Making Elevators



Im trying to make a simple elevator inside an office do i make it go from one floor to another floor and a button so wen u press it the door closes and it goes up..and im a complete n00b so a tutorial or a VMT file of it.

Also how would i do sliding doors on the elevator?

Havent try an elevetor yet, as for the sliding door, an easy way of doing is:

create you "door hole" never forget god kill a kitten everytime you carve :burp:
create a brush that will be your door
tie to entity door or rotatingdoor
set x y z and/or direction and/or hinge

Hope im not too "cryptic" :E
This tutorial should help you.

You can have the track points trigger other events, such as a "ping" sound when the elevator reaches/stops at that point. You can also use them to trigger the opening of your elevator doors.

Good luck.

Ok... It seems this forum replaces the url to "hl2world dot com" with ****** Any idea why? that site contains a lot of useful tutorials. Even if the owner/webmaster of this site has some type of issue with the owner/webmaster of the tutorial site, it seems counter productive to prevent linking to a site that contains many useful tutorials and a great deal of useful information.
Exavior said:
Ok... It seems this forum replaces the url to "hl2world dot com" with ****** Any idea why? that site contains a lot of useful tutorials. Even if the owner/webmaster of this site has some type of issue with the owner/webmaster of the tutorial site, it seems counter productive to prevent linking to a site that contains many useful tutorials and a great deal of useful information.

Once apon a time that site posted info about the stolen build.