Mack's corner


Companion Cube
Feb 22, 2004
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You know Mack from the Mack and Mesh videos, right? Well, he's had his own separate channel for a while (so does Mesh), where he plays games and comments on them, and this guy is brilliant, comedy gold. Turns out he's even more of a pussy when it comes to playing scary games than Mesh - Mesh usually gets scared and then laughs it off - this guy is genuinely terrified. Check out his Penumbra: Black Plague videos (I have to warn you though, they are slow because of how much he's shitting himself; still worth a watch):

For something lighter, where he's not on the verge of a breakdown, check out his 'review' of Crashtastic (which looks like a fun project to support BTW):

Will definitely keep an eye on his channel
Mack has his own channel too, and turns out... he's an even bigger pussy when it comes to scary games.

EDIT: Whoops, I thought Unfocused was talking about Mesh. Anyways, how did I miss this thread the first time around?

Anyway, I saw that video yesterday, it's hilarious. Mesh doesn't really seem scared that much nowadays, he has a jump and then laughs about it. Mack is actually terrified when playing those games, it's pretty ridiculous really :p
Yeah, some of Mack's other videos are actually really annoying to watch because of how scared he is. When Mesh is scared he can still function after the initial jump, Mack just gets completely paralyzed. Sometimes it takes him 5-10 minutes to get going again and close the pause menu.
I prefer Mesh I think, he just seems more personable. I mean, Mack is good too, but there's just something about Mesh.
I find them both hilarious. Mack is especially funny when playing shitty games. He also sometimes sings, which is a riot.

Anyways, this might as well be the new thread for both of them. They both have awesome videos going on in thier own channels, and they're doing a Mesh Does Cry of Fear series together now too, which is classic scare-fest.
To be honest I find Mesh slightly annoying when he's playing solo. Watch his Far Cry 3 part 1 video - when he's talking shit to Vaas at the beginning I wanted him to shut up and listen to the character. This annoys me in the same way that people who watch a movie and despite important stuff going on, take out their phones and start replying to a text they just got from someone.

Also both of them (especially Mesh) sometimes seem to play the games like the console kiddies they bash - there's a bit of text to read for the back story - "nah, can't be arsed".

Still, <3 to them.
Also both of them (especially Mesh) sometimes seem to play the games like the console kiddies they bash - there's a bit of text to read for the back story - "nah, can't be arsed".
Well this one I'm pretty sure is just because we're watching. They know watching them read things doesn't make for an exciting video, and a lot of times there is a lot to read which takes up a good chunk of time during their normal 15 minute videos. In Miasmata for instance, Mesh reads mostly everything.

But yeah, Mesh does talk a lot. I think he feels compelled to, since people aren't watching it just for the game. He should tone it down a bit so that he'd stop missing important things.