Magnum .357 too strong? Levels too "littered"?

the magnum just reloads and shoots again too fast... like in 007, the magnum can pretty much be a one shot kill (or do a lot of damage), but it needs to have an incredibly slow reload rate, that way if you miss a shot, people can rush you with confidence before you get a chance to get that 2nd shot off
It should be like HL1 MP - you start with the crowbar and pistol
Yes. It is actually too easy to kill people when you start with the smg, in hl1dm you generally had to find some other weapon or try to take someone with the crowbar.
Audiophile said:
yeah it will be nerfed like hell, I killed like 8 people in a row with it

Thats a bad thing? It is deathmatch you know. Also people are complaining about sprint but I think its a good addition. Its one of the only games I actually like using sprint. Imo its pritty perfect, its hard not to get a deathmatch game correct because it really doesn't matter at the end of the day. Like someone already said, its not CS.
I agree the .357 is overpowered, slower rate of fire or less damage per shot (70 perhaps? except headshots) would be perfect.

I also think you should start with the crowbar and pistol only, when everyone starts with the SMG you just get a lot of spamming everywhere.
got to agree with about the magnum definatley the AWP of HL2.

Especially if you do this:
1.find a hidy hole
2.Push suit zoom
3.push primary fire (obviously is doesn't shoot)
4.locate victim at other end of map
5.just tap the suit zoom once (lift up and press again)
the gun fires and you hardly zoom out. and victim dead. Once you get used to it, it makes a good replacement for a sniper rifle and as such is really cheap.
U all just get pwned by the magnum, thats why you are all whining so much. It has few shots, adn is slow. If it had 75 damage it would suck. Its hard to use sometimes, and you HAVE to hit or a bullet is wasted, stop complaining.
The point is, someone with reasonable aim and a .357 will always have a major advantage over those using pistols, machine guns, and shotguns.
subtlesnake said:
The point is, someone with reasonable aim and a .357 will always have a major advantage over those using pistols, machine guns, and shotguns.

but not over someone holding a giant file cabinet and sprinting at them.
Prodigal Monkey said:
Yes. It is actually too easy to kill people when you start with the smg, in hl1dm you generally had to find some other weapon or try to take someone with the crowbar.
I agree, in hl1dm your first objective was to find something worth shooting with, then killing people. Yes, sometimes you got spawnfragged this way, but it made it more interesting than it is now.
I also miss the tripmines, wich I consider to be the most brillant thing of hl1dm.
AGENT 15 said:
the MP7 is WAY to weak. I have to use an entire clip to kill on eguy, lame.
1: wip it out and sprint up to a guy
2: shoot full auto RIGHT AT HIS HEAD
3: wait two or three seconds
4: watch him fall to the ground

mp7's fine...

As for the .357, I aso think it needs to be nerfed a little. 70-80 damage is ideal. That way, insta-spawn killing with it would be impossible, but it would still kill 70% with one hit (since it's almost impossible to stay around 100 health for more than 3 seconds in HL2mp) Of course, the magnum will still be an awsome gun, especially if it's used in combo with a pistol or submachine gun. Just shoot 'em once with the magnum, then pop off a few rounds witht the usp and their gone!

And the shotgun definately needs more power. It takes a full clip just to take someone out at medium range. It should be just like the old shotgun, one double-blast and their in peices!

That, and they gotta implement vehicles, the crowbar, and CTF. :p
is it just me or are the grenades on the MP5 (or whatever u call it :p ) a little weak? i swear i threw one of those right at a player but he didn't die.. and ended up capping me instead :(
I agree that the Magnum is a little overpowered, but not essentially needed to be toned down. So many people use the Grav Gun with Radiators and toilets that something has to take 'em down easily.

As for everything else:

The Shotgun is a bit weak; as I would expect a double shot to pretty much kill someone at close range. The MP7 is fine like Teta_Bonita said, even the Pistol can be a deadly weapon if used properly. :)

I have to say that my favourite weapon is the Crossbow overall.
but not over someone holding a giant file cabinet and sprinting at them.

Precisely. I'm almost certain this is why Valve made the gun so powerful--to give people yet another good reason to use the grav gun, making it an essential part of the gameplay dynamic.

As if people need motivation to use the grav gun. :LOL:

The Shotgun is a bit weak; as I would expect a double shot to pretty much kill someone at close range.

Agreed. The shotgun needs to be badass.