Man can summon UFOs at will.

If this isn't a hoax, then he's on dangerous grounds. The US military will just attempt to shoot it down. If any kind of summoning does commence on 1st June, It should be done over Russian Soil

It looks like there is a whole site devoted to him
lePobz said:
Uh huh, and you've been talking to us from Uranus for a long long time.
LePowned :D

Nice story. Very weird. Can't wait for June 1st

EDIT: LMFAO!! :laugh:! said:
To see Prophet's live and pre-recorded UFO summonings, enter and purchase your $7.95 pass. If you've got a pass, don't login above in the News/Media area. Instead, go inside and click on the "Broadcasts" link to login and see the UFOs.
Bwahahahah! Scammar!
Actually he stated that we'll see more (atleast in Vegas) in the next 45 days starting June 1st. So it could be anywhere within that time period.
To see Prophet's live and pre-recorded UFO summonings, enter and purchase your $7.95 pass.

He's a scammer.
this "man" doesn't happen to be you shens, does it?
Gunner said:
To see Prophet's live and pre-recorded UFO summonings, enter and purchase your $7.95 pass.

He's a scammer.
Thanks for re-iterating my point there... :E
UFOs summoned at will? Normally I would consider this a hoax, but at this point I would like to remain open minded on the matter. It's too important to give up the opportunity.
My only reason to belive this guy is that i really hope there are ufos and aliens, and i hope ill one day be able to see them and be sure they are real and not just fake stuff :>
How frigging bored must all these Aliens be to hoover miles away when summoned? Couldn't they not come closer? What's the point of just flying around miles away?

Stupid aliens
Weird... his site says that he donates all his money to charity. He almost seems credible. I hope it starts a huge war. Earth vs Invaders. Knowing this administration it just might happen.
I think that there is life on other planets...I just hope to hell they aren't technollogically advanced enough to travel the billions of light years to get here, we would be screwed if they could.
Danimal said:
Pfft, of course we can summon UFO's. But first you need to go through the cell stage, then the water stage, then you gotta evolve your creature and run a city and wage war. Then, you are able to use a UFO.
<-- very awesome looking game

Well, we'll just have to wait until a UFO comes near Las Vegas :o

Click Here

Then, you'll be taken to the first page of a 3 part process in making your payment. After becoming a member, you will be allowed to login below to the Broadcast Area.


Enter the same username and password you registered with, when you paid to become a member, and click on the "Login" button. Then, you'll be taken to my Broadcasts page with links to all my UFO videos for you to view.

bs init!
I can summon the green giant by hitting my spoon against a "green giant product" and singing yo ho ho GReen giant :P
Fat Tony! said:
I can summon the green giant by hitting my spoon against a "green giant product" and singing yo ho ho GReen giant :P
I want video to back that up please.
There are lots of crazy, fat, black people; he's just one of them.

ray_MAN said:
There are lots of crazy, fat, black people; he's just one of them.

hmmm interesting point of view ray_MAN...?

(also alot of attention seeking whores out tonight)
Folks, go frame by frame at 2:58-3:00, and you'll notice that before the light moves somewhere, an outline appears.
I noticed some discrepencies at 2:30

I was more interested in the Doppler Radar story after tht one, but somebody cut it out

Well Only one day to go now
my dream is to be abducted by aliens , therefore being world famous.

where is our hero? :O

i wish :P
Well, its 12:45PM over here on the 1st June, do you think he will be able to conjure the UFO's, or will they be a no show?
I saw this on the Above Top Secret UFO forums the other day. Its interesting at first glance but your mind definitely tells you that there's more to it. Im leaning towards it being a hoax but I am willing to keep an open mind about it. Out of all the people that can summon UFO's and its this guy. This kind of guy doesn't help out the serious UFO community.

If you're on the fence about whether or not UFOs or extraterrestrials exist go to and research it for yourself. I'm almost done with the 600 page book (Disclosure) that has tons of military and corporate witness testimony. There's no doubt in my mind anymore that these things exist. Truly a phenomenal subject and I urge anyone with an open mind and some common sense to check it out. :)