Man This has to be one of the longest drinking reccords of all time.

His what? Bet his liver isnt too happy thats for sure. What the heck is this website?
You can tell he's been drinking...just look at the expression on his face :D

I remember there was a guy from eastern europe who somehow, had consumed 17 times the amount of alcohol a person can have before they die. They took a blood sample which actually showed his blood/alcohol levels....crazy stuff. He must have just downed a load of strong drinks really fast or something. He survived as well.
wow thats a lot. and colon is a posh word for largel intestine.
lol this guy is great i think he will be my new idol!
Holy shit it it it it! he has been drunk over a year! omgwtf?
dood the 1st on was on

the last on

thats more than just a year.
Tell him to come back when he can beat Oliver Reeds 106 pints in a single session.... i the only one who can't get a page to display when i click that link? i want to see this drunkard and see what i should aspire to!