Man decapitates woman at Virginia tech cafeteria


May 5, 2004
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damn that place is cursed.

A graduate student from China was decapitated with a kitchen knife in a campus cafe at Virginia Tech by another graduate student who knew her, police said Thursday.

Xin Yang, 22, was killed Wednesday night after arriving at the campus from Beijing on Jan. 8 to begin studying accounting, Virginia Tech Police Chief Wendell Flinchum said.

Her accused attacker, 25-year-old Haiyang Zhu of Ningbo, China, knew the victim but no motive for the slaying has been determined,

he wasnt using his head so he tried using hers instead

she was headed for trouble that night

she lost her head over the service

new school slogan:

Virginia Tech: Now only marginally safer than Iraq but we're working on it!
how do you go from having coffee with the girl to cutting her head off...

One serving of death pudding or dismemberment mousse.

But yeah, that's savage. What's the deal with the murderer always being asian too?
So I was discussing this in the chat a few hours ago, and I just wanted to say that you need to have some serious upper body strength if you're going to take off someone's head with a kitchen knife. I mean really, unless you're taking successive whacks at the neck until the head comes off, the way the story's written makes it sound like they were having coffee and then all of a sudden he lopped her head off in one swing.
But yeah, that's savage. What's the deal with the murderer always being asian too?

Angry Asian Man Syndrome

no really:


my former co-worker:



wannabe asian:

That's messed up, maybe they should stop admitting people from eastern asia.
Yeah, that'd be less messed up.
Now, now. We're getting ahead of ourselves here. We don't want to cut off a whole population from applying to the uni.
The piece alternates between saying she was stabbed and decapitated. So she was probably stabbed to death and then he worked on sawing her head off with the knife - bit like what happened to that guy in the bus attack a while ago. I rather doubt it was some kind of samurai showdown, with him making one giant swing at her then sheathing the knife and walking away, as her head slowly topples off.

/gives up working on a pun on decaffeinated
The bus and now this, talk about a double-header
That's messed up, maybe they should stop admitting people from eastern asia.

Heh. Heh.. Heh... wut?

Anyway, that interesting. How exactly do you lop off someone's head with a kitchen knife? I need to learn how to do that.
Heh. Heh.. Heh... wut?

Anyway, that interesting. How exactly do you lop off someone's head with a kitchen knife? I need to learn how to do that.

Asians have those big heads and skinny necks.

You could pop that noggin off with a pair of scissors.
Why do these kinds of stories always make headlines?

I don't know how they get past the cutting room floor.
She was the one named sailor moon

sailur mewn

she was the one named sailor moon!

aww shit, capsraped. In such a meaningful post too. :(
Man, what is it with these knife attacks? I'm stumped.
The officers who captured this man should be decollated.
Everybody's running around like headless chickens over this.
How does this even happen in the real world, man.

How do people stand by as someone removes someone's head. What.

**** you I don't have to pun.
Strange, he seemed like such a bright student. He was a head above anyone else in his class.
Hey, there's nothing wrong with being Asian.

Asian people shouldn't be making jokes about this. WHERE IS THE BURDEN OF GUILT, HUH? Hang your heads in shame.