Made working TV but with no sound, Help!




Ok I know its got something to do with func_microphone but I dont know how to set it up exactly, and the tutorials dont seem to cover it. Anyone know how to set it up so that the Television gives off the noise from where you are filming with the camera? Im like 99.8% done with this friggin map and I keep finding more things I was gonna fix but forgot and went on to the next thing :p.
If anyone could explain it please lemme know.
I believe its, env_microphone, and env_speaker, although im not sure about that, whichever it is, it works the same as the camera but for sound.
Ive tried the env_speaker and env_microphone before, but it gave off some error. Anyone know how to configure them?
hit alt-enter and hit the help button for the entities and that should tell you how to do it.