Magic the Gathering

I had a blue annoy deck.

Basically, its entire purpose was to bounce/counter/annoy the crap out of enemy. Not win. Just piss the other guy off.
Blue control makes baby Jesus cry.

And for those who are alluding to MTG being a nerdy pasttime...

Did you ever stop to consider that posting on a forum is a nerdy pasttime? ;)

-Angry Lawyer
I am a geek. But I do not play Pokemon cards or dress up as Spock, that's just low.

I guess you could say I'm a Computer geek.
So, I dress like spock now?

You're likely a little young to understand yet, but after you leave school, you stop getting categorised. I have a healthy appetite for gaming, reading, play the odd game of Magic the Gathering, I paint on occasion, I write alot. In addition, I spend a lot of time down the pub, go to nightclubs, and have had a number of partners. People also consider me in the "attractive" group.

-Angry Lawyer
No, I was just saying that I do not fit into the geek stereotype completely. I am young and I am absolutely sick of stereotypes, just recently my mate judged everyone who says n00b on one guy, really pissed me off.

Yeah I suppose my post did sound aggressive, sorry.
No problem. Soon as you enter the working environment, you can do crossstitch and still pull the women. Seriously, people stop caring.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
If by Legends deck, you mean a deck completely made of the sets "Legends" and containing such awesome cards as "COSMIC HORROR!" then I am in awe.

[booming voice]
[/booming voice]

-Angry Lawyer
Yes, a deck made of only Legends set. <3 It was awesome..but I traded it for like 200 rares :( I was a dumb 16 year old.

I've actually been trying to sell my cards, but nobody wants to buy them. :(
zomg i have so many MTG cards and i want to sell them on eBay

AACCTTUALLLY how much would you be willing to buy them? I have like 4 Serra Angels and all old shit and stuff. 2 Sliver Queens. :D
Erestheux said:
zomg i have so many MTG cards and i want to sell them on eBay

AACCTTUALLLY how much would you be willing to buy them? I have like 4 Serra Angels and all old shit and stuff. 2 Sliver Queens. :D
Don't steal my idea, I'm trying to hijack this thread with sellage.

I've got a list of all my rares and I think my decks as well...if anybody wants them

*EDIT* NO I DONT NEVERMIND :( My harddrive failed. If anybody is interested and has extra money to throw into alot of common/uncommon then ~300+ rares + 4 good decks, lemme know..
CyberPitz said:
Yes, a deck made of only Legends set. <3 It was awesome..but I traded it for like 200 rares :( I was a dumb 16 year old.

I've actually been trying to sell my cards, but nobody wants to buy them. :(


-Angry Lawyer
SLivers ftw !!! i loved the mass like 15 people games we got going at the comic shop with three people playing slivers, got so damn powerful ^__^, i may have to start playing again, but i got no funds for cards D=
CyberPitz said:
such a high upkeep card, why are you obsessed? :P

Here's why.

Grab a traffic cone or a bullhorn. Place the wide end near someone's ear. In the deepest and most awe-inspiring voice possible, yell COSSMMIIIIIC HORRRORRR!

Feel the power.

Leveler's just as awesomely pants as Cosmic Horror, but isn't really yellable through a bullhorn.

-Angry Lawyer
If you dont know, the newest set Ravnica is out and there is the Kamigawa block which is the second most recent.
I've got one Type 2 legal deck, I haven't played in months though.

-Angry Lawyer
Gah, those new cards...I stopped playing with those. Overrun? or something...guh. Anything as recent as like 2-3 years just bothered me. I'm all for ~apocolypse and pre stuff.

No don't play, my shit's not good enough for the people who'd rather put money into MTG cards then an actual vehicle.