Magnum .357 too strong? Levels too "littered"?


Sep 23, 2003
Reaction score
I have experienced the magnum as too powerful and the HKMP7 (?) terribly weak and inaccurate. Anyone else feels the same?

and sometimes the levels feel too cluttered but I guess it's supposed to be that way right?
no, i feel that the magnum is very cool and the SMG is just right, especially as you start with it. dont forget, its deathmatch- not CS or something. if a guy has a magnum you just use the manipulator and push a car into him, or rush at him with a radiatior. or even yet, get some players to help you and have 5 PEOPLE RUNNING AT HIM WITH RADIATRS ROFL!!!!
I agree, the magnum is a bit too powerful. They should only make it a 1 hit kill if it is the head and maybe 50-75 damage on the body.
The magnum is definitely gonna be nerfed. I killed 10 people in the first thirty seconds of one game using the magnum. It's definitely over-powered.
ahhaha the magnum is awesome, but yes it will probably be nerfed, hopefully more like the first one, a lot of damage, but good
can we bunnyhop? am at my girlfriend's with shit computer so cant play til tomorrow :(
yeah it will be nerfed like hell, I killed like 8 people in a row with it
Cons Himself said:
can we bunnyhop? am at my girlfriend's with shit computer so cant play til tomorrow :(
You can, but strafe-sprint-jump seems almost faster.

I forsee that quickbowing will be stopped ;)
Magnum is a tad strong. I haven't seen it abused much though, perhaps I've been lucky.

The SMG isn't very powerful in SP either, and as it's a spawn weapon it's good enough as it is.

I forsee that quickbowing will be stopped

Quickbowing? Is that unzoomed bow use?
Quickbowing is a leftover from HLDM where you press both mouse keys at nearly the same time resulting in a zoom-kill. It works fine while jumping or BHing :)
i dunno, i find the 357 is kind of essential. take overwatch its hard to kill the guy camping the launcher unless you use the 357 or he/she is shit. its my fav map out of the err 2. Its just funny everyone battling to get it and then blocking the stairs, after the server has been going though it gets harder to block the stairs. Although without the 357 its really hard to get the launcher person in the map. Due to the lack of TDM servers ive never seen a decent game on it but i bet its basicly who ever holds the top is winning. Then the 357 is needed to pick them off from the ground
seriously, the .357 should stay. after all, if you get killed, its not like CS or anything.. you dont have to WAIT to respawn, you just immediately jump back at the person and wack him in the back of the head with a radiator or something.

dont forget- its very hard to shoot someone when theyre running at medium range, sprinting and jumping around. its not like its the ultimate weapon or something... you can still get killed just as easily.
magnum power should be dropped a tad, or the accuracy greatly decreased.

all the weapons are fine besides that... oh and the shotgun.. it currently takes 3 point blank double barrel blasts to kill someone.

pretty much making the weapon useless (if a shotty isn't effective close range, why else would you use it?)
I've only been able to play the Overwatch level, and it's bugged (see my bug thread, on the last page or so of this forum now) so that none of the other weapons are spawning (the server is still up since I last played, no map reset/change).

However when I was playing, the magnum was too powerful - if it did 80 damage it would be good, I think. That way you can't just kill people who have respawned - they need 2 shots or to have been damaged some other way.

Also the RPG in the overwatch level is a little too easy to camp with, and I feel there definately is too much crap littered everywhere - it makes the manipulator too much of a good weapon, with 1 hit kills and very fast reloading, as well as acting as a shield.
well form what iv experienced the magnum takes two hit to body and one to head and the lvls are fine imo gives a great resource for manipulators and great action with manip vs. manip fights, catching each others radiators lol. all said its great balance. i hope they dont 'nerf' anythin because nubs cry while players play.
Lanthanide said:
Also the RPG in the overwatch level is a little too easy to camp with

Which is exactly why the 357 should be so powerful. its easy to kill the guy with the RPG when you havea 357 and its nearly the only way. if you weakened it he would be even harder. I think that is what makes the map so fun though. The goal of it is pretty much to get to the RPG and hold it, it gives the map more than just kill people like the other map. You can get abit of armour and it doesnt kill 1 hit

Lanthanide said:
I feel there definately is too much crap littered everywhere - it makes the manipulator too much of a good weapon, with 1 hit kills and very fast reloading, as well as acting as a shield.

the power of the g gun is basicly dependent on the map then. Everyone starts with the weapon and its not easy to hit people with small items due to you cant see the people your firing it. but still its nice to roll a car ontop of a few people.
I like the magnum as it is, but it seems to make the crossbow kinda redundant. That bothers me a little.

I agree that that shotgun needs a little more power. Either that, or it needs more than 6 ammo slots. I always end up dying because I'll waste my ammo trying to take someone (or two) out at medium range, and then die when I start reloading from an SMG burst.
i like the magnum as is, since with only 6 shots its fairly hard to nail someone twice with it

I think of it akin to the q3 railgun. High power, deadshot accuracy, long pause between shots, but if your aim sucks you are t3h d34d

I was just playng in the nova prospekt level with the weapons not respawning glitch and i learned a valuable lesson. The mp7 ownz

Fill that sucker up with the mysterious grenades that seem to come out of nowhere on the gun and all you need to do is pop a nade at someone and unleash a few bullets to finish them off. Maybe 2 nades if they filled up on battery power
I never got the chance to try the magnum, but the shotgun was fun so was the grav gun. I think that the levels ae a little crowded in that there is too much crap to be thrown around. This, I think caused either my frame rate, or my ping to go awful, the game was very choppy, fun but choppy. The basic pdw gun takes too long to kill with and the grav gun might be a bit over powered. Perhaps they could add a battery drain for the grav gun in mp to balance it out.
I love the 357, i wouldnt change it a bit. And about the maps having too much junk all over the can never have too much IMO :)
Hmm, I seemed to be able to kill people in 1 body shot with the magnum. Need to play more to verify that though.

As for the magnum -needing- to be overpowered to stop the RPG camping - that is a map problem - the map needs to be changed.

In any other level, the magnum would be too powerful.

IMO they need to drastically reduce the number of objects around or stop everyone from spawning with the manipulator (or, as someone said above, tie it to aux power).

I'd really like to see some maps converted from HL1 - gasworks, crossfire2 and that massive (32 player) military base one.
They also need to add the crowbar, and make shotgun and the sub-mchine gun more powerful, cause so far it takes like 3-4 shotgun shots to kill someone, not to mention a whole clip and a half of the su-machine gun to kill anyone, yet Magnum is like an AWP, one shot no matter where and you are done.
The thing is is that it has like 6 shots. You have to hit or its like "****! I MISSED!" But the MP7 is WAY to weak. I have to use an entire clip to kill on eguy, lame.
It should be like HL1 MP - you start with the crowbar and pistol, all other weapons must be found.

Be much better that way - wouldn't have people spamming objects all over the place.
magnum is too powerful, but is inaccurate when strafing and jumping...
The magnum is pretty realistic. It's that strong in HL2 because it's a goddam cannon in real life.

I've seen pics of animals that were hunted with a .357 and it's pretty f'n sick....seriously, that thing will blow your head clean off from a rather measurable distance and can put a hole in you the size of a softball.

Maybe it's a bit much for the context of deathmatch, but it's only a true measure of its realism. That gun is absolutly brutal....the bullets are like the size of a average sized human thumb.
I would agree that that the 357 is realistc, I've shot a real one.

But this is deathmatch :p

I would make it 1 hit kill for headshots, but only like 70 damage for anywhere else.

The other weapons are fine :)
magnum is just right
takes skill to kill in one shot with a slow rate of fire
as for the smg, i do agree it is a little weak
I love using the magnum. I do better on Overwatch than on Lockdown because the gun's easy to access, and there's lots of wide open areas. Plus plenty of high spots to snipe from. I love playing "King of the Hill" with that thing from the top of the debris pile in the corner. Once I held it for almost two minutes before getting sniped by a crossbow.

Is it overpowered? Maybe. But it's growing on me.
I still can't find the magnum in Overwatch, I must be retarded.

The shotgun definitly needs to be fixed, it's wayyy too weak, one double-blast to the head from 5-10 feet away should be enough to kill. Instead you have to touch the person with the barrell to take him down.

And I kinda miss having Xbow clips, gonna take some time to get used to the new one. And to the person who said the Quickbow in HL1 was done by pressing two buttons really quickly, no, you're wrong. It's an alias you bind to a key. One button does a zoom and a shot in about half a second, if you hold it down it shoots out the whole clip in succession. It's popular in AGMod and only considered a cheat by, well, half the people playing.

HL2's bow seems to have the same bullet speed in zoomed mode as it does in regular mode, which would make a quickbow alias nowhere near as effective.

And for god's sake, make it so we can run for longer than 4 seconds. Feels like I'm playing Halo.
the mag might need a little toneing down.. but not much. its slow rate of fire and small "clip" help balance it out. :thumbs:
The 357 will be toned down as it is way to strong. You have to be extremely stupid to not agree on this. One shot any where is a instant kill and no it doesnt take skill to use the 357. I found all the other weapons pretty well balanced. The MP7 is good enough, if you have to use a whole clip to kill someone that just means you suck at aiming. If the gun was any stronger it wouldnt be fair. Only one thing upset me, where the hell is the crowbar?
Flyingdebris said:
Fill that sucker up with the mysterious grenades that seem to come out of nowhere on the gun and all you need to do is pop a nade at someone and unleash a few bullets to finish them off. Maybe 2 nades if they filled up on battery power

The 'nades lie on the floor they're kinda hard to spot with the naked eye while avoiding getting barreled since they are grey with a small yellow bandenna (sp?vc?)
I hate the nades, Happened me so often that I wanted to grav something and I accedentaly pick up a red beeping nade and BAM, in my face.
The magnum is way too powerful - it's more deadly than the shotgun up close, better than the crossbow at a distance, and better than all the weapons at medium range.

It's the awp of HL2DM ....... except it's easier to use and more deadly.

Maybe keep the accuracy and reduce the power? (headshots only for one shot kills)