Making a Gordon Freeman Costume for Halloween.


Not everyone here is mature......

there is poeple here ranging between 12-25>.
Yeah, and I'm one of them, but I keep a mature stance on things. I'm not even 18 yet.
omg u mean there are people OLDER than 25 here :D.
I'm taking my 2 year old nephew trick or treating, does that make me a bad man?
Hehe! Have fun everyone... I personally don't like Halloween, simply becuase well, it's not a tradition of mine... anyway... EvilEwok, leave them alone. Cease being really annoying. Think of this as a warning.
Originally posted by G0rgon
there is poeple here ranging between 12-25>.

I'm 26, and I'm pretty sure there's a couple in their thirties on here

and i think halloween is great
Age doesnt matter, its maturity level.
.. that has nothing to do with the arguement though.

"Judge not, lest ye be judged"
nuff said.

let them enjoy their lives.. if they like trick or treating, let them.
theres no reason to come into an "online forum" and try and exert some warped sense of maturity, one in which it is your sole duty to dole out judgement on other people's characters.

remember this one thing

"In life, there will always be people better than you, and there will always be people worse than you."

its what you personaly strive to become that carves your character in stone.

personaly Haloween and trick or treating, "isnt my thing" then again It never was... since I grew up in south africa, a country where (even if we did celebrate haloween) it was too dangerous to leave your doors unlocked let alone walk the streets going from one house to another.
However I would love to see what you come up with as your costume, as Im interested in your creativity, I wish you luck, and hope you have fun.
Originally posted by bamdth47
omg u mean there are people OLDER than 25 here :D.
I'm taking my 2 year old nephew trick or treating, does that make me a bad man?

Aknot is 38. Probably our oldest member, or one of them.

Anyway; I want this thread back on topic, and I want the debate to stop. Everytime someone says something, civil or not, EvilEwok seems to take it personally. I really don't want to close this thread. But if it shortens halts the life of this arguement, then so be it.
Only underaged kids say things like "that's soooo childish" and such quotes.
Personally I've always wanted to do a full Hellraiser costume. That would scare the CRAP out of Not that i would actually wear that out.....prolly just to the bar. Anybody have ANY good halloween costume pics?......or wait, would that be off-topic?
Originally posted by Bleeder
Personally I've always wanted to do a full Hellraiser costume. That would scare the CRAP out of Not that i would actually wear that out.....prolly just to the bar. Anybody have ANY good halloween costume pics?......or wait, would that be off-topic?

No, that's perfectly fine. I think it would help, more than hurt. After all; This thread was about Halloween costumes...
pretty much anything CLive Barker is cool, love his work.. then again Im pretty much in fan mode.

Im currently re-playing Clive Barker's Undying (one of the best single player games of all time **IMO**)
if you havent checked it out before I whole-heartedly recommend it.
copy and pasted from my other post in another part of the forum
Clive Barker's Undying.
its a horror game, and Im currently playing it through again (just for old times sake), if you havent played it, I HIGHLY recommend it, even if you have played it.. give it another chance with your high end hardware (1280x1024 6xAA 16xAF full gfx) its great (well I had a shitty rig when I played it through so its a whole new game to me now)


Yeah, Undying was a good game, it actually scared me a few was just on gamespys most underrated games of all time thing a while ago, and for good reason. I think the only thing in that whole game i didn't like was clive barkers voice over.....can't remember which character he was now, i just remember thinking he shoulda let a pro voice actor do it. And.....uh,....oh....right...the topic, i like halloween costumes, lol. sometimes i ramble.
Clive did the Voice of Ambrose.

I thought it suited the character actually.
I only found out afterwards he had done the voice for Ambrose.. I found out because it was my fave voice... well besides good ol Aaron of course.

Aaron: (one of my fave lines)
"I couldnt scream of course, but I could feel.. oh yes I could feel.. I can still feel them gnawing... uhnn tittering"


(clive as ambrose sound clips)
2 pretty kick-ass Hellraiser costumes.


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As a sidetrack to this thread, has anyone ever gone to work the day following Halloween still wearing makeup?

I did it last year, went in one one eye covered in eyeliner (clockwork orange droog), I don't think that my employer was that impressed.
LOL no, i haven't, but i think maybe i should get all dressed up for work on saturday, and pretend i just got the days mixed up.
I was gonna be Golum this year, for a party, not for trick-or-treat. Not that I'm a huge LOTR fan or anything, I just thought it would be hilarious to walk around with a bald cap with some grey hairs, loin cloth, and grey body paint all over my body. Not to mention I do a great Golum voice. Problem is I couldn't find any grey body paint, but I already had the bald cap and found plenty of flesh colored body paint. So I decided to go as an aborted fetus, complete with umbilical cord, blood, and underdeveloped webbed hands. This is gonna be the greatest Halloween ever!
im wearing the most rediculous purple cloak thing and a purple cape with a mcdonalds baseball cap! then im getting hyper-fuxxored at the costume party
*dons white scientific styley jacket*

*defrosts chicken*

*sprays chicken with tomato sauce*

*thrusts chicken on head (ooo er)*

*sits down in corner of room*

WOLLA im a scientist with a headcrab on my head.....squint a bit.....and it could look like it.....:o
Most of you posting anti-halloween comments must be about 16. Because anyone over 21 knows how fun it is to get dressed up in a half-assed costume, go to the bar or party with a bunch of people and make a total and complete ass of yourself. Plus, since it's halloween, you actually get away with most of it!
i got a gas mask, and a lab coat. heck if i know what im suppost to be. but i think it looks pretty cool! :P
Originally posted by chu
I have to much self esteem to dress up as a PC game character.

Sounds like you need edumacation in spelling and a review of what self esteem is. If you had enough you wouldn't care what anyone else thinks, as I do, I like it so I wear it. It's actually coming out quite good. I'll get a picture soon.
I will SMACK DOWN anyone who thinks age has anything to do with being mature. You obviously have a one tracked stubborn mind if you think you can judge people like that. Thats prejudice! and an evil seed of hate that makes stupid people who are not open minded judge people by false characteristics!
This was by far the most mind-numbing thread I've ever read. Between EvilEwok's contradictory ramblings about childhood (obviously masking some very apparent insecurities considering he's frequenting a gaming forum) and that staffer's misplaced commas, plus frequent threats regarding his modding abilities, I'm spent.

I'm going trick-or-treating as a pirate with some friends, and then egging the houses. Perhaps afterward I am going to go to a party on the other side of town. I am 17. Don't judge, fo shizzle; and I won't judge you.
Dammit i take a nap for a few hours and i completely get left behind by this runaway thread.

Okay here's the lowdown

For those newbies who are uninformed or those that didn't read that combine suit thread a while back, i am going dressed up as a combine soldier guy in black. My avatar is a piccy of my mask.

I have been tinkering with th idea of an hev suit and have come to the following conclusions

A. it would require a lot of sheet metal, some heavy fabrics, and a lot of work

B. It could cost anywhere from 80 bucks to 200 depending on quality and place of materials purchase

C. It would take a long time if you not planned thoroughly

Back to my costume, I don't think i'm gonna trick or treat today, m0ost likely i will wander around in my costume or go to parties.

Oooh new development: I have added a pair of blue keychain lights to the insides of the combine gasmask, now i have a cool blue glow, also i plan on fitting a glowstick in there for more glowyness. its gonna scrunch my nose and be uncomfotable as hell but its gonna be worth it.

Normally i was of the frame of thought that dressing up was for halloween only, and even then i never planned my costumes much. Until i went to college and encoutered some girls who enjoyed to dress up as anime characters. Interested, i decided to have them teach me some costume making skillzilaz and since then i have enjoyed dressing up all crazy like when the situation demands it.

So far i have dressed as tetsuo from the movie Akira, metal arm and cape=cool

I have made up my own costume for a school project that involved a pair of massive arms that reached the floor (think silent hill 3) a big shouldered chest piece, and a paintball mask made to look like a gasmask

then there is this costume, the combine 1
Originally posted by GhostValkyrie

BTW: Do you think it's childish, and immature, that I've decided to sacrifice my freedoms to protect the freedoms of others?
I'm quite sure you know little about I, or any of these other forum members. This thread was about something enjoyable; If you continue to spew personal rhetoric, as fact, I'll have to do something. I don't want to be a jerk, but this is the kind of thing that bends these forums, out of shape.

Chode, don't poke fun at the Bible, or anyone's religion...not only is it wrong, but it can quickly turn this thread into a hotbed, for hostile debate.

I've let this drag on too far; The argument ends here. Sorry, but I'm afraid this will get out of hand, if I let it continue.

I think its childish and immature how you flaunt your decision like the people here should some how thank you. Two times in one thread you have brought that up. And you arent even part of the machine yet, It's not as easy as you'd like to think. So be ready. You decided to join the navy good for you. continuously bringing it up like you want us to approve and congratulate you is childish indeed. Like a kid who shows his new toy to everyone in the neighborhood hoping someone will envy him.

Then you tell people not to spew personal rhetoric and yet you push your christian beliefs on us by telling us not to poke fun at the bible. There is nothing wrong with having an intelligent debate albiet a persons religion is hardly my first choice for a topic. When did you become a mod anyway, Your whole demeanor has changed since. Just a heads up.
Ewok, shush, darling. Quite obviously I'm not going to actually go 'trick-or-treating' at seventeen years of age. It's funny because, well, here, let me spell out an equation:

being dressed like a pirate + roaming the streets + crashing a party = humor!

Dispense with your vapid accusations regarding forum members' a) intelligence or b) maturity. I have to laugh whenever I read your signature; stumbling upon people who barely have a grasp on the English language trying to be haughty is rather peculiar.
Originally posted by Eternity
This was by far the most mind-numbing thread I've ever read. Between EvilEwok's contradictory ramblings about childhood (obviously masking some very apparent insecurities considering he's frequenting a gaming forum) and that staffer's misplaced commas, plus frequent threats regarding his modding abilities, I'm spent.

I was thinking about that earlier today...I over-punctuate. Your point has been noted - problem solved. And I was only threatening because I DIDN'T want to close this thread. It was a perfectly fine thread, it no unsolvable problems, and I really wanted to salvage it. I think I'll be calling my former English's been awhile since I've talked to her.

Anyway; I didn't get to make the pumpkin.:o
I just got home, and am too damn tired for that.
Originally posted by DefaultUserName
People like EvilEwok are actually young boys who where *censored* by their priests. This gives them a very unique perspective on how entertaining certain things are.

I find this statement to be far more inappropiate than what Evilewok originally said.
Originally posted by EvilEwok
GASP! He quoted the bible! Chode, Ghost, REBUKE HIM!

I never rebuked anyone for qouting the Bible...not even you. I simply felt you had accidentally used it, as a weapon. I think one's heart can be in the right place by qouting the living word, but it can cause trouble. People get very hot over the Bible's relevance...especially in something as far from it as a game forum. He didn't use it in the same context. He wasn't using it to insult others. He WAS using it to stress a point; you shouldn't go around judging others.
As a Christian and person knowlegeable of the bible, I think this whole arguement about wether Halloween is childish or not is pointless. It's like saying that going out to watch fireworks on July 4th is childish, and that giving and receiving presants on Christmas is childish. If I want to celebrate a holiday, I have the right to do so and don't need somebody flaunting 1st Corinthians in my face. Just for the record, I'm 16, dressing up as Silent Bob, and walking around with some friends... not trick or treating. Even adults occasionally dress up and go to parties, it's not uncommon. Just remember, childishness is in the eye of the beholder, and some are more uptight than others.

I also believe that making a Freeman costume would rule to no other. Well, concidering that it's Halloween at about 6 here in Texas, if u haven't done so already, HURRY UP!!!
lol, i'm gonna go in about 30 min to walk around in my trench coat and my white felix the cat hat (silent bob is teh 1337)

Oh, i guess talking in 1337 is