make dial-up faster?????

get sp2
put your security up to high
turn off cookies
turn off pop-ups
Lemonking said:
Cerritos right next to La Palma my dad called the phone company they said that there is no DSl available.

There has to be. It isn't a rural place, around here there are a wide range of broadband companies, in this area DSL has been spreaded out already. A lot of my friends have broadband in Cerritos. Tell your dad to call up a broadband provider ratherthan your phone company.

Give me your zip code, i'll find out.
Lemonking said:
oh I just moved so I dont know...but I think its 90672 go here and fill in your address,phone number, zip code etc etc... it'll check if DSL or Cable is availale in your area. There's plenty more providers... like Roadrunner, Comcast, Charter...
Lemonking said:
.....I dont know my adress :(

Well, if you're looking for good broadband, just browse around for good ISP's in the area, I don't want to tell you anything you might not like, but i'm with Earthlink.. i've got DSL, I hate it because it's waaay slower than Cable. DSL is at 3mb while cable is at a whopping 5mb regular value, but with premium you get up to 8mb... crazy shit!
omg that sounds great in Germany I had DSL1mb that already was fast as hell
The fastest connection available here is 25MB/s only >.<

Anyway the good thing about living in a city is that you never worry about not having access to anything :)
Sorry, there is absolutely no way to speed up a dial-up connection. Belive me, I had dial-up for 5+ years, I tried everything from compression tools to putting extra code into the modem. It's futile my friend. Your only hope is to see if there are any wireless providers in your area until you get cable.
yea ive had cable for like 4 years now, i hated dial up with a passion. My heart goes out to you.