'M.I.T'-SP mod needs team members


Dec 22, 2003
Reaction score
Okay, here is my latest idea for a mod:

It is simply called M.I.T after the college for aspiring geniuses in India (yes, it is called that). This is an SP mod, and you play a college student who is caught in the middle of a terrorist attack on the college, one of your fellow students is kidnapped. Why is what remains a mystery, but the world has become a very different place. India (since it is the focal point for geniuses) created what is known as the 'perfect ecosystem' before any of the other nations could do so. But corroded versions have been sold to many different countries, who have toyed with the revolutionary environmental (and bodily) changing substance. The results varied from government to government. Russia was unfortunate, its experimental ecosystem nearly destroyed the nation, its soldiers now masters of survival. Others, such as Korea, florish under its technological advancements, but are still far behind India and in its own advances. Mercenaries from these different governments can be found in abundance within the country attempting a takeover, or just trying to scavenge for resources. The storyline is epic, much like Half-Life, but thats only the beginning.

The game is also an FPS/RPG/RTS hybrid. You can sabotage the markets for instance, by modifying the environment (thereby raising the prices of resources) and plagueing the underground black markerts. How is it an RTS?, you can employ mercenaries from different countries who have separate abilites, and buy equipment depending on your particular strategy (like helicopter, tanks). There will be other features that will make this mod uber-cool, but they haven't been thought of yet. If you're interested in joining the team, email me at [email protected]
Max35 said:
There will be other features that will make this mod uber-cool, but they haven't been thought of yet.

Max35, no offense. but you might need to get better at something like this LOL!
IchI said:
Max35, no offense. but you might need to get better at something like this LOL!

Do you mean my ideas, or the way I present them?. Also, I did give something about the gameplay, I talked about the markey system, and its an FPS/RPGRTs hybrid. Some mod ideas are more vague than that when they start.

Zakat: Were you being sarcastic?. Yeesh this must have been the only mod idea that has encountered such opposition...
Pendragon said:
Some mods fail. In fact, many mods fail. Besides, aren't you already leading Rebellion? Stick to one at a time.

No, I'm not leading Rebellion, I have no current projects at the moment. What I'm talking about is everyone's blatant comments like "maybe you need to get better than this LOL!".
You don't need team members until you know what the hell you want to do with the mod...
Okay, can someone tell me whats so wrong about this mod idea exactly?.
I'd say the problem was that your help wanted post is 66% story, 33% game description.
And in that game description you don't really describe the game very much...

You say you can raise the price of resources, but in the story say they're scavenged. What do you need the resources for anyway ?
You also make the error of saying that the cool features of the mod haven't been thought of yet, which implies you were just bored at the bus stop one day and an idea for a story popped into your head. Then a few days later you decided you wanted to make a HL2 mod and the ideas were merged.

Going by the vague descriptions, it sounds like you might be better off trying to make this in C&C or something...