Male or Female teachers

Do you get along with male or female teachers

  • Male

    Votes: 18 25.0%
  • Female

    Votes: 6 8.3%
  • both

    Votes: 48 66.7%

  • Total voters


Jan 14, 2008
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So what kind of teachers do you get along with, or like.. male or female?

i dislike most my female teachers, they usually have a crack at me and the rest of the guys, but i get along good with the male teachers, they laugh along and make jokes to, my science teacher always try's to wreck me, its funny when he fails.

im in year 10..
9/10 of female teachers are sexist b*tches.

tell me about it, i wanted to ask my humanities teacher a question but she ignored me and said, im busy...all she was doing was writing some crap, i mean.. shes a teacher isn't she ment to multi task.
I prefer male teachers.

Most of my teachers growing up were female.

There's nothing wrong with female teachers, I just prefer male.

There's a greater chance they won't throw themselves all over me. But... you never know.
Wheres the neither option?

I have one teacher who i get along with who happens to be female, although i dislike my other teachers.
Both. I've mostly had teachers I can learn to play the game with and the other kind I've just avoided and vice versa.
One of my math teachers is entirely sarcastic throughout the entire class. Usually his jokes are pretty good so it's awwrightt!

as usual, i don't really care.

i don't understand people who don't get along with their teachers. i mean, what's the big deal? in high school i generally disliked people who deliberately acted like assholes towards the teachers. it's like they're not even trying to get along, making big deal out of nothing and basically annoying the teachers untill they get mad, and then complaining that the teachers are idiots who just yell for no reason.
Both, there's people that swing either way.

as usual, i don't really care.

i don't understand people who don't get along with their teachers. i mean, what's the big deal? in high school i generally disliked people who deliberately acted like assholes towards the teachers. it's like they're not even trying to get along, making big deal out of nothing and basically annoying the teachers untill they get mad, and then complaining that the teachers are idiots who just yell for no reason.

I nearly got into a fight with a kid for him doing this. He was acting like a complete smart ass to the teacher for the entirety of the classes. I suppose to impress his "goons" that were also in the class.
yeah i admit maybe there are asshole teachers too. they never single me out though so i guess that's why i don't have any trouble with teachers. and i'm immune to provocation.
Both. Most teachers are awesome and I get along with them fine.
Both, but a lot of my female teachers are bitches.
Both... given that they're the ones that give me my GPA so I have no choice but to get along with both. Granted, I get along with them just fine without this mindset, but I'll avoid confrontation if I know it'll get me on their bad side.
One of my female teachers is very sexy. And I get alone so well with her.
Yes, I stratify my experience of teachers according to what sex they are. That is definitely a valid and useful kind of categorisation for me.
Teachers are teachers. I had my fair share of good and crap ones from both camps.

Edit - What Sulk said.
Female teachers can be real bitches.

Then again, so can males.

I've had pretty much an equal distribution.
Ive never had a male teacher i didnt like. Ive had several female teachers ive hated.
Gender has nothing to do with how awesome a teacher is. I've had really fantastic and really horrible teachers both male and female.

The evil female ones are the worst though.
I have both male and female teachers I like, and male and female teachers I hate.
The evil female ones are the worst though.
I used to think this, until one of my classes had a female substitute teacher for a couple of weeks. She was pretty bitchy when you got on her bad side, but that wasn't the worst of it. She was married to the form dean, and he would drop in on our classes every couple of days. And that utter bitch would tell him about anyone who'd been giving her lip or misbehaving in the slightest, and he'd stand there in the back of the class just waiting for them to slip up. Then he was on them like a sack of hypothetical potatoes. Absolutely livid, screaming in their face, f*cking Full Metal Jacket styles. It SUCKED.

So yeah. Guys can be bigger bitches, they just need a reason.
Both. Depends more on their way of teaching, not their gender.
I can't remember what I liked in school. I think I enjoyed staring at the females ass, but the male teachers were just so much more friendly most cases.
I've always tended to like male teachers more.
I can't pick on gender over the other. Male teachers; Nothing out of the ordinary. Female teachers; I like more than male if they are young and cute :)
At uni the males are far superior. Female are not funny, and won't stop going on about feminism.

At hight school it was pretty much the same deal, although the real dickheads were men.
I got to wear my hot female teachers clothes in upper secondary school once, and it was her idea!

I'm so kinky.
If I had any hot lady teachers in the past I would say both, but I haven't. All the female teachers I have had have been sexist.

All the teachers like me, for some reason. Even the asshole teachers. It's interesting, really. I never 'brownnose' or suck up to the teachers, I just smile and be respectful.

Unfortunately that doesn;t seem to count with grades.
I like the hot female teachers, especially ones that teach human bio :naughty:

Fugly female teachers on the other

Male teachers yes, need a male figure to relate to
Gender is not an issue for me. As long as they are knowledgable with their cirriculum, I don't care. Young and purty female teachers is always a plus however. :naughty: