M.uzi Render


Kayhoon J


Been sometime since I've posted anything model related.
Anyway, critisism is always welcome. How else do we better ourselves.
I do ask.
If you can suggest different tools, or "tactics" let me hear em. I'm always willing to learn new methods.
Haven't jumped on the edit poly bandwagon just yet though ...

Keep in mind, If your scouting for a mod. My time is avalible.
So feel free to e-mail me.



  • FrmMuzi.jpg
    91.7 KB · Views: 185
(Posts: 1... Been sometime since I've posted anything model related) ? o_O
aaaanyway, model looks great :D couple asthetic parts in front that could be removed like the hole in barrel & i think i see some little round things that look like rivets :/ u prolly already know that though -_- u have some great detail in there :D erm, idk what to suggest for methods since you didn't mention how you did it :/ heh
yeah looks great looks like u modeled it in 3dsmax so i cant sugest anthing.
Kayhoon J said:
Keep in mind, If your scouting for a mod. My time is avalible.
So feel free to e-mail me.
pillar of modesty right here folks.
haha just kidding . what modeling method are u using right now ? (btw crack head modeling techniques are univeral they apply to all programs)

Diplomacy wins here...
There are enough people crammed up with their own abilities... Turning newcomers into instant targets for harassment.

I appreciate all the positve comments thusfar!
And yes.. how else do we advertise ?

As for how I approach.
References x10, as an obvious.
Not enough new guys take advantage of references..

Hm, While building using a reference. I always observe the lighting in the image. It helps you identify directions, rounded edges.. etc.

I focus on building smaller surrounding parts. stock, magazine, grip..
and usually the reciever comes in afterwards. *Depending on the weapon

I've always slapped my reference down as a viewport background. I have never done it the plane/apply material method.

Usually things come together with the line tool. For rounded edges, say a pistol grip. Make the outline. I either bevel the extruded face and move the first and last vertices back into place. Or Extrude the face and physically grab all the vertices on one side, move em over. thus giving us ridge.

Seems hard to get in too much depth or I'll be writing us a freakin tutorial :p

I'll keep posting my work, lets see some weapons you guys are currently brewing up !
Can you texture and animate your own weapons for Half-life 2 mods? If so I might give you a PM :)
Kayhoon J said:
As for how I approach.
References x10, as an obvious.
Not enough new guys take advantage of references..

Hm, While building using a reference. I always observe the lighting in the image. It helps you identify directions, rounded edges.. etc.

I focus on building smaller surrounding parts. stock, magazine, grip..
and usually the reciever comes in afterwards. *Depending on the weapon

I've always slapped my reference down as a viewport background. I have never done it the plane/apply material method.

Usually things come together with the line tool. For rounded edges, say a pistol grip. Make the outline. I either bevel the extruded face and move the first and last vertices back into place. Or Extrude the face and physically grab all the vertices on one side, move em over. thus giving us ridge.

Seems hard to get in too much depth or I'll be writing us a freakin tutorial :p

I'll keep posting my work, lets see some weapons you guys are currently brewing up !
lol mate all i was searching for was the mode u model in ie: poly , patches , splines , nurbs...so i could sugest an alternate one. lol i wasnt questioning ur talent why do people always think that im out to get them.