M4 "WIP"


Oct 28, 2004
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Hey guys you probably remeber me with my winchester and sniper i did in milkshape , im 13 and this is the first model ive done in 3ds max , i thought id use 3ds max instead of milkshape cause its got more features anyway here it is , sorry im runnin out of time .. school :(
i just saw 2 things that were odd to me
the rail i flat and tu have extremely well cut grooves in the foregrip :S ?
alo theres too much detail in the handle.
what the triangle and polycount ?
u forgot the trigger....
EDIT: sorry forgot the WIP was there. :| silly me. lol. and yeah school is a pain. especially when i'm trying to do so many things at once. my model creation has been halted for now. :D
The charging bolt needs to be bigger as well.
the css model for the m4 also has those grooves does anyone know why ? i havent seen an m4 with that kind of foregrip..
Those grooves in the foregrip don't exist, the real one doesn't have them, it only has thin ridges (raised, protrusions) around it like above.

The front iron sight doesn't have that groove that goes down the back of it, that part is flat, and it's thicker, starts as thick as the cylinder around the barrel that it is coming out of, and then thins slightly, and the two sides at the top bend outwards a little.

The main body of the M4 doesn't start thick at the bottom, then bend on the sides and go thinner when it meets that cylinder (where the ejection port, shell deflector, and forward assist (not done on your model yet) are along), it just goes almost straight up to it.

The cylinders that make up the barrel, the cylinder that goes through the middle of the body, and the shafts of the buttstock have way too many sides, they don't need any more then 8 (maybe 12). And the foregrip looks like it has too many also, it doesn't need any more then about 16 sides (looks like 20+).

Also, the general shape of most of the parts in the model needs a lot of work before you finish it.
thanks for your advice , ill try fix it up when i get time , stupid school year 8 "first year of high school" really getting me caught up in work.
wow, thats pretty good there mate, and only 13, i like it.

ive been tring to get good at modeling, but i have also had troubles with school and stuff *year 10* but keep going, it looks great
dark damo ur a 10th grader?

I dont think so, they do it different in different countrys, but here in the US, we would say hes in 11th grade, because Akuma said hes starting highschool, and for him 8th year of school...

lol wow. dark damo ur the same age as me i think. i'm going to be a junior once school starts. :) are u 16?
na mate, im 15, half way through grade/year 10 :)

years - 1-7 is primary school for QLD
years - 8-12 is high school for QLD
years - -1-6 is primary school in VIC+NSW
years - 7-12 is high school for VIC+NSW

and that is my quick guide to Austalian schooling system......*damn americans*
awwww. dont hate us. :( man i'm tired of being american. everybody hates americans. even the aussies hate us now. gosh. :(
hey us brits dont hate you. remember you saved our ass's back in ww2. only joking we would have won anyway.
awww u blow crackhead. :D its alright we got ur torch now. u passed it to us remember? :D hmmm i should go to england some day. it seems nice there(except for the terrorist bombings).
nothing we cant handle. u got it worse. where abouts in america do you live? ive been to washington d.c and memphis.
i live an hour away from LA. yeah california. me and 1337 were messing around on google maps and i know where he lives know. hahahahha. :) it would take me like 3 days to drive there though, so hell no i cant going. i cant even drive yet. lol.
i feel bad for all u guys over 18. u guys have to work or go to college. must be depressing. and u guys probably dont have that much free time, which is really weird since this is the MOD discussion part of the forums. lol. :D but cheers. yay to old people. :)
talk about going offtopic. anyway, thats a nice m4, the upper reciever could use a little work, where the carrying handle connects, on the m4 its not a solid connection, it has two knobs that you can unscrew to remove the handle (and possibly add a scope). if it were an M16A1 or A2, it would be a solid connection, however the A3 switched to detachable.
re: carnage

no I quite like not being a teenager anymore! I do some college but spend most of my time doing music (touring, writing, recording) for money and working on 3d/visual art freelance. I recently started building my game dev team to realize a lifelong dream Ive had.

So finally - yeah I like being out of highschool - less bulls**t to deal with and more chance to pursue what you enjoy.
why didnt u pursue what u enjoy during highschool? that sounds like u've been confined in a really small room throughout ur childhood or something. :|
I did, I started making music in highschool, but I wasnt able to do things like tour in japan, or devote 90% of my time to one thing if you know what I mean. Well thats not neccessarily true, i slacked off and did whatever I wanted most of the time in highschool but got good grades so I guess the moral of this story is - find a way to beat the system kids!
yeh i missed used to bunk school at the beggining of the last two years and then eventually stopped going alltogether and i still passed my exams lol they were piss easy. i beat the system!
lol crackhead. i'm proud of u. :D but twentyknives...i dont know. for me i thinks it gonna be one f*cken boring life after 18. gonna have to find some college and then work and then find some girl or someshit and then have some kids and finally just die randomly one day. that sounds f*cked up. touring japan musta been cool and all....but....i dont know. that reminds me, i did go to italy recently. god damn it was humid over there and i think the people hated me(i believe they can tell that ur american just by the way u dress). i'll see what happens once i'm over 18. :|
carnage - you dont have to follow that standard mould at all - your life will be as crazy and interesting as you make it! Also finding some girl will be pretty enjoyable ;)

I found that when I'm overseas doing the music thing people thing I'm from the EU (until I speak that is). Kind of glad anyways, America has been pissing off the world pretty consistantly the last 5 years. I'm pissed at us too, but thats a whole different topic.
yes it is. also twentyknives, finding some girl wont be that fun. u gatta marry her and then spend the rest of ur f*cking life with her. and then u'll die. so what the hell was the point of that? god damn i'll just die alone. seems easier. shit.
wow, talk about thread hijacking.........kool

meh, im pretty happy doing what im doing now at school. doing all this IT shit and getting good grades. maybe when im older ill move to america and bag everyone.....heheheh americans have funny accents.

i started to make a handgun....like 4 weeks ago, aint worked on it in like 3 weeks.....and its practially done :) ahhhh. life is great
ahhh we americans think australians have awesome accents. reminds me of crocodile dundee. :D i still love u Damo. :)
EDIT: i love british accents as well. :)
haha damn carnage - you dont have to follow a model for life dude. Do your own thing. Eventually Im sure you'll find a girl you love even if it aint on your mind right now - so spending time with them can be pretty excellent ;)

I have no plans of getting married, at least not anytime soon, but Ive been w/ my girl for 3 years and its been ace.

But yeh this is so far off topic it's hilarous.
LOL from a model to accents , then to girls :P .... i think its "slightly" off topic.
lol carnage why do you think its bad to get older. to be honest when i was younger life was so boring and seemed to go on for ever now more stuffs happening like driving lessons college etc. plus getting better jobs therefore earning mo' money. anyway better stop this talk now or well all get unfairly banned.
nah we won't get banned for this :D. no but seriously. before u know it, ur gonna be like 30 years old and shit. then u wont be able to make mods that well because ur getting old and everythings gonna seem new to u(all the techonology and shit). man i dont want hl2 to become old. i dont want to get old. soon my grandkids or whatever are gonna be like: "damn grandpa, u played hl2? that shits oldschool, get out of here." lol. :)
"nah we won't get banned for this . no but seriously. before u know it, ur gonna be like 30 years old and shit. then u wont be able to make mods that well because ur getting old and everythings gonna seem new to u(all the techonology and shit). man i dont want hl2 to become old. i dont want to get old. soon my grandkids or whatever are gonna be like: "damn grandpa, u played hl2? that shits oldschool, get out of here." lol. "
ofcourse u wont be able to make mods ull be making games...how old do u think the hl2 devs are ?
HA! Well considering a lot of people who MADE HL2 are over 30 I wouldnt be too worried guy! Youre life will probably be pretty interesting then if you plan on getting into the game industry, and believe me you're on the right track now. Game developers love modders - its like talent scouting. Also if you plan on persuing a carreer in modeling, starting young will give you such an advantage later on you wouldnt even believe it.
well the thing is i'm not sure if i want to get into the gaming industry....but i'm still getting older. its not like i can think about it and make a decision. becoming a game maker is totally different than just thinking about being one. i think i just want to make a mod. perhaps after i make a mod and i like it, i might get into gaming.
im current plans are to become a programmer/games developer/modeler [or a pro AFL player :P]. that is why i started modeling now, cause it will be better for later in life like in Uni or whatever.