Low framerate in Max Payne 2 with 9800


Feb 19, 2004
Reaction score
I just bought a ATI AIW 9800 Pro. I also got Max Payne 2, but it some places in the game, when Max is looking at some specific places, the framrate drops to like 10-15. It's unplayable! I tought it was when I looked outside by a window, but it did that in the final part too, in the manor (where no windows is visible). I thought the 9800 was able to handle these kind of things. I maxed out all the details and I play with 6xAA and AF at 1280x1024x32.

What's happening?
Do you have the right drivers, and have you uninstalled the old ones?
max payne plays poorly on radeon cards (i know from experiance) make sure you have the 4.4 cats, they are necessary. same with bf42 many times.
gh0st said:
max payne plays poorly on radeon cards (i know from experiance) make sure you have the 4.4 cats, they are necessary. same with bf42 many times.

Runs flawlessly on mine. You could try backtracking to the 3.9 cats, or maybe lowering that 6x AA to 4x could help a little.
I've forgot to mention that my CPU is a AMD Athlon XP 1700+. Could it be part of the problem?

edit: Yes, I've got the new drivers...
It could be. :rolleyes:

At that high of a resolution I would turn AA down to 2x and put AF to 4x.
Turning AA on is basicly the same effect as increasing the resolution.
oh.. yeah.. the cpu is a huge bottleneck there.
i played mp2 smoothly on an athlon 1600+ with a 9800pro, of course i didnt play with full AA/AF.
I can play with 6xfsaa/16xaf max details, 1024x768x32 with an XP 2500+ and a Radeon 9700
I don't see why you would be having problems
gh0st said:
oh.. yeah.. the cpu is a huge bottleneck there.

Damn... I guess I'll have the same kind of problems with HL2?!

And how do we change the AF?
Right Click on Desktop
Select Properties
Click on Settings tab
Click on Advanced
Click on 3D tab
I would think memory would be more of a bottleneck than his CPU, really.

Either you have it enabled in game or in the display properties.
gh0st said:
what version are you using abom?

Well, I was running the 3.9s when I was playing it on release. But I also played it recently on the 4.3s and it ran just as well. I run it on 1280*1024, full details, 4x AA and 16x AF.
Pendragon said:
I wouldn't think you'd have any problems at all--I can play it flawlessly on my P4 2.2GHz, 512 RAM, GF4 Ti4600!
i ran the demo flawlessly with a 2.66ghz, 256ram, gf4 ti4200 !!!
(cant remember the settings, but im sure they were damn high - i like gfx :P )
I'm ok with everything on full, 4 x AA (dunno bout AF), getting smooth gameplay, XP 2800, 9800 pro + 1 gig o'ram (running 4.4's)

Oh, 1024x768
Hey i cant run it on high detail level with a ****ing geforce4 mx 440 btw are going to upgrade 2 the summer (new ati card)