Lucid dreaming

The Monkey

The Freeman
Jun 5, 2004
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So how oftendo you guys lucid dream, that is, become aware that you're in a dream and take control of it. It happens once every other month for me, but a friend of mine says it happens nearly every night for him.
Does it count if you forget a bit later that it's a dream?
I dunno, don't care.. Heck I can rarely remember my own dreams except when they involve sex because then I usually wake up with a stain on my boxers.
Considering I don't really control my own life and the actions I do... it depends. I'm always in control of dreams to a certain degree, as in, it's my mind doing it.
I don't know if this counts as lucid dreaming but occasionally while falling asleep with the TV on. I watch the TV with my eyes closed. The sound is coming from the TV but the picture and my surroundings is all made up.

I rarely even remember my dreams anymore (atleast for very long). Probably my irregular sleeping habits.

When I do get lucid dreams though, I go nuts. Usually either flying, or shooting stuff, or f*cking. Or some combination of the three.

Rarely, I've heard you can train yourself to lucid dream almost all the time, but I could care less.
I don't know if this counts as lucid dreaming but occasionally while falling asleep with the TV on. I watch the TV with my eyes closed. The sound is coming from the TV but the picture and my surroundings is all made up.


I do the same thing it is very weird, indeed.
I don't know if this counts as lucid dreaming but occasionally while falling asleep with the TV on. I watch the TV with my eyes closed. The sound is coming from the TV but the picture and my surroundings is all made up.


Wow! That's actually a very interesting thing. I sure as hell will try it sometime soon.
I do it all the time too, it's actually nothing all that special, it's a general concensus that watching TV/hearing sounds, will directly affect your subconscious, i.e. dreams and manifestations.
I don't dream unless I ate a shitload and then went to sleep really quickly or I was thinking about loads of stuff when I went to sleep.
I have even less lucid dreams. I can only think of one, actually.
Apparently everyone dreams. Just some people sleep better than others, and thus don't remember them when they wake up.
I've been wanting to do it for ages but I can't seem to :(
When I was really young it happened to me all the time. Now it happens about every other month, maybe.
Best lucid dream I've ever had, involved a shoot out and me picking up a car with my bare hands and smashing someone with it.
I don't know if this counts as lucid dreaming but occasionally while falling asleep with the TV on. I watch the TV with my eyes closed. The sound is coming from the TV but the picture and my surroundings is all made up.


I've done that while listening to the radio, its pretty cool.

No recent case of actual lucid dreaming though.
I've been trying to have them but it's not working. BTW, falling asleep feels really wierd when you're aware of your body while it's happening.

I have a friend who says he lucid dreams every night but he's actually never physically in his dreams. He has more of a godlike perspective of the dream world. None of this is really suprising if you know the guy.
Lucid dreams are exceedingly rare for me. I got them more often while I was practicing lucid dreaming techniques and dream recall etc... so that stuff does work.
Hooray, it's Lucid Dreaming time again!

I think I had one a few days ago, involving air-boarding. That was awesome. Airboarding and giant blimps. And then we airboarded to San Fransisco.
I once had a dream where I was flying, it wasn't luicid but I remember it really well. 'Twas a strange experience.
Hooray, it's Lucid Dreaming time again!

I think I had one a few days ago, involving air-boarding. That was awesome. Airboarding and giant blimps. And then we airboarded to San Fransisco.

That's so awesome/unfair.

My lucid dreams never last very long - usually I realize I'm dreaming (because I flip a light switch and the ambient light doesn't change, or I realize that strange impossible things are happening), I start flying, and I wake up within 30 seconds.
Damn I wish I had some lucid dreams, haven't had one in ages; I guess going to sleep at about 2am every day doesn't help.

It's an interesting experience. Shame all the lucid dreams I had were quite short. I couldn't really trick myself into spawning items. I managed to fly once when after trying to convince myself that I can do it, to no avail, I threw myself flat on the ground and started floating in midair and took it from there. As far as I remember trying sex resulted in a premature awakening. ;p
Not so much lucid dreaming, but becoming aware you're in a dream but having no control is pretty scary.

Recently, I was being mugged in one. It was horrible.
Damn I wish I had some lucid dreams, haven't had one in ages; I guess going to sleep at about 2am every day doesn't help.

It's an interesting experience. Shame all the lucid dreams I had were quite short. I couldn't really trick myself into spawning items. I managed to fly once when after trying to convince myself that I can do it, to no avail, I threw myself flat on the ground and started floating in midair and took it from there. As far as I remember trying sex resulted in a premature awakening. ;p
It was hard for me to fly at first, but once I managed to I had no trouble doing it again in later lucid dreams. It's a really distinctive feeling... I wonder if that's actually what flying feels like? I'm sure some of you know what I'm talking about, the way your whole body feels weightless and tingly when you fly in a dream...
Not so much lucid dreaming, but becoming aware you're in a dream but having no control is pretty scary.

Recently, I was being mugged in one. It was horrible.

That sounds pretty shitty. Although all you have to do is know that you're in control, because the fact is you are. Power of mind, brother!
Aye, it's funny in a way, because you know you're being silly but for the life of you, you can't stop it. The worst part is feeling shaky and a bit weak-minded for letting it continue.

Sometimes I can pull myself out of a dream with that weird, opposite end of a telescope effect... that's pretty cool.
Are you all serious about these dreams? Because I always read and hear about peoples experience about doing "anything, and everything", flying, sexing, etc...and it always seemed to be too good to be true. Are the dreams "real" in a sense, or do they all still have that hazy feel when you remember it the next day?

edit: Ignore that top bit; Is the dream clear while your having it?
Hard to explain. I remember lucid dreams much more vividly than normal dreams generally speaking, but not perfectly by any means. The dream is clear while you're having it... because you know it's a dream. Weird shit still happens though.
It was hard for me to fly at first, but once I managed to I had no trouble doing it again in later

You sounds like some superhero or something :P

Teach me your ways oh great Ennui!