Low Frame Rates

Uber Kitty

May 22, 2007
Reaction score
Who else's computer is running tf2 at an average of 15 fps? My comp was top of the line when hl2 came out. Now it sucks. I cant play on any servers bigger than 26 people or my frame rate drops to 5 when multiple people are around, that makes spying hard. As a heavy also, I dread when a pyro rushes me because I drop to horribly low frame rates. I am still usually mvp as I have gotten use to the lag. I cant wait when my new comp parts come in!!!

Who else's comp sucks too much for this game.

Also, anyone remember playing with me on a server? I want to know out of curiosity. (c!K) Uber Kitty.
What are your specs?

Disabling start up prgrams and services
Virus scan
spy/adware acan
Lowering the graphics settings on your game.

Out of curiosity, how many proccesses show as running in task manager?
That wasn't the main issue of this post, but thanks for your consideration. Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING is lowered the most I possible can. My system is only used for gaming so there isn't junk on it. I got a pentium 4 2.6 gz cpu, a radeon 9600 and a gig and a half of ram.

I was just asking if anyone else was to lazy to upgrade and had to play with crap fps like me.

In task manager, I dont need to scroll down to see all the processes so around 15 or so and none of them show that they are taking up cpu power.
Dude, 9600 was mid range at best on HL2s release. Personally I was running a 9800 pro, and feeling jealous of the posh x850 gits. The rest looks good, buy a new card and your frames will leap.
Is 9600 a DX9 card?

If it is, then force DX 8.1 by adding -dxlevel 81 to the steam launch options.
If it's already a DX8 card, well... I don't know.
If you don't know how to get to the launch options feel free to ask :thumbs:
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL top of the line computer.

9600 is an older card, you can't expect it to be playing the current gen games that well, same goes with the CPU. :p
He's already getting a whole new computer! :P

Is TF2 really that much more of a computer hog than regular HL2? Never knew...
Tf2 is a beast compared to HL2. Maybe the 9600 wasnt TOP of the line, but it was great, ran HL2 like a pro. I know how to change launch options, should I put that line of code into the tf2 one or the hl2 one?
You should use that line with TF2.

-dxlevel 81
He's already getting a whole new computer! :P

Is TF2 really that much more of a computer hog than regular HL2? Never knew...

Yeah, because TF2 uses the new source engine (I think) so it has more tasks or the same amount of tasks that take longer to compute, maybe, and with the HDR it might be a little slower.

Also, who knew a fun cartoon like game could hog more than HL2, the detailed realistic super star of crumbled USSR freedom?
I'd say it's the CPU.

I've got a PIV2,8Ghz and I'm getting bad fps as well, be it on low or (recommended) high. No big difference in fps, regardless of the setting.

And I've got a 6800GS.
Bah. I dunno what you're complaining about, 15fps is about average for me.
P4 2.66ghz
512 ram
Geforce FX5200

I get 120fps at max settings.
C2D E6850 @ 3.00Ghz
2gb ram
Geforce 8800gt
I get 10 fps at max settings.
AMD Pheonomnomnomnomnom @ 3.4
4GB PC12456
9800 GX2 in quad sli

263^4 fps
Q6600 Quad Core oc to 3.7 i think?


4gb Ram

and some over 9000 stuff too, like monkeys.

i get about 300 fps. actually 299 fps
Recently I have been playing at around 10FPS, it is really pissing me off.

Everything in my computer is fine except this stupid f*cking processor and its gay mother of a motherboard (:S). They are just crap, thank god I'm getting a new one soon, I lag when playing all games, even lag slightly in HL2.
Out of curiosity, how many proccesses show as running in task manager?

I've just looked and mine has 59!!

Apparently my CPU usage, without the game, is 35%-50%

Will it help to shut down useless ones of these?
Yes closing some of the processes would help out your pc, would have more RAM free for games to use, and less CPU used running them. I have about 17 processes running on my gaming pc, 19 with Steam+game loaded.
I upped my computer, is the net_graph framerate capped at 60 when playing with max settings?
Is Iexplorer safe to close once the internet is not running, because it appears to be taking up around 100KB and never seems to be doing anything apart from when I am actually on the internet.

Also, should I not close any processes that the 'SYSTEM' is running, are these vital to the computer?

Later, I'll right alist of all the Processes and you guys can help me figure out which ones to turn off.
my 2.7 ghz dual core, 4 gig ram, 8600 gt runs the game at highest at 40+

dipping 30 at the most intense moments
Ok here is my very long list of Processes running on my Computer right now, note* these are not all my programs, some are my parents and brothers. Some are also assential such as Spyware and Virus scanning.

LuCallbackProxy.exe (doesnt stay for long)
ctfmon.exe (sounds like a jamacian playing TF2 :D)
svchost.exe (? theres like 4 of em)
svchost.exe (!!!)
SpySweeper.exe (havnt we had this?)
CCSVCHST.exe (this too)
svchost.exe (your joking right?)
svchost.exe (wtf!!)
svchost.exe (and yet again)
svchost.exe (head explodes)
System Idle Process

Ok, thats all of the regular ones, different ones pop up from time to time and go away again. Anyone know why there is 70000 svchost.exe? and what is it? Infact, I'm just gona close em now, there is definatley no need for more than one.

Copy and Paste the list above and do a Y if I should disable or a N if I shouldnt.
Keep all the svchost.exe's on, they are for networking. DO NOT turn off explorer.exe either...
But why is there like 7 svchost.exes?

But what there can I actually turn off?
I have a few open as well, when i shut one of them off one time, it messed up my sound. Youre better off not getting rid of them.
Can someone actually help me by saying which ones can definatley be turned off.

Meanwhile, I'm happily enjoying myself making my first proper map for TF2 in Hammer.

EDIT: I took it upon myself to end obvious processes such as Ipod etc, but a message saying: 'WARNING: Terminating a process can cause undesired results including loss of data and system instability. The Process will not be given a chance to save its state or data before it is terminated. Are you sure you want to terminate the process? 'Yes' 'No'.' Will this be bad for Ipod or what, cause I really don't wana f*ck up my brother's itunes.

Also, explain what will happen if I accidently turn off a major process.
Windows might stop working as it should until you restart.

Generally, closing the wrong process is no big deal, you might have to restart your PC though, so don't mess with it while working with unsaved documents/work

As far as to what you can turn off, do this:

Look for processes under your user name, then type the name in google (ie: svchost.exe) and it'll pull up a page with a description of what it does and how important it is. Base your decisions on what to close based on that.

Hardly anyone could tell you for certain which of your processes to close because it depends on what you have installed on your PC. Only you can know for sure what's what, but following my advise will help you do that.
Thanks, I closed several Processes yesterday and it seemed to help TF2, I'll use your advice and close many more tonight. Thanks :D.
These stupid Processes keep appearing everytime I remove them!!

This is really annoying and I am considering ordering one of those 'PC checkup' things from PC World, last time I dunno what it did but hopefully it will help this time.
The keep appearing when you restart the computer because they aren't disabled. You are just turning them off temporarily and if the computer needs them to run again they turn back on. I'd tell you how to disable them but I rather not since you don't really know what does what and you might just disable critical things you actually need.
Start - Run - msconfig - startup.


As for source for the last bloody time IT'S CPU INTENSIVE.

But why is there like 7 svchost.exes?

But what there can I actually turn off?

/facepalm those are system services without them you wouldn't be able to do much. Well some of them are doing less than useful things but still.

Have a look at

Start - Run - services.msc

But please don't play around in there because you clearly don't know what you are doing.
Yeh Druckles helped me with that yesterday night, I just didnt post :D

Its better but I still have to defrag my computer.

Thanks to Druckles for helping me :D
Yeh Druckles helped me with that yesterday night, I just didnt post :D

Its better but I still have to defrag my computer.

Thanks to Druckles for helping me :D

<3 Although it wasn't just me.

I believe Razzy helped you, too?
Yeh he did :D

Thanks both of you :)