

Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
yeah this is what i've made with my "restricted" time. :D hope u guys enjoy it. crits / comments welcome as always. :) i'll try to make some clay renders soon. not sure if i'll have the time. :(


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your stuff is getting better and better - I really like this one.

Try modelling something else next! I'd like to see you do some props or something.
polycount right now isnt too high. well considering i havnt optimized it. its around 2400 poly right now. expecting to cut off 200 polygons. :D
ok ill take this one and that crappy rocket. my car is out there at the back its the blue sidan ...
looks good im gona show a render of my character model soon. it needs a bit of work still.
cant wait to see a character model around here. i'm actually getting around to learning how to character model. hopefully i'll go through with my first tutorial on it today or tomorrow.
ahh man this sucks. wqhen i try to open the scene file with my character in it it says xsi cannot open it blah blah. i still have an older version of the model but still that sucks big time.
well thats xsi for you . or just blatant stupidity whichever ur prone towards.
lol i cant remember the last time i was on it maybe my computer crashed or sumit. maybe its coz i got the gay mod tool coz i got no money. i checked out the other scene file with the character and its generaly the same but with the old legs not the updated legs and stuff like that so aint as bad as i had thought.
the charging handle doesn;t look big enough, and the trigger guard seems a little small, beyond that it looks fairly good, the stock seems a bit off to me, but that's probably the lack of smoothing groups
Icarusintel said:
the charging handle doesn;t look big enough, and the trigger guard seems a little small, beyond that it looks fairly good, the stock seems a bit off to me, but that's probably the lack of smoothing groups
what is a charging handle? :|
well here are two clay renders, the second one is a bit dark so sorry about that.


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xC4RN4G3x said:
what is a charging handle? :|
well here are two clay renders, the second one is a bit dark so sorry about that.
on the right side of the gun there is a small handle that you use to charge the weapon, you sort of have it in your model but it's not big enough, nor is it the right shape, it's curved
the stock still seems a bit off to me in the clay renders and for some reason the gun seems a little bit thin, but that may be the angle working against me