M1 Garand [WIP]


Aug 19, 2003
Reaction score
Hey guys, back with another model work in progress, this is a "M1 Garand" I am hopefully going to put together a ww2 mod but i am currentally only by myself;( Crits and Comments are very welcome (Good and Bad please)

Well... To be honest its not very good... Its not a bad model, but its not a very good Garand.

And you forgot the front (and you need to redesign that second part, its far to thick) :)
dawdler, thanks for the crit but i did say and i quote "work in progress" so ofcourse it doesn't look like it yet IT ISN'T FINISHED! Oh and the front it was just slapped together in like 30s:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Originally posted by Okt
dawdler, thanks for the crit but i did say and i quote "work in progress" so ofcourse it doesn't look like it yet IT ISN'T FINISHED! Oh and the front it was just slapped together in like 30s:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
You know, forum dwellers dont give a *POOP* about halfdone WIP models. We just want to see sweet models, have patience before posting :)
(its not critisism, just a suggestion. It will give more attention to the mod itself, if people go "aaaaaah", "ooooooh" and not "hey its missing pieces???")
I agree posting WIPs on Public forums isnt smart. Cause all critics given are just rejected and people say "Did you read the title its a WIP".

Good start is all i can say without gettin abused.
I persoanlly like wheres it's going.....can't wait to see more.
I don't think posting WIP's is inherantly a bad idea at all (and that's not just because I've just posted one!), I think everyone needs a fresh pair of eyes sometimes, and a decent selection of constructive critisisms can make or break a good model.

Considering the fact that mods by their very nature are designed for public consumption, it makes sense to involve others in their creation. If 99% of people tell you your character has stubby legs, even if you don't agree, make them longer, its them that will be playing it, not you!

The best course to take is probably to just be clear and consise up front, and not just say "this is WIP". Give details of whats done and what's not done, which areas your pleased with and which you just threw together in 30 seconds, and above all, take critisism well.

Feel free to go across to my thread now and bitch about my model, I wonder if I will be able to practise what I preach? :)
hmmmm, well u say ITS NOT FINISHED! so basiclly u don't want any crits? I dunno whats with u making excuses about it not been finished when u could just answer that for ever thing that it wrong with it. It looks alright. Nothing special. I wouldn;t really post something that isn't very far into the modelling stages. I normally post something that is just about nearly finished modelling and I make it look presentable before i add minor details that people might want etc.... its better to get a basic shape and make sure its correct before u post 1/2 a gun and say its a WIP as your only excuse.
lol this is what happens wen sum1 mentions about posting WIPs, a modelling thread turns into a discussion on whether its clever or not to post WIPs.

btw the model looks good, but the stock is far too square. plz dont say yes, but its a WIP, coz then that will prove all the other points, that theres not point in posting wips.
Originally posted by beeglebug
The best course to take is probably to just be clear and consise up front, and not just say "this is WIP". Give details of whats done and what's not done, which areas your pleased with and which you just threw together in 30 seconds, and above all, take critisism well.

aye, I like this Idea, Maybe this should become a rule or something, we should ask the mod... oh wait thats me :P....

anywho, it looks good so far, and don't be scared to post your WIPs as a fresh pair of eyes is always helpfull...
thanks guys, for um.... um... the descusion?! Well anywase I am almost done it all but only have a couple things to do. I will post when i am done or near done next time