just finished making this head... kinda my first go but i think its pretty good. the cople i had done before where really messy polly wise.. this has got bout 3000 pollys
its too square along the top, and the chin looks a little pointy. the nose, between ur eyes, theres a dip, between ur forehead and where ur nose begins to form. urs comes from above the eyes, but it lokks very good for first go...i cudnt do that.
hehe .... yea i have made the basic face shape and im just gunna keep trying to make the eyes, nose mouth.... i find the hardest thing is just keeping it neat
The biggest problem is in the anatomy. The mesh construction is pretty good, but it has some problems. With organic models, you should keep and eye on your edge flow. Watch your edge loops and use the loops to help the flow and form of the mesh.
Rather than trying to explain it in words, I'll just illustrate it.