man reawakens from 19 year coma

Would have been pretty funny to put pictures of fire and everything in ruins on all the windows.

Tell him he's one of the lucky ones
Found an updated pic of him


I lol'd.
I'm not even 19 years old. This guy has been sleeping for longer than I have been alive in this world. -___-
Me too.

That's got to be one heck of a way to wake up though! :p
He better not say anything about being tired ever again. :O

He's been asleep for as long as my car's been around!!! :p

I, also, give props to the wife. She is someone who you would want to keep around. She's the perfect example of a caring wife *even though I'm sure she slept around on him*. Forget the NES, we've got the 360 and PS3.

I wonder how much his doctor bills were D:
It's honestly quite amazing to experience something like that. he missed the entire 90's.
Glad he woke to better things in life than he had before, rather than waking up and being dissapointed and sad.

He's probably like "best morning ever!"