M4a1 [wip]


Jul 13, 2003
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hi all, only been doing modelling for just under 2 weeks and really enjoying it :D been doin a M4A1 2day still some bits to do to it to make it look even better, i have put 2gether a zip with some renders of all the models i done:


And here is the M4A1:



  • m4a1_final_1.jpg
    38.3 KB · Views: 489
here uis another view, btw it is just under 2,000 polys but i am still working on it so it will be less by the end :cheers:


  • m4a1_final_2.jpg
    29.1 KB · Views: 373
just curious, y do u put the lines going sideways across the grip, and not lengthways, the perspective is goin to b horribly wrong if its skinned. aniways, the front of the grip looks...made up, its much more definite.
i put the lines that way on the grip casue that wat it looks like on my ref pic
rigth have updated some bits, can some1 tell me how i can cut groves into the mag? plz, thx
opps helps if i post the pic ;) sry


  • m4a1_updated.jpg
    31.2 KB · Views: 336
Sheesh, eddie! You really pump these things out. It's nice to see you so gung-ho about modeling.


hi again all sry to post so much in my own thread but i have done another update , smoothed the handle not look so square now :D
please don't take this the wrong way; I know your new to this but it could use some more work. It's a good base to start from, though the major problem is you used way too many segments on the cylinders. Cylinders should be 8-10 segments max in low poly modeleing.

Some details that are missing or inccorect.

1.the sight should be mounted to a picattiny rail.
2.the charging handle (base of the rail and receiver) should much flatter
3.the part of the receiver the mag is slotted into shold be raised and chamfered from the rest of the receiver (see Short_Fuse's or my m16 posted in these forums)
4.making the assumptiont hat this will be the 1st person model the stock will not be seen in the persepctive so you could simplify that and save yourself so much needed poly's
5.your scope is too round/too many segments.
6.the handle under the cooling chamber seems a little off and way to many segments again 8-10 MAX
7.you have a fold in the magazines mesh probably either incorrect smoothing groups or a stay vertice.

I hope you don't feel i was being harsh i do think it's a good start just needs some fleshing out.

(btw i was not trying to pimp my own model but i musat have redone my own m16 model at leat 2 dozen times so i know my own is accuratetly modeled)
Dont take this the wrong way since im posting a M4 model I made way back, its here on the board somewhere to so its allready commented and done with. I just want to show you want you can do with low poly modeling. This model is under 2000 polygons

As said above dont freak out on your counts, I use no more than 8 sides on a cube.

At first this wasnt intended as a low poly model but I removed faces inside and so on to lower polycount


take this as a point, things can look good without super high polycounts. I kinda like them better low poly
Originally posted by ChrisArt
Dont take this the wrong way since im posting a M4 model I made way back, its here on the board somewhere to so its allready commented and done with. I just want to show you want you can do with low poly modeling. This model is under 2000 polygons

As said above dont freak out on your counts, I use no more than 8 sides on a cube.

At first this wasnt intended as a low poly model but I removed faces inside and so on to lower polycount


take this as a point, things can look good without super high polycounts. I kinda like them better low poly

You ****ed that model up :P look at the nade launcher part
nah... its right that way... never saw a configuration like on your pic before.. strange...
Well if that was an RIS system then that is how that m203 would be attached. Model looks good though just a small tecnical problem nothing major.
I had another grip model where it was attached right but I dont have the model anymore after the reformat so I could show you.
ok, M4 + M203 launcher is built in 2 ways

Like This:

And Like This:

Originally posted by ChrisArt
As said above dont freak out on your counts, I use no more than 8 sides on a cube.

Now, I'm confused, cubes only have six sides, and if you meant cylinder, then the ones on your M4 have more than 8 sides.