Makng my own texture pack



How are custom textures distributed? Would it be best to make a texture pack that is distributed with my level? If this is how it works, how do i make my own texture pack? Thanks guys!

You can put custom textures directly into the map-file (bsp)... Or you can set up a res-fil for them... I myself import them into the map...
Just remember that a 512x512 texture is about 350Kb!

It's quite easy to import textures into maps when u know how to do it and you have the right tools... I'm at work right now, but try search the forums and you will find examples of how to import custom textures into your maps :)

SuperHebbe Look into the mapping section and then look for the "Embedding with bspzip".

If any of it is fuzzy you might have to, as I did, manually search your way to the directory via the command prompt (Start>Run...>cmd).