
Originally posted by Recoil

we already argued about a sig in the mod ;)

shao, what did we decide for? :eek:

and the m14, well, looks to old :stare: no mean its a bad gun, just don't like the outlooks.

Ok, so no M1A. How bout a Ruger Mini-14 or Mini-30? You could make it synthetic for originality, ive never seen a synthetic skin, only wood.
sgt: well the mini-30 already looks better to me ;) perhaps in a later version.

sidewinder: only found the win 1897 right now; maybe you'll have a look at the one at and tell me wether its similar?
Eh, i might have been wrong on the year, but that's a a later verison. I htink the first one was in the 1860s.
who wants to help me model a Mac? just for starters? i have tried to do some guns, a pistol and a g36k, but i got really frustrated. help!!!! lol
lol@killa: the g36 isnt THAT much of a starter-gun to model; took me 2 days to do it ;(

in fact, try a mac or micro-uzi, that should be easier
r3c's right - im a beginner too and started with the mac either (that was difficult enough ;D)
i did a smoke grenade, lmfao. it still looks sad, but i got the hand of the shapes lol. ill try the mac later.



This was my first weapon ive ever done. i dont know how to indent things yet, like where the shell would ejct or anything.
please silent - open an own thread for your pics (more people will ya give comments then)