Magicka: co-op diablo like rpg released tommorrow on steam

That actually does look pretty cool. It's too bad (for me) that there's no mac support.
This has been on my radar for a while. Co-op should be fun. The magic system seems very cool.
Finally this is being released! Hope it's as fun as it was when I first played it probably 1½-2 years ago. The spellcasting system seems different though. I played it on Xbox and there you had to use the right stick in different ways to conjure the elements but here it seems to be achieved by the press of a button :/.
Wasn't there a game released with the same title like 10 years ago?
On snap. Thanks for showing us this Stern. I'll probably be grabbing this. $10 for a coop action-rpg with Dragon Age style spell combination system? Yes please. :)
wow, that sounds awesome!

Can anyone confirm that it's co-op over the internet and not just one one computer?
yes, many recent games have said co-op but only have been local co-op like trine and lara croft guardian of light
This game is being sold as a coop game. On steam. They would be ****ing idiots to not have it be online coop.
I agree, and yet several similar games have not recently.

And to those similarly curious, I did confirm that it does. I'm checking out the demo now, can't wait to play it tomorrow.
The demo is really cool. The magic is really fun to play and experiment with. It takes some getting used to with all the different ways that spells can be applied/used. I'm still not exactly sure how to enchant the sword. I've done it a few times, but the combo remains a mystery.8
I think you choose spell, then shift + left click then attack.

Seems quite hard right now but thats because it seems to take a wile to get used to the spell system
it's a fun game, but lots of connection issues at launch. Supposedly they're going to be patching very often though.
it's a fun game, but lots of connection issues at launch. Supposedly they're going to be patching very often though.

First patch already released with more to come every 24 hours supposedly when issues are found.
Played the demo for a bit.
The controls take some getting used to but it's pretty fun.

I love how they take the elements into consideration.
Blast a bunch of enemies with water and then zap them with electricity and it practically insta-kills them.

Nifty stuff, might buy it at some point.
best beam spell I've found so far is steam (fire + water) + lightning + arcane
I Am loving this game, Not even finished the first level yet but been having a blast.

Only thing that has annoyed me so far is there seems to be very few save points. And when you die you seem to go back quite a long way :(
Thanks for that combo Hazar. It rocks. I was using just fire, lightning, arcane and that seemed like the best, but the steam instead of fire does like double that damage.

The best projectile I've found is water/frost, rock, water/frost, rock, water frost. Fully charged it does just over 5k damage. With no charge it does 800.

It feels like beams are by far the best way to kill things though. I wouldn't mind a decent aoe damage spell.
One of my favorite spell combos is water, arcane to wet them up and then frost, arcane and the beam freezes them solid until they die.

I'm really tempted to buy this.

Edit: Just found out some more good combos. For a projectile 3 ice(water/frost), arcane, and stone. Does 1.3k with no charge and 5.7k with a full one.
3 Ice, lightning, arcane shoots out very damaging shards in a cone spray. The more power the more concentrated and narrow the spray.
Want to get this but i heard some rather discouraging criticism. Game appears to be rather unstable and buggy, even if you got a high-end computer. Some people complain that you can only see like 12 games in the server browser where 90% are private games, and you cant even host your own game, and even if you get inside a game you are often randomly disconnected. Not sure if all these points are legit or just trolling, can someone confirm or deny?
They are legit complains at the moment. My friend was couldn't host any games or join any without crashing till we learned a trick to join my games: He goes ingame then joins mine by using the steam friends join game button.

Hopefully they'll work these issues out soon. The game is still a lot of fun though, but I wish there were more levels in the arena. Once you get the elementals spell it becomes easy (I guess they could nerf that spell though too).

Another great co-op spell we've found is for one person to do a water beam, the other an ice beam and then merge them. This freezes anyone that gets in the way and does massive damage.
Damn, that's a lot of potentially disappointed customers to spread bad word-of-mouth around, if it's as buggy as I'm hearing. Could spell bad things for their continued sales.
I dont mind to much about bugs. It seems playable to me and sounds like they are working hard to fix the issues.
This game is incredibly fun, I'm so impressed with it. I've not experienced any of these bugs yet but I haven't played any co-op, just the adventure mode. I find throwing up a spell with shield + 4 earth for a stone wall helpful when you need to heal / charge a big spell. Also it is hilarious at times.

Not surprising really given the cost difference.

Damn, that's a lot of potentially disappointed customers to spread bad word-of-mouth around, if it's as buggy as I'm hearing. Could spell bad things for their continued sales.

Unlikely. I don't think anyone who has gotten it yet has been disappointed. Especially with a demo dropping the same day as release, you knew what you were buying, and even if not, I don't think too many people get upset over $10.

Furthermore, they're pretty committed to fixing the errors and taking community feedback to heart. In the 3 days since release, we've had 3 patches with another one coming tonight. They've already implemented a couple of suggestions.

Also, I have only done local coop (two players on one computer with one using a 360 controller) and I have not experienced any bugs so far. I think we're on chapter 5 or 6.
I love the disproportionate amount of talented indie devs we seem to have in my country.

Frictional Games, Notch(how talented his new company is remains to be seen) and now these guys to just name the most well-known ones.
Question! I dont understand how you use the Special's on weapons/staffs. If you look at the controls there are a lot more actions for a control pad, ie Special, assigned to "Y" by defult. But when you check out the keybord/mouse controls these are not there?

Anyone have any ideas?
Question! I dont understand how you use the Special's on weapons/staffs. If you look at the controls there are a lot more actions for a control pad, ie Special, assigned to "Y" by defult. But when you check out the keybord/mouse controls these are not there?

Anyone have any ideas?

I think there are less for the mouse/keyboard because you use shift. I've been using the 360 controller so I can't say for sure, but I think it's done using shift and the middle mouse click?
shift middle click is to use your staff's active ability. Shift left click is to use your magic on your sword.