Magic Word


Oct 11, 2004
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Okay, my friend is rubbish at keeping his computer passwords secret and has to constantly change them. Apparently his new password is the 'magic word' that gives Superted his super powers. Does anyone know what that is? I can't remember, it's years since I watched it.
Google is your friend.

Apparently, the secret word was never revealed, as SuperTed always whispered it. So the password is probably something like whisper, or secretword, magicword, or something like that. Why're you trying to break into your friend's computer anyway? Why not just...hmm, I dunno...ASK him for the password?
It was never revealed.

Edit: Dang you beat me.
I searched, and I didn't find anything so I thought I'd see if anyone here knew. Some places it says it was never revealed, but some places it says it was.

And I don't want to hack in to his computer, I just want to prove him wrong :D He's never managed to keep a password for more than two weeks and he told me that this time he would.
Yeah, SimonomiS, google doesn't really help on this one.

However, since no-one else has mentioned it, I'll just quote this:

"Rumour has it that Super Ted's secret magic word was "my secret magic word"."
...I mentioned it. Some combination of "magic word," "secret word," "secret magic word." But I should say, not so much Google, but Wikipedia was your friend on this one. That's where Yahoo Search pointed me.

Also, the post times are hilarious in this thread. And Jangle, you should append bets to proving your friend wrong. Have him buy you a beer or something every time you guess his password.
Why not brute froce it?


Oh, you don't want to do anything that works eh?
First result from Google:

Rumour has it that Super Ted's secret magic word was "my secret magic word". How tricky! But I cannot prove it. :(

"Given the idea of the transformation probably came from Captain Marvel (look at the costume Super Ted wears), I wouldn't be surprised if his word was Shazam - but don't quote me on that!"

Apparently, Nobody actually knows Super Ted's magic words because the creators were worried young kids might repeat them thinking it'd make them fly, so they never let it out what the words were.

I have it on good authority that Super Teds magic word was sasparella.His favourite drink.Sorry for the spelling.

Try 'em all.
Who's superted? (Don't tell me to use google or wikipedia).
Ok, I'll use Wikipedia for you.

SuperTed was an animated television series from the United Kingdom that first aired in 1983.

The story followed the adventures of a teddy bear, magically brought to life by his sidekick Spottyman and given magical powers by an embodiment of Mother Nature, powers that enabled him to fight evil.
He told you it's supeted's magic word? If that's the case I think he's bluffing you.