Man, 15 days can't go by quick enough..

Have someone blugeon you in the head, put ya in a coma. Odds are you won't wake up 'till HL2 is out.
Duh, look at the last two charachters the guy has done.
craig said:
Duh, look at the last two charachters the guy has done.

Thinkin about getting that board you got, any good? Got a 3200+/2gb 400Ram.
I have same mobo and craigs right
it is the best socket-A mobo available, i sleep holding it to my bosom

Edit: in fact craigs seems to own MY FREAKIN COMPUTER :p the only difference is i have a 2800+ not 2500+, but i doubt that makes a big difference
This thread has gone horribly off topic!

EDIT: Wierd coincidence... but that's all that it is, a coincidence.
if only he were born a day earlier the conspiracy would be complete