Madden 2004????

I agree entirely, such crap, and now they have David Spade?!?!?!?!! why not have John Carmack or Gabe Newell or Bill Roper? for that matter they aren't bothering to go into the reasons for any of the winners, really pisses me off.
Are you talking about that Video Game Award show thing? How was it (I'm guessing awful from the last post)?
ya... can't believe it was madden 2004 as well!
and it's not over, qckbeam
Oh, well if it isn't over yet how has it been so far? And what did Madden win exactly?
Madden won for best game of the year i beleave :dozey:

So far it's sucking alot of ass..
madden won game of the year! enter the matrix won best game based on a movie... and for no apparent reason they asked lil kim to come to tell everyone that she can play madden and NBA live.... and the most anticipated game finalists (gonna annouce obvious winner at the end of the show) are: Doom 3, a game called Driv3r, and a game called Fable... but NO half-life 2!!!! this is what happens when u let the people vote! and not real gamers
it's an absolute travesty. not a single game developer has had more than two seconds screen time

it's all a shitty vaudeville act.
That is the point, in all the comercials they say, no nominees, no acceptance speeches, lots of T&A, and well thats about it. Madden 2004 GOTY, DoA Xtreme Beach Volleyball won Best Animation (WTF!?!?!?), Ray Liotta won Best Voice (at least one good thing), and Enter the Matrix now. This is the shodiest ****ing award show i have ever seen, could possibly be worse then G4's.
yeah I couldn't believe enter the matrix won best game based on a movie.


and whats with all the cheerleaders?
I hate how they just announce the winner.

So far sucky.
So it was a games award show made to appeal to the masses while leaving out the actual community as well as the actual game developers? That's awful. Sadly, that's the kind of mainstream gaming crap people are always talking about. Madden is all people (around me anyway) play (besides the GTA games), no surprise it won really (although it really shouldn't have). We need something made for real gamers. Enough of this mainstream crap. Put a controller in a rappers hand and stick his picture in a magazine, now your game is mainstream.
Just when it couldnt get any worse, Andrew WK, possibly the worlds biggest dousch bag and worst musician, is performing.

I hope Ray Liotta slaps his agent for making him be on this show.
They could at LEAST show a bit more of the game.

Not this game won, now watch 5 seconds of the game footage and then listen to some crappy music. Also I thought David Spade was "hosting" so far hes been on stage once for about 3 minuits.
At least HL2 just got noticed, and Damged you took the words directly out of my mouth, i was going to say the exact same thing about Spade lol
I will be VERY suprised if HL2 will win, simply because I doubt that they could get any exclusive footage out of Valve to show at their "uber" award show :dozey:
All I know is that there better not be any guys from Valve there. Their asses better be in the studio finishing the damn game.
I've never seen the footage of him shooting the grenade launcher at the Strider that they showed. If HL2 wins I'm expecting new footage.

KOTOR just won!
lol ok i know im nit picking, but kotor one for best fantasy game.. shouldnt it be under best si-fi :)

Dont mind me, im just on a VGA hate spree atm :)
Man that most anticipated game is going to be so close its not even funny. I want like every game they've showed so far. The suspense is killing me lol.
I feel lesser of a human being for watching this show for some reason.
Im surprised KOTOR won, that has been the most deserving of any of the winners there so far imo, and HL2 will most definetly not win, if Madden 2004 won best GOTY, there aint a chance in hell that with those kind of people voting picked HL2, itll probably ****ing be Madden 2005, jk no probably like Halo 2 or Doom III, no exclusive footage of HL2, what should be on that list is GTA5, but they couldnt put it on there since no one knows anything about it, i would jump out of my pants in excitment if they had footage of that! Oh and did i mention this is the worst award show ever?
this is more of a music concert than an awards show about videogames. :|
woohoo HALO 2!!!

Eat that Valve!!

Wait a minute...
So Halo 2 just won most anticipated game....

:flame: :flame: :flame:

Edit: I cant spell :)
Originally posted by Damaged
So Halo 2 just won most anticapated game....

:flame: :flame: :flame:

and what's the damn dessert???? a damn milkshake!!!

welll.... at least that we know what the milkshake in that song is... a dance
This song sucks ass. This award show sucks ass. THIS WHOLE DAMN THING SUCKS ASS!

Screw that gay ass milkshake song. Get some talent whore.
Half Life 2 won most constipated game, it wants to come out but it just can't.
Damn did i call that one, not that you couldnt see that from a mile away though. And WTF was up with that song, granted there were a lot of really hot women in it but there were like 4 lines that made up the lyrics for a song that lasted like 3 minutes?! And yeah this is just a music concert...
Originally posted by Pressure
This song sucks ass. This award show sucks ass. THIS WHOLE DAMN THING SUCKS ASS!

Screw that gay ass milkshake song. Get some talent whore.

lol..... u literally stuck ur hand down my throat, shook my voice box, and then typed what u found there
I did that to someone else before but then got arrested :/
Originally posted by Dr.Sbaitso
And yeah this is just a music concert...

ya... now we got friggen DMX playing.... u know... i think it was scripted... Def Jam has DMX in it... and DMX is performing... same thing happend for smackdown and THUG
Well I just wasited a few hours of my life, I probably would have waisted them anyways... but the VGA's are an insult to all other waisted time.
Originally posted by Damaged
Well I just wasited a few hours of my life, I probably would have waisted them anyways... but the VGA's are an insult to all other waisted time.

Time to watch something better... Futurama and Family Guy. Ah much much better.