LucasArts Classics Coming to Steam

Republic Commando. Finally.
Am I the only one in this thread that played Outlaws? I'm sure some of you played the (equally unpopular but somehow packaged with retail HL or CS or something) HL mod remake of it.

Outlaws was awesome since I just got into spaghetti western movies. Though I just recently finished the game some months ago, I got to say the quick fire pistol option was so much fun even now.

Since I'm hearing people call Dark Forces a "reskinned Doom game", I want to say I disagree. By that time, most 3d games were riding on Doom's success by applying the same fps formula. I think the key difference between Doom and Dark Forces, was that Dark Forces was actually trying to tell a linear story unlike Doom. Doom for the most part, was just hellish demons spawning in a military base on mars, and you had to kill every last one of them. While you could probably argue the same about Dark Forces, except that it was set in the Star Wars universe. Yet I seem to remember you actually doing more in Dark Forces, like solving puzzles on certain levels, instead of finding color keys like in Doom. Also there was cut scenes, which made you feel more like you were apart of a story unlike Doom. So mainly I think Dark Forces was a great game for its time because it expanded on fps storytelling, while also being as entertaining gameplay-wise.

But on topic...

I still need to play Grim Fandango.
Bitch I do what I want.

I don't deny that games like Wolfenstein, Doom, and Dark Forces had an impact on games today. I think it's quite clear that I have. I am, however, judging games based on how good they are, the same as I always have. I'm not looking back and saying "Wow, Wolfenstein sucked compared to Call of Duty 4" or anything like that. I'm saying even at the time Wolfenstein came out, I thought it sucked.

Like FEAR. FEAR sucked.

Granted, the Wolf3D and Doom series by today's standards for storytelling and level design were garbage.
Dark Forces actually told the story of Kyle Katarn and his exploits... hell, I actually preferred it over the former games at that time.
Years ago I remember having heard the familiar sounds of the E11 blaster rifles one night coming from my dad's speakers one night so he of course let me play and I was immediately thrust into the world of my favorite movies(at the time).

But anyways, having lost nearly all of my Dark Forces games, I would absolutely love it if they added Dark Forces, Dark Forces 2 + Mysteries of the Sith, and Jedi Outcast.
Those are all truly classics and are the very definition of what a good Star Wars game should be.
Granted, the Wolf3D and Doom series by today's standards for storytelling and level design were garbage.

That is not what I said. Obviously by today's standards their story and design was garbage. What I am saying is that by the standards and technological capability when they were released makes them garbage. What the hell sense does it make to review a game that was out more than 10 years ago by today's standards?

Those are all truly classics and are the very definition of what a good Star Wars game should be.

I didn't play Jedi Outcast, but I raise you the Knights of the Old Republic series.
Great, I loved the Monkey Island games. Starfighter was pretty fun too from what I remember playing at my friend's place.
That is not what I said. Obviously by today's standards their story and design was garbage. What I am saying is that by the standards and technological capability when they were released makes them garbage. What the hell sense does it make to review a game that was out more than 10 years ago by today's standards?

I didn't play Jedi Outcast, but I raise you the Knights of the Old Republic series.

I was just assuming that was what you were implying.
Also, I'm pretty sure that they were milestones for FPS engines at that time or whatever.

Sorry, I really don't quite understand what you're trying to say. :(

And KOTOR really doesn't need mentioning, anyone who was even the slightest Star Wars fan or even just an RPG fan at all would love those games.
If they didn't then there's probably something wrong with them.
I was just assuming that was what you were implying.
Also, I'm pretty sure that they were milestones for FPS engines at that time or whatever.

Sorry, I really don't quite understand what you're trying to say. :(

Okay let me try it this way.

In the early 90's, when Doom, Dark Forces, and Wolfenstein came out, they were bad games. BAD GAMES. They are bad games now and they were bad games then. MILESTONE ENGINE =/= GOOD GAME.
I figured that's what you were trying to say.
Well, back then people had much lower standards for shooters as they were still in their infancy.
Wolf3D and Doom were considered brilliantly crafted pieces of software and nearly every FPS developer in the early 90s aspired to make games just as good or even better than them.

To say that they're bad games is just blasphemy, I highly doubt that when or if you actually played them in the 90s that you honestly thought they were terrible.
I still remember my dad coming home with the Wolfenstein 3D box and he called some of his other tech buddies over to check it out.
They were practically drooling over it.
The sounds were amazing, the perspective that the game used was amazing, and even the graphics were considered awesome at the time.

Anyways, I have no idea what you were trying to accomplish with that statement but whatever.
I'm really intrigued by the old adventure games released by Lucasarts, one because I never played any of them, and two I've heard some great things about them. Definitely going to pick up The Dig.
Do yourself a favor and grab your copy of some of the most beautiful and entertaining graphic adventures of all times: Loom, Indy and the Last Crusade, Indy and the Fate of Atlantis, The Dig. Real classics.
The Secret of Monkey Island Special Edition is coming too. I'm in adventures' heaven.
I played Outlaws.
Holy **** shit yeeeeeeeah. I loved the hell out of that game. Is this completely random spam or did LucasArts make it/is it now on Steam? I've been looking for the CD forever.

Edit: **** yeah I did Ennui, how the hell is this relevant. I'm lost and confused, some one help me!

Edit: Read the thread. ****
rogue squadron please.

I've lost all my jedi knight series discs so i'll be getting them when it's on.

Oh and the Xwing series, I've not played alliance in ages
I am playing The Dig for the first time. Stunning, wonderful adventure.
The Dig is amazing.
One of my favorite games as a kid, one of the only adventure games that I ever played all the way through too.