LucasArts Working on New Vader Star Wars Game!


Mar 22, 2006
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Jim Ward, President at LucasArts, had an interview with The New York Times today. A bit of new information was revealed, as well as an overall picture of how LucasArts works. It looks like the company wants to develop more games outside of the Star Wars franchise. With George Lucas not creating any more Star Wars title, there's going to be a lack of ready-made titles for the making. The Indiana Jones game that will be coming up soon is an example of what LucasArts seems to be going towards.

However, the Star Wars comment at the end of the article is what might be most interesting. Haden Blackman, the project leader on an upcoming Star Wars game, has a storyline already set out to go deeper in the background of Darth Vader. Two paragraphs later, they talk about next-generation consoles and how they'll likely be spending about $20 million on a game. A Darth Vader game for next-gen consoles? Seems likely.
That's all well and good, but where is Yoda Stories 2? I have been waiting for the sequel for a decade.
But what's it going to be like???

Personally, I care much more for the Indy franchise anyway, but this game might be interesting. Hopefully E3 will shed some sort of light on it....
Harryz said:
The Indiana Jones game interests me more.
Truth quotation!

Imo, I'd be more interested if it was Jedi Knight 3(or 4... if you count Jedi Academy as a sequel >.>)
I'm envisioning a light sabre based game for the revolution similar to a Jedi Knight type game. That would be cool.
Monkey... island.

GRIM FANDANGO 2 - I'd buy 10 copies.
Shodan said:
Monkey... island.

GRIM FANDANGO 2 - I'd buy 10 copies.
Me too brother... me too.

Do you know, it finally happened you know, every single game on Lucas Arts homepage was Star Wars.... screw originality as far as Jim Ward and his cronies are concerned...
Page stretching ftl, Rimfire... ftl... ;(
xlucidx said:
Truth quotation!

Imo, I'd be more interested if it was Jedi Knight 3(or 4... if you count Jedi Academy as a sequel >.>)

Yes!! I loved Jedi Knight 2 soo much. I never played Jedi Academy though.. a lot of people said it was a bit rubbish.
staticprimer said:
That's all well and good, but where is Yoda Stories 2? I have been waiting for the sequel for a decade.
I didn't know there is actually a Yoda story!I like to see that!
What's it like?:dork:
Bah, Jedi Knight 2 was rubbish :p

Well, not that bad, but it didn't kick as much total ass as Dark Forces 2 (Jedi Knight 1)

Man that series is annoying. Technically speaking Jedi Outcast was Dark Forces 3, but noooo they had to make a new naming convention.
I'll never expect anything original from the Lucasarts game company.
Those bastards cancelled Sam and Max 2! Bah, at least Telltale are making it.
drunkymonkey said:
Those bastards cancelled Sam and Max 2! Bah, at least Telltale are making it.
I don't care what company is making it as long as Steve Purcell is behind the levers, whitch he is. :)
Murray said:
I don't care what company is making it as long as Steve Purcell is behind the levers, whitch he is. :)
Yah, have you seen the comics he's been making in the build up to it? They rawk.
You know whats ironic is that companies like Lucas Arts and Electronic Arts used to be the most original game companies.

Escape from Jaggy Lines/Fractalus, The Eidelon. Games like that were the first time I'd ever seen Lucas Arts and the most incredible computer graphics I'd ever seen. And the games were pure gold. I'm talking Commedore 64 / Atari 800 days here.

I guess now that they are fat cats, all they care about is a pay-check coming in consistently. Living off of a legend. I haven't taken Lucas Arts seriously in 20 years. I assume everything they make is a sad excuse for a game unless I hear otherwise. Nothing but cookie-cutter games.

I did try KOTOR and it wasn't bad but still quite meh in my opinion. 1 good game out of about 50 star wars games they have made. There won't be a good star wars game until someone else makes it - someone who is inspired.
LucasArts have only PUBLISHED some good games imo, like Mercenaries, which they're rumoured to be making a sequel too for the XB360, which I hope is true.
Mercenaries felt like a breath of freshair from all the GTA clones.:)
xlucidx said:
Imo, I'd be more interested if it was Jedi Knight 3(or 4... if you count Jedi Academy as a sequel >.>)
Too fookin' right.

Jedi Outcast was a great game, and Academy wasn't so much rubbishy but a more unfulfilled experience. OJP could change all this of course.

Anyway, I hope that $20 million doesn't go into a EPIII style button masher. Innovation is what we wants it is!
staticprimer said:
That's all well and good, but where is Yoda Stories 2? I have been waiting for the sequel for a decade.

Yoda Stories was awesome. I concur with this statement.
Lucasfilm ruled. Lucas Arts sucks

Here are some images of the original games Lucas Arts used to MAKE. I guess now they are just producers? Well they produce crap. They were better as developers/producers.

To clarify, Lucas Arts changed thier name in the early 90's. The were originally called Lucasfilm Games. Their 3D fractal game engine was amazing at the time.

These games are still fun to me and I can still play them if I hook up my Atari 1200XL home computer.

(pirated name)Escape from Jaggy Lines
Rescue on Fractalus!

The Eidolon was the 4th game released by Lucasfilm Games based on the Fractal Engine. The first one was 'Rescue On Fractalus' but the release was delayed for quite some time as crackers stole the source codes and spread them in advance. In between 'Ballblazer' and 'Koronis Rift' made nice use of the fractals to produce immersing environments.
Hackers were called Crackers (crack the code) And - like VALVe's HL2 source, was stolen and uploaded onto something that was new at the time - the internet.

The Eidolon
Copyright: Lucasfilm Games
Prod. Year: 1985

No Image
Copyright: Lucasfilm Games
Prod. Year: 1985
An awesome game that is still alot of fun. My brother is the biggest fan of this game and Fractals themselves.
Ballblazer is a one-on-one 'soccer' match set in the future and originally developed for the Atari 800 and 5200. You control a rotofoil and try to snare a floating ball called a Plasmorb, which can then be fired or carried into the opponent's goal. You play on a simple 3D playfield, watching a split-screen first person point of view from both rotofoils (yours and your opponent's). Play against a computer-controlled droid rotofoil or a rotofoil controlled by a human player.

Kronis Rift
Lucasfilm Games

I don't care what anyone says but LucasArts still makes fun games.
Although they're not original, atleast they're fun.
drunkymonkey said:
Yah, have you seen the comics he's been making in the build up to it? They rawk.
I've read some old Sam & Max comics, but I'm not sure you're reffering to the same comics.
They rawked never the less. :D
VirusType2 said:
Here are some images of the original games Lucas Arts used to MAKE. I guess now they are just producers? Well they produce crap. They were better as developers/producers.

To clarify, Lucas Arts changed thier name in the early 90's. The were originally called Lucasfilm Games. Their 3D fractal game engine was amazing at the time.

These games are still fun to me and I can still play them if I hook up my Atari 1200XL home computer.

(pirated name)Escape from Jaggy Lines
Rescue on Fractalus!

Hackers were called Crackers (crack the code) And - like VALVe's HL2 source, was stolen and uploaded onto something that was new at the time - the internet.

The Eidolon
Copyright: Lucasfilm Games
Prod. Year: 1985

No Image
Copyright: Lucasfilm Games
Prod. Year: 1985
An awesome game that is still alot of fun. My brother is the biggest fan of this game and Fractals themselves.

Kronis Rift
Lucasfilm Games

Those games are so old, 85 and 84.
Good thing they've improved in their graphics:p
bam23 said:
They need another Jedi Knight game.

I used to be the biggest Jedi Knight fan, but now the entire SW-franchise is dead to me. It's like I went to bed one night and when I awoke I had grown up... ;(
