Mac Version of Halflife2?

Powermac G5 is a freakin monster.Since the dumped motorola and went with IBM there is no more speed gap between PC's and Macs.Oh yea i have a question for all the PC people, Is there any PC mobo out there that has PCI-X, 1.0 Ghz bus, and 8 DDR-400 slots?So now the mac is a great gaming machine.
"From a purely technical point of view, there's no reason Half-Life 2 couldn't make it to the Mac. The new code is far more modular than the original, to the point where maintaining a Mac version alongside the updates and changes to the PC version could be fairly trivial. Mods and even commercial titles like Vampire could be ported over very rapidly based off the initial work to port Half-Life 2."
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blha blah blah blah blah blah
.... So anyway (manhandling this thread back on topic) saying macs are no good for games is just not accurate anymore, the G5 2GHz (which compares favourably against a 3GHz p4) with a Radeon 9600 pro is more than adequate to run HL2.

So why not release HL2 for mac? Perhaps valve dont want to take the time to do a full port. But don't just say 'MACS R SHIT 4 G4MEZZZZ" (I'm looking at you, righte0us).

I'm not really bothered as I can't affordd a mac anyhow, but more people playing HL2 is good for everyone here. Even the mac haters.....

It would probally actually be a good move for Valve considering that if they were to release it i'm sure jsut about every mac user would buy it. plus considering there is an almost nonexistant mac game market yet tehre would be very little competion for them.
I'd love to see a Mac port, cus the only thing anywhere near close enough to what one of my friends would actually use is a mac.
Halo, Doom 3, and i think Tribes 3 is being ported to i think hl2 will have some competion.I'm kinda jealous of macs now since the have all the latest computer technology in that G5.I wished I had a G5.
I just went to the apple site and configured the best G5 you can get and the total was.....ta da: $10,000(to be exact $9,544).For $10,000 buckaroos you can get the best Apple Powermac G5!!!WOW
Yawn.. if you configured the best intel pc with the same specs then it would be that price or more
A PC with exact same specs as the G5 actually costs more.
well damn i should get a G5 then.....once i get a job tho
can you believe the G5's power: 2GHz processors, up to 1GHz processor bus, Fast Serial ATA hard drives, up to 8 GB of DDR SDRAM, three USB 2.0 ports, two FireWire 400 ports, one FireWire 800 port, three PCI or PCI-X expansion ports, AGP 8x Pro, optical and analog audio in and out, and will be Bluetooth- and Airport Extreme-ready.oh yea the processors are 64-bit and uses hypertransport(same thing AMD uses with Opteron and ClawHammer).
Yeah and ati 9800 pro (without the cruddy windows drivers).. but no half life 2 :( Hence the original question!
oh yea on that post i did on how much apple g5 cost.....i added tha 23in apple lcd really it's a little over $7,000...with out display
Hey Doom3,Halo, and maybe Tribes 3 are coming out for it so that will give all the mac gamers busy untill the port half-life 2 over to the mac.
/me hopes HL2 will go over to the Mac.... since he is hoping to get one

I hope you have $10,000 by august, because those things are going to sell fast.Video and music editors are going to scramble to get one.
yes $2999 but that only has 512mb DDR-400 ram and a 160 GB serialATA harddrive.You can configure the mac the way you like it.I went there and see how much it would cost to put all the best hardware in it.
Which came up to $7000 without Apple 23 lcd display
real useful GRIMEY :p.... however I never see the point of spending loads of money on the most powerful system,.... i just buy what i need.... and when i need 2 upgrade... i buy what i need again :E
If i had all the money in the would all be poor MUHAHAHA! Anyway, if i had a lot of money i wouldnt be stupid but i would upgrade my sytem more often, and altohugh i wouldnt go mad and buy all the latest stuff as soon as it came out, i also wouldnt wait a year for the price to drop. Id let them recover the development costs until they drop the price then i would buy it, much like i do now but i can only do it like evey 4 years at the moment.
just to point out another cool feture about macs. the mac OS 10 is acualy build on linux. so you can get down to a linux command interface with a mac!
It's built on BSD unix (berkley standard division). Having a console is a great feature (if you're really into computers). Linux was built without any of the copywritten UNIX code, which is owned by BSD and AT&T (or is it someone else these days IBM or novell). I digress. The only reason not to port it would be for the time taken. There are plenty of people who own macs that are fast enough to play HL2.