Man, Yuck!


May 20, 2003
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I had a tech support call that made my skin crawl! This old nasty dude was saving pics of porn and he couldnt figure out how to change *.bmp to *.jpg. :x maybe my job is not so great but at least I can clean my soul here on the HL2 forum.
Hes just gettin the most out of his HDD
Originally posted by impaqt
nothing wrong with porn.


I say, if the people want to do it, and are treated and paid fairly, then that's cool (acceptable).

If they are forced to do it or whatever, then that is not cool.

The fact that porn represents a very large part of the Internet is also not cool.

Personally, I think there are so much nicer things to do with one's time (like thenerdguy will most likely tell you :)).
I didnt say anything abou illegal porn did I?
Nope, sure didn't

I'm down with my urges :)
Probably why i stick to the animated sort. Don't kill me.
Fact: humans and every living thing on earth are put here to to **** and reproduce.

(this doesnt go for those certain animals that are A-Sexual or whatever its called, but actually it does, since technically they are ****ing themselves on the inside to have it occurr)
Originally posted by Shockwave
Fact: humans and every living thing on earth are put here to to **** and reproduce.

(this doesnt go for those certain animals that are A-Sexual or whatever its called, but actually it does, since technically they are ****ing themselves on the inside to have it occurr)

ouch... philosophically... you're so off par =/
Truth is no one knows why we're here. And if they do they're holdin out :(
I know why.......but noone wants to know and i cant tell people something they dont want to hear.....especially when not in person.

yes it does make a difference talking to people over the internet like this.
If there is a meaning to life at all then I agree with Shockwave.
But since all life probably was a fluke, then you can't really say that there is a meaning to it...