Mailbag Feature Now Open!

Postage costs are expensive ladies...gah wait for it!
Ye, might as well announce the results. Maybe when you reveal the prize and everyone all go 'oh wow wish I entered' then next time you will get more entrents. But close it now pleease, I want to see if I won and I wanna know what the prize is.
Whoo writing competition, I've sent mine. I really should be doing home work though. Hehe!
i'll ask again, can someone please keep entrants informed what the frig is going on. this is pretty disrespectful to those people who have been waiting over a week, not to mention casting an unprofessional light on the site staff themselves, which i know the vast majority of them dont deserve.
Well for now, i'm sure the competition has been extended slightly to allow more entries and sort some other problems, but a definative time would be nice.

(Good to see your taking a keen interest in this community DVS, your contribution here, consists of just going for the prizes? Much obliged :) )
Hectic Glenn said:
(Good to see your taking a keen interest in this community DVS, your contribution here, consists of just going for the prizes? Much obliged :) )

^Ben said:
/me slips £5 under table ... and 2 gummy bears.

Wait - better make that 3.

/me looks at his single gummy bear and two buttons.

Gummy bears! My yacht is no match for them D:
Damn you! :frown:
apparently it takes 3 days (and counting) to "pick the winners". organise yourselves people, you're coming across like a two-bit operation bunch of headless chickens. since this mailbag feature began, HLFallout has held a far more complex competition involving fan-art, with (probably) better prizes on offer and subsequently announced the winners. and you're still faffing about over a handful of letters. sort it out.
So go and fellate hlfallout.

I can't say I actually know what's going because I'm busy with other things and it isn't on the staff forum, but, actually, you don't know what the prize is, so shut up.

That said, I myself can't work out why it's taking so long. o_O
Sulkdodds said:
So go and fellate hlfallout.

oh, please, don't be so immature. if I wanted that kind of sophistication in a response, I'd be browsing right about now. especially from staff - you should know better. although judging by your sig, maybe some maturity is asking too much.

anyway, my point was simply (and clearly) that if another fansite is able to hold and judge a more complex competition in less time, has no excuse to be taking so long fannying about over a few letters. don't take it so damn personally, just accept the justified criticism and ask whoever's responsible for judging this competition to once and for all get their arses in gear.
Samon is reading all the entries now, theres quite a few, and it takes longer because he's dyslexic. Don't worry mate, we'll wait for you, even if these angry invaders don't. :hmph:
You have to admit you do come off a bit harsh. So maybe another fansite is faster about a competiton, big deal!

btw welcome to the community
DVS82 said:
oh, please, don't be so immature. if I wanted that kind of sophistication in a response, I'd be browsing right about now. especially from staff - you should know better. although judging by your sig, maybe i'm expecting too much.

anyway, my point was simply (and clearly) that if another fansite is able to hold and judge a more complex competition in less time, has no excuse to be taking so long fannying about over a few letters. don't take it so damn personally, just accept the justified criticism and ask whoever's responsible for judging this competition to once and for all get their arses in gear.
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Ooh, touche.

Maybe if you weren't so hostile in your tone I would have been less of a twat? Who knows. Your criticisms are valid, but you making baseless assertions as to prizes and spitting in such a harsh way isn't helping your cause - it's making you look like a troll rather than someone who's actually offering opinion. Neither is the fact that we're running on a skeleton crew here. And the fact that you only picked out the unsophisticated part of my post. I have no earthly idea why it's taking so long - I was neither involved in nor told about the process.

Except now I've been told to help. But apparently I've been given no way to log into whatever the hell I'm supposed to use.

I'm not going to claim that we're actually any good, of course. And certainly, even if you were a troll, your concerns weigh very heavily in my mind. I just don't acknowledge it in text, because that would make me seem less arrogant, and we couldn't have that.

As for me, I've only just got my computer working well enough to run any HL2-based products, and just finished my AS exams, so hopefully I'll be doing a bit more around here.
as i've already said before, but some people clearly have no desire to comprehend, i'm perfectly happy waiting. i don't mind if the deadline's in 2 hours or 2 weeks so LONG AS SOMEONE ACTUALLY KEEPS US INFORMED AND DOESN'T KEEP IT ON THE QT LIKE IT'S A STATE SECRET THEY'RE GUARDING. it's disrespectful to tell your readers one thing and then leave them hanging when it doesn't happen. be up-front, whatever the case may be, and i'll respect you. mess people about, and i won't.

and glenn, i don't care much for your tone. me being a new poster (or "invader") does not undervalue my opinion here anymore than if i had 20 000 posts. how much i post here is not indicative of how often i browse the site.

just to clarify, i'm not mad at anyone here and would have no right to be anyway. it's not like you're paid. my point is simply call a spade a spade. if it's gonna be another month, say. if it's gonna be a year, say. if it's never gonna happen, say. whichever way, i'm satisfied by your honesty. it's the "results will be announced imminently" and then saying nothing for days on end that irks me. i just find it disrespectful. again, i'm not having a go at anyone, just trying to explain a point here.

edit: that post was in response to hectic. sulkdodds, your explanation is perfectly satisfactory as far as i'm concerned. do you have any estimation as to when results may have been decided though? and thanks for the welcome kyo - appreciated.
Capslock is your enemy stay away from it. I think sulky explained the situation rather well and from the sounds even he doesn't know what the hecks going on.

/edit what edit?
fair enough sulks - and i appreciate your honesty.

for what it's worth, i hope no offense was caused. certainly none was to me anyway. i think i could do with a cup of tea right about now.
Well now you've dragged up a previous comment, which was nothing to do with the matter at hand. I think it seems to be perfectly indicative, because you clearly don't know how to get your point across without acting in a troll-like fashion. I'm sure we'll get an answer soon, but it has taken some time. I do agree with not being informed being poor management. :rolleyes:
Meh, leave it out Glenn, his intention was clearly reasonable.

And no, no offence really - in fact, harsh criticism is all the better for kicking people into action.
Hectic Glenn said:
Well now you've dragged up a previous comment, which was nothing to do with the matter at hand. I think it seems to be perfectly indicative, because you clearly don't know how to get your point across without acting in a troll-like fashion. I'm sure we'll get an answer soon, but it has taken some time. I do agree with not being informed being poor management. :rolleyes:

right, well i'm not even going to ask you to explain how i was being "troll-like" since you obviously made that comment in retaliation to me trying to explain to you that post-counts, or the time someone spends on a forum, does not affect the validity of their opinions. you called me an "invader" as if to downplay my criticisms as being the ramblings of a "new member", and on the previous page, made some other smart-arse comment about me only coming along here in the interests of winning the competition. again, just because i don't post here, does not mean i'm not a reader of this site - a site i happen to respect for the record, and enjoy moreso than hlfallout (which i also enjoy). sometimes, y'know, it's better not to talk unless you have something to say. a valuable life lesson that, by the way, not just applicable to games forums.

anyway, i'm done talking about this. sulks has explained the situation perfectly reasonably, as best he currently knows it, and i'm happy that at least as a whole knows for next time to be a bit more organised with their deadline management.