Low-Polygon head model… Shop Mod!


Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
LOL – tis been a while since I’ve posed anything for you kids to criticise so hear it goes – a number of pictures of a low polygon head model I’ve been working on – only 330 triangles:


Picture of me…


Picture of me with texture…


Head without skin…


Head with skin…


Another angle…


Another angle…


And another angle… should mention I tidied the side of him up a bit so it doesn’t look just as bad as this now… ahem…


Shameless plug for campaign the team and I are involved in… and a clickable link: http://www.reinstatement-mod.co.uk/star

Basically we’re offering people the opportunity to contribute their likeness to a character in our Reinstatement ‘counter-terrorism’ mod. If anyone is interested click on the link above to find out a bit more – in the meantime what don’t we like about my low poly head?

(oh – and if any mods are scouting about is there any chance of posting the news of this shameless piece of advertising on the news page :bounce:)
It looks like the lips stick out a bit too much...
And yeah, smooth it out more.

lookin good though. :)
tahts awesome! im going to send my pictures to you guys soon... lol sweet

thats pretty clever... i remember some people used to do it for sega genesis/megadrive carts :P
haha. cool :) Higher poly and a bit of smoothing wouldn't kill anyone though.
Just a thought - you're offering people the chance to have their faces in your counter-terrorism mod?

Does that mean you want a mod where you run round shooting 14-year-olds then? :)
armanguy said:
you spelt starring wrong?

The same guy who hasn't posed in a while, oh sorry posted...

lay off him guys, It a really good idea, it gets the team lots of referance images for the models rather than having to create their own, have you got a larger pictur of the face though, as the face section seems to be a completely different colour to the rest of the head?

and a wireframe with the texture on it?...
Well, their eyes are immobile... so, technically, they are staring.
LOL – good point – I was never a fantastic speeler…
Anyways – aye ‘tis a very low poly head, but this particular character will not need an uber 1000 triangle head as it will be masked in accessories, observe:

Other bare faced models will be substantially more detailed!

Oh, and hopefully it’ll be more than over enthused 14 year olds that post their pics to us… and Merc ;)
Cheers - did a bit of work on the head too,
have you got a larger pictur of the face though, as the face section seems to be a completely different colour to the rest of the head?
- fink thats just down to the way the scene was lit - for the helmet renders I moved the lights about a tad... :bounce:

Now - lets see some... erm... faces!