makers of Matrix sued

Great deductions MilkMan12. :D

You are the vioce of reason. I don't belive this Matrix case at all, and your points have greatly validated my stance on this issue. Well done.
I don't know what to believe. Do you guys believe that's air you're breathing? Hmm..
I'm sorry, but if it was truly legitimate, they would have provided us with the name of the court case.
exactly, like i said before court cases are pretty public, and the records are also available to the public. Its fake, im now 100% sure
Why haven't we heard anything from the Wachowskis or Time Warner denying it then?
When have we heard from the Wachowskis on anything?
As for Time Warner, I'd guess they wouldn't want to draw attention to this either way. On one side its bad publicity, on the other its just giving some fool more attention.
I still can't find her "script". I am assuming this is false until proven true.

edit: and my post count has a cool number.