Mall Campaign Coming Soon

That's cool, hope it turns out good.

That video got me thinking about old zombie movies and what really scares me about zombies, and that's the abandonment, which makes coming across one zombie terrifying. And while I do enjoy L4D quite a bit, sometimes being super powerful, immune to the virus, and having super powered weapons sucks that fear out of me, which I miss.

I'd like to see a L4D mod of some sort that brings back the subtlety of that, while still making it challenging, and implementing some sort of other game play.
That's cool, hope it turns out good.

That video got me thinking about old zombie movies and what really scares me about zombies, and that's the abandonment, which makes coming across one zombie terrifying. And while I do enjoy L4D quite a bit, sometimes being super powerful, immune to the virus, and having super powered weapons sucks that fear out of me, which I miss.

I'd like to see a L4D mod of some sort that brings back the subtlety of that, while still making it challenging, and implementing some sort of other game play.

I agree. I'm more on edge wandering about in the ruins of City 17 and coming across one lone zombie in an empty apartment then I am an entire city full in L4D. Sometimes I feel that there are too many zombies, but what the hell, I'm playing to shoot the shit out of the dead and blow stuff up, so I can let it slide.

Map looks very cool. Impressive at how similar the locations look from the film, esp. the main entrance/fountain.
Needs the lighting turned way down for a L4D map.

It's a replica of the mall in DotD, so I think it's alright. I wouldn't mind occasional well-lit maps. The darkness in most maps does indeed add suspense, but I don't believe it's necessary for every map; it just happens to fit the four campaigns that have been released.
Yeah, looks like it's going to be pretty boring. I think it needs to be darker, and more 'zombie Apocalypse' looking. It's too clean.
I think maybe a more up to date look at the map will show the L4D atmosphere, whereas this video looks like it's just saying ''yeah, okay, here is my attempt at the mall - have a look around''

Or maybe not. The damned comments that pop up say the guy/team have done a lot of editing as since and will release a more up to date video soon.
I agree. I'm more on edge wandering about in the ruins of City 17 and coming across one lone zombie in an empty apartment then I am an entire city full in L4D. Sometimes I feel that there are too many zombies, but what the hell, I'm playing to shoot the shit out of the dead and blow stuff up, so I can let it slide.

Map looks very cool. Impressive at how similar the locations look from the film, esp. the main entrance/fountain.

I think they could create something fun while implementing a more subtle approach, but equally as challenging.

It would be nice if there was some sort of mod campaign created around maybe a group of 8 survivors.

There would initially be less ammo, less health, and less zombies. I think one of the scary things about zombie movies is having to stay far away from the zombies while only having a baseball bat, or a pistol with only 5 bullets.
As where Left 4 Dead the Survivors fearlessly walk up to an entire horde and hit them with their pistol with unlimited ammo.

It could start off the campaign with 8 survivors, some together, some at a hold out, having one survivor as immune, and one as infected, but no one knows who (until one of the survivors begins to turn, leaving it up to them to decide whether or not to tell the team)

Meanwhile it would require the survivors to branch off in smaller couples to do tasks such as barricading "this", or fixing "this" generator, gathering fuel, going after a lone survivor across the street in another building (meanwhile he may get infected) etc.

Meanwhile, this could have good potential for team betrayal in order for one's individual survival, or even ditching the team to try to find a working car, (but possibly finding yourself in a street full of the undead). Also as I mentioned earlier, having one unknown immune survivor, so should you immediately kill anyone who is bitten?

But eventually there would be a point where more infected come through your holdout.
While it looks neat, I have a feeling it would play like teh Airport Level, boring