a woman, but I am the only one who has read whats been said in the emails so ultimately my decision is the one that counts. Weird how so much can change in a week though.
Farrowlesparrow said:
To CptStern

Yeah...Is that to say though, that you are now not happy with your wife? I am not insinuating anything, just that can you imagine your life without the child you now have the woman you are married to? Oh...and of course your dog?:P

doh! if my wife sees your post I'm a dead man (so if I dont come here for awhile it's because I'm recovering at the hospital) ...didnt even think of it that way ...I think I just regret not taking the chance for fear of rejection

Anyway, I think I might still slow down...Men and women work different ways, and even if she does like me, I think I could still move too fast....It has only been a week :O My mum reckons it would be good to get to know her and become her friend. I'm not going to ignore what my mother says, because she is funnily enough a woman, but I am the only one who has read whats been said in the emails so ultimately my decision is the one that counts. Weird how so much can change in a week though.

you're a nice enough guy if you can take her feelings into account I'm sure you'll do the right thing :)
Well...Coming from you that means a lot, considering our battered past :)

Whats your wifes email address by the way I have an...important notice that needs to be sent :P

I suppose, although Im still young :p, I know what you are talking about. The things people regret the most when they are old, are the things they never did...Or rather, never tried to do. Even the mistakes in my life, I'm happy with because I know that not only did they make me who I am today, but if I hadn't at least tried, I would never have known what would have happened. People get consumed by small choices they didn't act on, and I don't want to end up like that. Then agian, I also don't want to do anything stupid, like finding out what its like jumping off Victoria Falls...Maybe when I'm a 120, I'l try it ;)
Farrowlesparrow said:
Well...Coming from you that means a lot, considering our battered past :)

water under the bridge, a misunderstanding if you will :)

..btw ...I've always harboured a secret crush on you ...I dont know what you're talking about ;)

I'm misunderstood by most, but I'm actually a nice guy least that's what my mom says

Farrowlesparrow said:
Whats your wifes email address by the way I have an...important notice that needs to be sent :P

it's stern_wife@ .... hey wait a minute you're trying to trick me!!!

Farrowlesparrow said:
I suppose, although Im still young :p, I know what you are talking about. The things people regret the most when they are old, are the things they never did...Or rather, never tried to do. Even the mistakes in my life, I'm happy with because I know that not only did they make me who I am today, but if I hadn't at least tried, I would never have known what would have happened. People get consumed by small choices they didn't act on, and I don't want to end up like that. Then agian, I also don't want to do anything stupid, like finding out what its like jumping off Victoria Falls...Maybe when I'm a 120, I'l try it ;)

ya mostly we regret not trying oysters or something like that ...not jumping off victoria falls, btw let me know how that goes :)
There is much more to see in love than it meets the eye....

I've loved twice, been hurt once, and whatever, both experiences were good overall. living and learning...
Love is such a beautiful thing, it's love that's keeping me alive...