Make shell casings stay forever?


May 18, 2003
Reaction score
Is there anyway to make shell casings not disspear and stay until the round ends?
redneck24 said:
i erno.....are they even that important?
Well, you could tell where a firefight had happened, if the dead bodies were not a obvious clue.

As for the question, I don't know exactly what the answer would be. :x
i want to know why they have the shell casings going out the left side on a right handed shooter. they burn
there is a command on this forum somewhere it is like "sv_decals" or something (not correct command).
DarkCanuck said:
i want to know why they have the shell casings going out the left side on a right handed shooter. they burn

Well, casings exit the right side of the gun, you put it in your left hand that dosnet change... Nurr
redneck24 said:
Well, casings exit the right side of the gun, you put it in your left hand that dosnet change... Nurr

Keep in mind there are a few oddball designs. But regardless, it won't touch you unless you're like bare-chested, running kamikazi style.
The wrong shellcase expulsion is simply because it looks cooler, as said by Valve.
Coulda just made him left-handed...

Regardless, I don't recommend it. HL2 is a memory hog enough as it is...
The CS team originally made CS left handed only in early betas. Then later as more newbies began to complain about wanting right handed models they just mirrored them making the ejections appear on the left side of the gun, originally when it was left sided the ejection ports were all right. But the CS team was too lazy to simply flip the gun on the mirror so...
I once saw a shell floating in mid air, it looked pretty funny. :D
:naughty: Yeah shell casings staing forever would be cool. But, probably should be implemented in the future. If a guy were to shoot around for fun, you can use it to find him. It'd be cool if you could see people's shell casins coming out too. So, like if a person is shooting, but is totally out of sight, you could like see his shells coming out.
DarkCanuck said:
i want to know why they have the shell casings going out the left side on a right handed shooter. they burn
Because the modelers are lazy bums who just mirrors the left hand model... or something.. crappy as hell anyhow.

Edit: ah... someone already said that
ailevation said:
It'd be cool if you could see people's shell casins coming out too. So, like if a person is shooting, but is totally out of sight, you could like see his shells coming out.
If he was totally out of site, how the hell would you see some tiny shell casings?