Mafia 2 Trailer at GC

since when did mafia drive airboats through water canals for three hours? If you want that kind of exitment then why did you play Mafia? Clearly thats not the type of gameplay id expect from a game entiteld MAFIA...

Read the title of the game before you play the game...

Funniest shit ever.
Haha! I admit I had to cheat to beat the racing bit, then the game started to kick ass.

The racing was a bitch..good idea, badly implemented. Likewise I opted for a trainer to get past that particular bugbear. Personally I thought that Mafia was a good game, there were definite flaws with it, but the atmosphere was lovely and it looked fantastic (only GTAIV looks better). Downsides were the controls at times as well as the later missions being incredibly stacked when it came to numbers of opponents (rather than being cerebral challenges).
Yeah, there were lots of foes, but I don't think it got in the way...

There were tons of enemies in the Kill Sergio mission, but that was also the funniest chapter because of the constant failed assassination attempts, each more elaborate than the last.

In the bootlegging job at the garage, there were tons of enemies, but that was kind of intentional. The opening cut scene of when the duel goes south kicks ass, and the whole atmosphere they try to evoke is just you being total badasses of being caught with your pants down in an ambush, and blasting your way out despite it.

My only complaint would be the final mission, which would have been cooler if it was just you and you-know-who (don't want to spoil it for people!)sneaking around and hunting each other through the galleries.
I also want to say, I thought it had the best ending ever.

Having Tom be gunned down in the end, just showed how deep those grudges can go
The last few levels of Mafia had some of the greatest gaming moments I have ever experieced. And the storyline was epic.
Looking damn fine! :D 1940s era eh? Okay I'm up for it. I hope they have authentic music like in the last game.


The streets look crowded and alive. Excellent.
Correct me if I'my wrong, but in the pic I posted, does it say "Empire City Transport" on the back of the bus?

Empire City eh? I assume 1940s New-York look-alike. Sounds fun!
Correct me if I'my wrong, but in the pic I posted, does it say "Empire City Transport" on the back of the bus?

Empire City eh? I assume 1940s New-York look-alike. Sounds fun!

hmm nice spot, no more lost heaven eh? i'm so ****ing looking forward to this game and they've only released some screens hehe.
Maybe Mafia was an excellent game. I wouldn't know since I stopped when it got to the racing crap.

Still, this looks nice.
They don't look so much like screenshots as they do concept renders. I'd be happy to be wrong though.

I hope that Mafia 2, while still retaining a strong story line doesn't slavishly follow it as the first one did. Give it more of a free flow and add more interactions and life to the city itself.

The rich mifioso history is there, I hope Illusion can make it happen.
Yesssssss! I didn't think they'd ever actually make a 'Mafia 2'. I can't wait.
I forgot it was Illusion Softworks who made Mafia. They made the Hidden & Dangerous series. H&D2 was one of the most overlooked PC games.

Hopefully it won't be Xboxified.
I thought Mafia was top notch, and the racing event wasn't hard. Call yourselves gamers?
Observation from screens:

1. That's a greater variety of vehicles. I see a tanker truck in the distance in the street screen.

2. That's a bus, not a tram. I wonder how they'll handle traffic flow in Mafia 2. The original game worked generally well, but ocassionally it slipped up and led to huge traffic jams. I hope you can ride in taxis in this one, along with the bus. I loved the elevated rails in Lost Heaven.

In the mission The Priest, I hijacked the hearse, but crashed near the Downtown rail station. I jumped out with bullets whizzing all around and cops piling out of their cars. I run up the stairs and by purest chance there is a train pulling in. I hop on, and just as the train pulls out, cops pour onto the platform and start shooting at me. I wave goodbye as the train scoots away, and praise American public transportation. In all honesty that was one of my favorite moments in the game. I hope we can replicate it.
Extremely good looking screens! Totally want this game NOW DAMMIT! And all you n00bs who couldn't finish the race (and hence did not finish the game) should dust off their copy and finish it right now. There are saves and cheats on the net you know. :P

Anyone spot the four fighters flying in formation in the "street" shot?
Hey you're right! We're going to get sky traffic? Very nice...dare I ask for pilotable aircraft?
You know what? Mafia games always seem to launch near a big GTA game. Mafia was launched a little after GTA III and now Mafia 2 will near GTA IV. I'm pretty sure there is going to be another round of "GTAIV >/< Mafia 2" debate. Its pretty ridiculous since its better to compare Mafia with something like Max Payne since both are highly story driven cinematic experiences.
pre rendered? Dunno, the facial animation is great. WANT!!!!!!
Oh dear I need to get hold of Deep Blue to play this game at max fps D:

Looks like Brando in "On The Waterfront"

I certainly hope they don't plan on a revenge sequel or something, a new story and character like GTA would be nice
graphics looks nice, gameplay of the first once was good (I don't think it was GREAT myself, but whatever) . . . so assuming they don't screw this one up it should be worth looking forward to.
Was the racing part really that hard? :|

I loved the first one; bring on the sequel!
Was the racing part really that hard? :|

I loved the first one; bring on the sequel!

there was actually 1 S-bend where you could go through at full speed whereas the other cars would stop to make the turn but if you lined the car up right you could basically zip over some gravel which meant you were way out ahead of the others, then you just had to keep it steady to the finish.

the 35-40 sec mark in this video, keep to the right but line up it right and you can basically bypass the turn.
I forgot it was Illusion Softworks who made Mafia. They made the Hidden & Dangerous series. H&D2 was one of the most overlooked PC games.

H&D2 was excellent fun and a great looker as well, just like mafia, I think the big mistake they made was the lack of Co-op in the initial release though as that was the cool thing about the original H&D. Although they added it in the expansion pack I think it was a little bit too late by then.

Anyhows the screens of Mafia 2 look awesome. Certainly ingame rather than renders as if it's one thing Illusion do well is texture details (H&D and Mafia hold up pretty well even now). The cam video is hard to judge, here is hoping that they get a nice HD version up on gametrailers sometime soon.
if it's one thing Illusion do well is texture details (H&D and Mafia hold up pretty well even now).

qft, the textures in their games are really nice, nothing really feels repeated, btw how many expansions were there for h&d2? i got sabre squadron, was there another?
qft, the textures in their games are really nice, nothing really feels repeated, btw how many expansions were there for h&d2? i got sabre squadron, was there another?

Nah just sabre squadron, but it added co-op which was cool :)