M-83 Smoke grenade


May 15, 2003
Reaction score
Well, been awhile since i've shown work that's actually mine...
This was my first ever unwrap and skinning job.....

it's about 1000 triangles.


snade 1.jpg
It looks good, but I'd put a normal/bump map on it to get little details showing up, maybe little dents and scratches, imperfections and so on, maybe faked shadows under and around the arm thingy. Maybe add finger prints/smudges where the hand will be around, maybe some peeled paint effect then one of the idle animation sequences could have the other hand picking at it, like ya do with peeling bits of paint, or is that just me :). Should really improve it, but it looks ok as it is I'm just being picky :D
some really good references there, I didn't know there were so many variations of the same grenades either (shows what I know about war eh :)), cheers for those Mr. Coffee.. also thanks for reminding me I haven't had a coffee yet this morning *dashes off to the kitchen*
k, i'll try adding some of thosem, however, the US army issues relativley new grenades to it's soldiers...... those all look like greatnades thatsomeone picked up second hand froma an army surplus store.
Originally posted by SidewinderX143
k, i'll try adding some of thosem, however, the US army issues relativley new grenades to it's soldiers...... those all look like greatnades thatsomeone picked up second hand froma an army surplus store.

hmmmm, I don't think anyone gives there troops totally brand new grenades, Most of the time they have been in stock houses for ages and if not used by a troop in 1 battle are put back. This is where they get all there scratches from. Grenades are carred on the belt I think and sometimes on the chest and troops do a lot of jumping around and running. They are bound to be a little scracthed.
Originally posted by IchI
hmmmm, I don't think anyone gives there troops totally brand new grenades, Most of the time they have been in stock houses for ages and if not used by a troop in 1 battle are put back. This is where they get all there scratches from. Grenades are carred on the belt I think and sometimes on the chest and troops do a lot of jumping around and running. They are bound to be a little scracthed.

no unfortunately this isn't done Ichi, as it is unsafe practice...imagine running around with a grenade that someone has already been running around with.....most damage comes from the actual person carrying the grenade......

......oh ok, in some cases this happens but i'm just being picky :P
Originally posted by IchI
hmmmm, I don't think anyone gives there troops totally brand new grenades, Most of the time they have been in stock houses for ages and if not used by a troop in 1 battle are put back. This is where they get all there scratches from. Grenades are carred on the belt I think and sometimes on the chest and troops do a lot of jumping around and running. They are bound to be a little scracthed.

having grenades stored in boxes in store house doesn't scratch them up....

After a battle, soldier generally don't turn all thier equipment in.... they keep it until it breaks or they use it....

Yes, i will be adding a scratch bumpmap to it when i get some time.. ( and figure outr how to do it in photoshop ;) )
Try this, I tried to send it earlier but explorer crashed on me, not nice.

anyways, found it here http://www.goldreverre.com/swatches/scratchal.html

attached an edited version, play around with the bump amount and it should look ok, atleast for a base to work from that you can add stuff to. I tried it and it kinda gives a layered slightly oldish paint effect of sorts. Looks pretty good.
hmmm, looks a bit better. But if like thats totally finished, which i dought very much then it wouldn;t look very good (does that make sense)

In adobe make lines and apply an embose to them, these will create nice slashed etc...
well, unless anyone notives anyhting glaring, i htink this will be the final skin.

This was the 14th skin i used :)

snade 4.jpg
id like to see a significant dent or two.... but thats just me.

and some worn/bare metal
Hmmmm to say its your first skin it looks pritty good. You havn't really finished it though. That could be a really habit to get into. If this was to be in a mod then I wouldn;t say its mod quality work. But as u said its only your first skin and u can;t expect miricales. Keep trying a keep up the good work.
Well, like I've said before, this is an issue greande to a solider in an army... not a 4th hand grenade bought by some iraqi from a checnyan arms market.

Yes they would accumulate wear and tear throguh carrying them, but they are usally in good shape, as soldiers are tought to protect the equipment issued to them.

And like IchI remember, it is my first skin :)
well i think its good if its your first skin, most first skins forget the little details, scratches and where the print would have rubbed off (even if relativly new) and stuff like that.

I would make dirty it up just a little bit more though. The thing is, people in general aren't used to seeing things new and clean. It might be -realistic- to have a pretty clean and undamaged grenade, but generally people wont see them like that in films and on TV. So sometimes you need to do things wrong to make them right. If that makes any sense. For example, Space, space is boring, its black with lots of stars, but sci-fi has made it look all pretty with fancy nebula in the background and fancy lit spacecraft wizzing about. In reality it looks waaaaaaaay more boring than that, one single light source and nothing fancy. But if someone did a CG shot like that, unless they really knew what they were doing, people looking at it would say it was badly done, even though its realistic. It's weird and just one of those things you pick up on.
But you can't use this as your last skin cause the wire is still on it :)
i thought it was pretty good for a first skin :) and ^^^ mike wat do u mean? :S
Originally posted by Mikademius
But you can't use this as your last skin cause the wire is still on it :)

what wire where?

say that ten times fast
do you mena the ring? It's supposed to be there...until it is animated to have the ring removed....
Originally posted by SidewinderX143
do you mena the ring? It's supposed to be there...until it is animated to have the ring removed....

lmao :x
Looks great.

I dont agree that it needs any dents. Dents would have no reason to be there. The skin rocks now too.