Magicka: co-op diablo like rpg released tommorrow on steam

Yea knew about the magic on sword!

Also some staff's show a kind of Ora of effect, is that to do with the special ability?
Patch #4 is on its way out.

Also, Infomercial

Also some staff's show a kind of Ora of effect, is that to do with the special ability?

The aura gives you a radius effect, like the Staff of Life heals anyone in the radius. There's also a Frost one that gives you some resistance. They're just passive. Other staffs have things like teleport or summoning that you can trigger with a button click.
How much replay value would you say this has? I've only played SP demo, and in order to convince my penny pinching friends to play they need to be assured it has replay value.
How much replay value would you say this has? I've only played SP demo, and in order to convince my penny pinching friends to play they need to be assured it has replay value.

That's a good question. I'm not sure many people have beaten it so far. In addition to the campaign, which is a very decent length, there's an "endless wave of monsters" mode, and either there is or there is going to be a versus/duel mode. I'm not sure if more DLC is planned or not. I know that I at least plan to go through the campaign multiple more times. There are secrets to find, and achievements, more combinations of magic to be discovered, and so on.

I'd get them to check out the demo with you. I think even the demo will do local coop if you have usb controllers for it. Even if there's not a lot of replay, the game is just so damn fun that it's hard to pass up. I think if you get them to see the hilarity that comes from blowing each other up, you might be able to sell them on it easily.
Just been trying to play online and it is really buggy and annoying. Really hope they fix this up fast. It has so much potential but the bugs are killing it :(
Demo won't launch. I click it and the "Steam is preparing to launch..." comes up, then disappears and nothing happens.

Now I have a sad face :(
Demo won't launch. I click it and the "Steam is preparing to launch..." comes up, then disappears and nothing happens.

Now I have a sad face :(

Check and see if other windows are popping up, it sometimes has trouble trying to install directx and things and doesn't bring the window to the front every time.
Tried again. Got a "Magicka has stopped working" error message from Windows this time.
Did I say it ran poorly? It doesn't, it runs fine. Right up until it crashes or bugs out, which it did multiple times - in the span of a ****ing demo.

What are you, in charge of their PR?

Edit: Speaking of PR, this is kind of neat. :3
Glitchy as all hell when playing over internet. When LANing, it is beautiful and fun though, so thats what is making me not regret my purchase. Are there release notes for patch 4?
Ice Ice Ice Lightning Arcane > win game.
Install Demo
Get a Direct X error, but game still loads
click "Adventure" then "JOIN". Don't know what "Create New" is, so I click it. Brings up a create wizard screen. Type my name "CyberPitz already exists!" Ok, I guess I don't need to do that. Let me just...exit.....I can't click on ANYTHING. /alt f4

This game's fun just by yourself... but it'll be awesome doing coop (once it's fixed I guess).

Also, I have a machine gun.
Install Demo
Get a Direct X error, but game still loads
click "Adventure" then "JOIN". Don't know what "Create New" is, so I click it. Brings up a create wizard screen. Type my name "CyberPitz already exists!" Ok, I guess I don't need to do that. Let me just...exit.....I can't click on ANYTHING. /alt f4


It doesn't let you cancel out of the name dialog for some bad programming reason. You'll just have to put garbage in there, accept, and then cancel or whatever.
I've been playing the demo and the one thing I don't like is that you have to hold down the mouse button to move.
How else would you move and combo up spells at the same time?

I'm afraid the controls work well and you are wrong!
Haven't done any coop (don't know anyone with this game but I've asked around) but single player is good. Yeah the game is pretty glitchy but it doesn't bug me too much. It's extremely fun though. I love figuring out new spell combos. I flipped out when I accidently learned I could enchant weapons. Edit: also, m60.
Still plugging along with my girlfriend. We're up to Chapter 10 I think?

The Swamp was an excellent screw. We had relied so much on Arcane, and to have it suddenly switch from being a very powerful weapon to something that heals the enemies was brilliant

Apparently new patch again tonight, and the devs announced that Magicka has sold a total of 150,000 copies, which is just amazing.
Vietnam? What? Is that supposed to be satirical?
Looks cool. Anyone figured out the balefire weave yet?
They're making a dlc to the game they haven't fixed, piece of shit.
They're making a dlc to the game they haven't fixed, piece of shit.

I haven't had any problems with it after the second patch that came out about three of four weeks ago.
I haven't either. I had one single crash occur in Chapter 5 or so, and it was fixed.
I've had endless amounts of ctds, menu bugs and connectivity issues when playing on multiplayer.